Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1609: Mysterious girl (first)

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!" Guan Heng said loudly at this time: "As long as the word hope exists, I will make every effort to touch it and hold it tight. I believe that in the near future, it can and must be done again. Communicate with Qing Huang. "

"Well, it's a good thing to be confident." At this moment, sister-in-law said, "Don't hold your back, and quickly pick a child's skin."

"Okay, I'll pick the most beautiful, flawless ..." Guan Heng murmured, talking to himself, and began to walk between the crystal coffins.

There are at least hundreds of flesh skin capsules in this room, and the child's flesh also accounts for nearly a third. Guan Heng walked and observed, but he was not satisfied with picking and picking.

Seeing his pickiness, sister-in-law was a little impatient. She exclaimed: "Guan Heng, it's almost enough, carefully pick your eyes, you can choose any one you like? We have other things to keep busy Then! "

"That's not okay. This is the skin for my wife. If it's too ugly or defective, Qing Huang will be angry."

Guan Heng replied as he walked towards the end of the left side of the room. The crystal coffin on this side was very few, only one bit, but it was very different, because the other coffins were transparent white crystal. Only this coffin was ... … A dark crystal coffin!

"Black crystal coffin ?! So strange ..." Just muttered, Guan Heng had already walked to the coffin. At this time, the sister-in-law who was not far behind Guan Heng suddenly changed his face, she immediately called: "Hey, that No !!!! "

But at this time, Guan Heng had already seen the physical appearance in the coffin. This is a little girl about five years old. She was born with a beautiful appearance. And everything looks so perfect.

The most surprising thing is that the little girl's skin exudes a strange atmosphere, if anything, that makes Heng Heng's heart throb, and she can't help but walk closer to take a closer look.

"Huh ... such a perfect flesh is really rare." At this moment, Guan Heng subconsciously stretched out his fingers, and then lightly brushed the girl's face. He murmured in his mouth: "You, willing to be Is my fiancee Qing Huang's temporary skin bag? If I can, I will take you now ... "

"No, no !!!" A sudden voice interrupted Guan Heng's words. It was the sister-in-law who ran over in three steps and two steps. At this time, the female boss said in a distressed voice: "Guan Heng This body cannot let you take it away. Sorry, you can pick another one. "

"Why? I just want her!" Guan Heng said, pointing to the little girl in the dark crystal coffin, and then said, "I think that even if I replaced it with Qing Huang, I would have the same opinion as me. "

"Oh, terrible, another silly boy was confused by the charming image of this" spirit body ". At this moment, sister-in-law Fu Fu could not help but sighed bitterly:" I know, I can't let you see this darkness Crystal coffin, it turned out to be one step too late! "

Sister Yun's voice didn't fall. She walked over and reached out and knocked off Guan Heng's head. "Stupid, please wake me up!"

"Ah!" Guan Heng hurried back two steps under the pain of his forehead. He reached out and covered his head and called, "Sister, why did you hit me?"

"Of course, I hit you to make you awake!" At this moment, sister-in-law yelled angrily: "Look at yourself, an adult, who drools at the corner of the skin of a teenager's skin. System? "

"Eh ?! Really?" Guan Heng hurriedly wiped his mouth with his sleeves, and he said, "There isn't anything at all, you are too exaggerated."

"Anyway, you are also deceived by this flirty beauty." After saying this, my sister-in-law continued to say: "First away from the dark crystal coffin, I'm really afraid that you can't help but I want to pounce. "

"It's strange to say that." At this time, Cheng Ying Sword Spirit walked over quickly, he said loudly, "Guan Heng, I think you are a bit wrong now, and you look obsessed. What is it? Anymore? "

"Eh ?!" Hearing Cheng Ying's words, Guan Heng realized his gaffe. Suddenly, Guan Heng suddenly had a layer of cold sweat on his back. He quickly took a few steps to the side and immediately Asked: "Sister Xi, what do you mean by" spiritual body "I don't understand?"

"Well, let me tell you the truth, this little child's physical body ... For me, it is a failed work!"

At this moment, my sister-in-law sighed and said, "When our Dai people shape each flesh skin, they will drop a little of their own blood on the skin to activate their spirituality, but I personally shaped This body is not the blood of its own, but the blood of the Qiangzu god, which was inadvertently obtained. "

Speaking of this, Sister Ji paused for a moment, then frowned and said, "I thought it was okay to just add a little blood of the ancestors, and it turned out to be very wrong."

Seeing that Guan Heng and Cheng Ying are both in a confused look, Sister Xi said, "After the shaping of this body skin capsule, it has a body that attracts spirits and a power of charm." All of them are extremely dangerous abilities. Now the dark crystal coffin is just a skin without a soul body, which can make people feel extremely infatuated. In case of being occupied by the soul body, the attractive force of this skin will inevitably soar. Times, that would be bad. "

"I can understand what this enchanting power means. It should be a state of obsession." Guan Heng asked at this time: "What is the interpretation of the" magic power "?"

Cheng Ying Sword Spirit also said, "Yeah, I want to know what this means."

"The so-called psychic power is ... whenever and wherever, this physical body will attract all kinds of forces to gather around. These forces may be demons, spirits or ghosts, or even unknown creatures. "

After hearing the two inquiries, sister-in-law rubbed his swollen forehead, and then whispered, "These guys will be attracted, not with any kind of friendly meaning. They are likely to intend to devour the spirit body. This will strengthen your body. "

"That is to say, the spirit-causing body is actually the same as the" cause-causing body "." Cheng Ying Sword Spirit said at this time: "Who would bring it around, wouldn't it be unlucky?"

"That's why I asked Guan Heng not to choose it!" At this moment, Sister Xun slightly shook her head and said, "I told you already, this is a failed work."

"But ..." Guan Heng glanced at the black crystal coffin, and murmured in his mouth: "This body is really perfect, perfect ..."

Just now, Guan Heng suddenly felt a disturbed restlessness coming from his heart.

—— [2016.8.17 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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