Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1608: Ten Thousand Soul Stones (Fifth Eruption)

Upon hearing this, Sister Xi said unwillingly: "Oh, what do you mean?"

"It's like this. I can't take out ten thousand soul stones now." At this moment, Guan Heng said very earnestly: "But can you count my credit first, I promise to get it soon These missing soulstones will make up for you. "

"I can't speak without a word!" Sister Bian popped these four words out of her mouth, but she turned the words and said, "But if you can use the 'equivalent goods' around you as a collateral, I can consider letting you Credit. "

"Equivalent ?! Sorry, except for the broken ring and a few soul stones, I don't have anything of value now, it can be said to be poor ..."

Guan Henggang said here, Sister Ji suddenly pointed at the swallowing beast and said, "You can mortgage this beast spirit to me. I just heard its roar in the shop and found that the power of this beast spirit is amazing. It Barely it is worth about 10,000 souls. "

"That wouldn't work!" Guan Heng immediately flatly refused: "Without the help of a swallowing beast, I can't even get a soul stone, so it can't be mortgaged to you."

"Let ’s do it, Guan Heng," said Cheng Ying Jianhun, thinking about it for a long time with his head crooked, "Just leave me at the sister's shop as a mortgage, can you see it?"

"You ?!" Guan Heng and sister-in-law looked at each other, and they asked at the same time: "What's the use of you to stay?"

"Cough, first--" Cheng Ying cleared her throat at this time and said, "Guan Heng's next journey is to travel back and forth between 'time and history'. My abilities are useless, so even if I don't follow him, It ’s okay, and my strength should be much better than swallowing ghosts, right? If I stay in my sister ’s shop, I can do a lot of things ... "

At that time, sister-in-law asked, "So, for example?" After hearing sister-in-law asking himself, Chengying quickly said, "I can be a buddy or bodyguard in your shop. Don't worry, I will never let sister-in-law You suffer. "

"So ... uh ..."

As a savvy businessman who knows the power of the soul, Sister of course knows that the power of Cheng Ying's sword soul is definitely not weak. She quickly thought for a moment and finally nodded, "Well, I promise to let the sword soul brother If you stay with me as a mortgage, I will give you two physical skins on credit, but Guan Heng must pay me ten thousand soul stones as soon as possible. "

Guan Heng saw that Sister Yun and Cheng Ying had already negotiated. Although he was a little bit reluctant, after all, it was important to prepare the body for Cheng Ying and Qing Huang's residual soul. This matter was urgent, even if he was reluctant to do it again.

At this time, Sister Ji said to Guan Heng and Cheng Ying: "Come with me to the inner room. I will separate the two souls that have been fused for you two, and then I will prepare the skin for the sword soul brother."


After a while, in the inner room of the sister-in-law's shop. Guan Heng and Cheng Ying's sword soul back to back, sitting slightly cross-legged in the circular array arranged by sister-in-law, saw sister-in-law saying something, and the two in the circle only felt trembling, then, An extremely powerful and sudden tearing force appeared on them, and under severe pain, Guan Heng and Cheng Ying made a miserable cry: "Uh ah--"

Speaking late, then quickly, sister-in-law suddenly exclaimed, "Soul of fusion, divide !!"

"Wow--" An extremely harsh noise suddenly sounded in the room, and Guan Heng and Cheng Ying's bodies suddenly crashed into the left and right walls.


"Oh!" Guan Heng just felt like his body was falling apart. He opened his eyes and screamed, "This‘ soul detachment technique ’is too intense. I ca n’t stand it, I ca n’t stand it!”

"Don't complain, I feel the connection with your spirit seems to have weakened." Cheng Ying shook her head at this moment and said, "Did we say ..."

"Yes, I've cast a spell to separate your two souls." At this time, sister-in-law laughed beside him: "Now you can choose a flesh skin for Guan Heng's fiancee's remnant soul and sword soul brother."

When Guan Heng heard this, he slightly nodded his head, "It's so good, then there is a sister-in-law."

"You don't have to be polite, come with me with Brother Soul Soul." Sister Xi said with a finger on Guan Heng, and led him and Cheng Ying out of the small door on the other side of the inner room. in the room.

This place is full of all kinds of crystal coffins. Inside are men, women, young and old, with different appearances, one by one, with lifelike limbs.

At this moment, my sister-in-law said, "Our Dai people are famous all over the world for shaping the bodies of various creatures, and all the skins in this room are my masterpieces. Sword soul brother, you can first Pick one. "

"Oh, thank you, sister." Cheng Ying said, turning around the crystal coffins a few times, then he pointed at one of them and said, "That's it."

The flesh skin chosen by Cheng Ying Jianhun is a more than ten-year-old boy with the correct facial features. He is no different from himself now. Sister Nod slowly nodded: "Well, I think it should be this flesh ,It fits you well."

Speaking of which, Sister Xi turned her head and said to Guan Heng, "It's your turn now, and quickly pick a flesh for your fiancee's remnant, but I have a word to remind you beforehand."

"Oh?" Guan Heng blinked and asked, "What is it?"

Sister Xi seriously said: "Your fiancee now has only a small amount of remnant soul fragments, so that the average adult skin is not suitable for her."

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng frowned slightly and asked, "How should I choose?"

"Well, if in my opinion, I should pick a child's skin. In this way, as the residual souls accumulate, the physical body can gradually grow and increase the strength of absorbing the aura."

After a pause, Sister-in-law also said, "And as the physical body grows, even if your fiance's remnant soul is not completely collected, there is a chance to restore consciousness. As long as this level is reached, her chance of resurrection will soar. "

After listening to her sister's words, Guan Heng's heart suddenly moved. He hurriedly asked, "You mean, even if Qing Huang's remnant soul is not fully collected, can he restore consciousness and communicate with me?"

"Well, that's right," Sister Jie said at this time, decisively: "This is the skin bag made by our Dai people, for the physical destruction or temporarily unable to use the physical soul, the benefits."

"Whew—what a great news!" Guan Heng was so excited that he didn't know what to say. At this moment, he was stumbling around in the same place, and kept saying "I didn't expect , I can talk to Qing Huang again so soon, this, this ... "

Before waiting for Guan Heng to be happy for a long time, Sister Ji interrupted him and said, "Hey, I said that if you want to regain the consciousness and communicate with you, you must hurry up and collect more pieces of residual souls Otherwise, the hope is slim. "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.16, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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