Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1611: Attracting souls (third)

Seeing the other person's solemn appearance, Guan Heng was also a slight jaw head. At the next moment, sister-in-law suddenly stretched out his index finger, and aura appeared suddenly on his fingertips. At this moment, sister-in-law murmured to himself: "The blood of the ancestors, the light of the Dais, open—"

"嗖 嗖 嗖 ——" In the twinkling of an eye, sister-in-law's flicking suddenly, the colorful light on that fingertip suddenly broke through the air, and in the light of a "snap", he walked in impartially. The black coffin girl's forehead, the pair of skin **** suddenly trembled slightly, and a tiny gap cracked open between her eyebrows!

"Guan Heng, it's now!" Sister Shuang snapped her palms together, and she shouted, "Put Qing Huang's residual soul into the crack of the girl's eyebrow!"

Hearing this, Guan Heng didn't dare to neglect, he immediately stroked his heart, and the fragment of the Qinghuang Remnant Soul immediately noticed, and rushed out in a sudden, aiming at the black coffin girl's eyebrow. Got in.

At this moment, Guan Heng asked silently: "Are you successful?"

"Stupid boy, it's still early." Sister Yun answered in a nasty manner, then swung her sleeves and struck a sharp wind in the middle of the crystal coffin cover. This cover suddenly flipped in the air, and immediately fell on the black coffin. Made a tight fit.

"嗖 嗖 嗖 -Papa!" Said slowly, at that time, Sister-in-law's hands flipped up and down to endlessly print, accompanied by a burst of empty shadows, one after another on the dark crystal coffin.

These methods are simple to say. In fact, it takes a lot of time to do it. After sister Hsiao hit hundreds of tactics in one breath, the action gradually slows down, and then she sits cross-legged slowly.

"For the first time, the skins of this psychedelic body have merged with the remnants of the soul, and the running-in time is long, at least one day and one night."

The sister-in-law sitting at the same place said: "You go out first. In the next time, I will protect the fusion of the black coffin girl and Qinghuang's residual soul. If it's okay, don't disturb me."

Guan Henghe received the fleshly shadow and looked at him, then said in unison: "Yes, let's go out first."


After a while, Guan Heng and Cheng Ying came to the main hall of sister-in-law's shop. "Hey, Soul Soul, follow this." A guy named "Evergreen" threw a dress to Chengying: "This is our boss's gift for you. I will be a buddy in the store in the future. The same costume. "

"Thank you, Evergreen." Cheng Ying now sees everything fresh. He took over the green man's robe, and covered himself with three strokes, five divisions, and two eliminations. At this time, Guan Heng said to Evergreen: "Brother, This is the first time we have come to Shanhai Street, or else we can walk around casually. "

Evergreen nodded with a smile: "No problem, my sister-in-law's boss was afraid that you would be bored, so I asked for company."

In this way, the three people talked and laughed and left the shop named “Dwelling House” and started to stroll around Shanhai Street.

Along the way, the sharp-eyed, rather talkative Evergreen told Guan Heng many things. It turned out that the strange space where Shanhai Street is located was opened up long ago by the guardians of the East Pole Universe with great magical powers.

At that time, this alien space was a ruin. It was only used to allow hostile races in certain space planes to have a place to sit down and negotiate. However, no one expected that under the evolution of countless years, this place gradually began to flourish. It has become a place where special items are traded in various worlds in the East Pole Universe.

The merchants and guests of Shanhai Street come here mainly through various spatial transmission channels. Everyone gets what they want, as long as they follow the principle of “Solving problems without force and trading together together” in Shanhai Street, so they can be safe. , All happy.

Although the unwritten rule of Shanhai Street is "Prohibit the use of force to solve problems", some small frictions cannot be avoided. For example, the conflict between Guan Heng and the strong man before, but that is just a small flame, naturally. Some veteran shop owners like Sister Xi came out to settle the dispute.

"If you don't say it, you don't know at all, the shop owners on Shanhai Street are actually mysterious and mysterious identities." Changrong said here, looked at the somewhat surprised Guan Heng and the film, and continued Said: "My boss is like ..."

Upon hearing this, Cheng Ying asked curiously: "Sister Xi ... Ah, no, what is the identity of our boss?"

Guan Heng also nodded at this time and said, "Well, to be honest, Cheng Ying and I have never known each other. She was willing to help us, which made us curious."

"Hahaha, that's because you don't understand the personality of the boss." Chang Rong said with a smile at this time: "Although the boss always puts things like" trading, clear price "in his mouth, it is actually the opposite, because she is It ’s kind to be too soft-hearted, and it ’s a lot of things happening to the boss.

Speaking of which, Evergreen paused slightly, and he patted Cheng Ying's shoulder gently and continued to say, "This may have something to do with the 'Nu Wa' from the boss. I heard she was the daughter of the Patriarch According to legend, in the plane world of the East Pole Universe, the Nu Wa tribe is one of the most kind races in the heart, and among their ethnic groups, there have been figures like the "God of Creation."

"Nuwa? Creation God?" When Guan Heng heard these two names, his eyebrows jumped slightly, so he secretly wrote down all these messages. At this time, Cheng Ying continued to ask with some curiosity: " Brother Evergreen and sister-in-law who are the daughters of that patriarch, why not enjoy a blessing in your own home and open a shop in Shanhai Street? "

"Hey, it's not because of love ... Hey!" After hearing Cheng Ying's inquiry, Chang Rong almost blurted out her sister's affairs. But he instantly realized that it was bad.

At this time, Evergreen hurriedly lowered his voice and said to Chengying, "What are the children asking about so many things? Tell you, these are the privacy of our boss. I can't say more."

"Well, don't ask, don't ask, anyway, I have time to ask myself." Cheng Ying murmured at this moment, then turned around and glanced: "Well, where is Guan Heng?"

Hearing the yelling of Cheng Ying, Evergreen realized that when he was talking to the other party, Guan Heng disappeared. He sweated suddenly on his head: "Oh, this Shanhai Street is not too small, just in case If Heng gets lost ... "

"I saw Guan Heng." At this moment, Cheng Ying pointed forward with his hand. "Look, he and the devouring monster have entered the shop in front."

Looking in the direction of Cheng Ying's finger, Changrong frowned and said, "It seems to be 'wanguizhai' ... it's not good, let's hurry up and kick him out."

Having said that, Evergreen pulled Cheng Ying and ran to the store. Cheng Ying ran and asked, "Every brother, is there anything wrong?"

"Hey, when you first arrived, nothing is clear." At this moment, Chang Rong shouted, "The boss of Wanguizhai is a well-known adulterer!"

—— [2016.8.17 third, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets 月 (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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