At this moment, Guan Heng had already stepped into the shop, but he didn't want to go in. It was because the devouring beast seemed to have an interest in this sinister and ghostly shop, and this guy shook his head as he shook his head. Bant fart ran in.

"I'm weird. After arriving at Shanhai Street, this guy who swallowed ghosts would not shrink back to the tattoos on my wrist. Could it be said that the atmosphere here makes it mutated?"

Guan Heng followed the ghost swallow behind him and walked into the shop, while lowering his head and pondering, "Since so long, swallowing ghosts has been one of my strongest killers. In fact, it has also been spiritual for a long time. Should I consider Let this guy ... "

As soon as I thought about it, Guan Heng heard a buzzing noise from the shop, and the ghost swallowed his head and raised his head curiously.

Speaking late, then, quickly, I saw Huo standing up at the counter with a fat figure. This guy held a fiery red hearth in his hand and shouted, "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... Explosive! "

As soon as the fat man said this, his hands were already hot and swollen, and the pain was unbearable. The guy suddenly released the Dan furnace and flew out: "I'll go to you!"

"Huh?" Guan Heng just felt that the other side was blushing, and the hot Dan furnace turned towards him!

Seeing that flying red flame of Dan furnace was still emitting smoke, Guan Heng was frightened, but it seemed too late to hide, and at this time, the ghost devourer who shared Guan Heng's heart suddenly Raising his upper body, he opened his **** mouth and swallowed the hot Dan furnace.

After Dan furnace enters the abdomen, a loud noise bursts in an instant: "Boom!"

Yu Wei's time erupted in the Dan Furnace, which blew up the ghosts and tumbling in time, and flew out of the shop door and fell far away.

But it wasn't just the one who swallowed the ghost. Guan Heng and the fat man all fell to the ground and smashed the contents of the shop into pieces. At this moment, Guan Heng shook his body and climbed up. He Hesitating to talk to the fat man, he hurried out to watch his own swallowing beast.

"嗷嗷 嗷 ——" After Dan Lu burst in the belly of the devouring beast, the pain made the guy keep sorrowful and rolling, and the instrumental spirit in the stomach of the devouring beast also cried, "Hey, this is in What's going on? Guan Heng, let me out! "

The strength of the Astral Disk is much stronger than that of the Natan Furnace, so although some shocks have been received in the belly of the devouring beast, the instrumental spirit is still intact, but the devouring beast at the moment is very uncomfortable because it is designed for Guan Guan blocked the Dan furnace, swallowed it, and caused an explosion. The fragments of the Dan furnace and the inexplicable Dan pills could not help but toss in its stomach.

"Abominable, swallow the ghost and beast, you have to hold on!" At this moment, Heng Heng's eyes became red, Cheng Ying and Evergreen ran over, but the two were helpless.

At this moment, the fat man from alchemy in the shop ran out panting, seeing this scene, he stomped and shouted, "Oh, how could this be the case?"

"You bastard!" Guan Heng saw the fat man rush out and yelled at the opponent's collar and yelled irritably: "Let my ghost swallow be relieved of the pain, or I will kill you now!"

"Let it go, let it go ... I just threw the furnace, who would have thought that the beast spirit would swallow it ..."

The collar was strangled, and a fat face of the fat man suddenly turned into a purple sauce. At this time, he struggled and quibbled: "In fact, you also have a responsibility. If you did not enter my shop just now, this would not happen. . "

"Fart, I'll kill you!" Guan Heng shook his fist at this moment, and the fat man shouted unwillingly: "Who should I compensate for my loss? A full furnace of" Episode Jin Dan "... ... "

As soon as the fat man's words were out, the film-bearer who watched the ghost swallowed next to him called out, "Guanheng, look, there's a change in his belly!"

"Eh ?!" Guan Heng and the fat man heard this sentence and hesitated at the same time. When they turned to watch, they saw that swallowing the ghost and beast no longer struggled in pain, but lay paralyzed and motionless, but swallowed. The ghost's body is constantly blooming strange light golden light.

"Well, what's going on?" Seeing this scenario, Guan Heng's hand could not help loosening the fat man's collar, but the fat man shouted in pain at this time: "Well, you beast ... Digesting the potency of my Jin Dan !!! "

It turned out that the gold dandelion and the shard of the Dan furnace in the stomach of the devouring beast really made it painful. Of course, the anti-horoscope disc spirit in the stomach of the devouring beast was also uncomfortable.

As a result, Qi Ling desperately output his power and melted all the shards of the Dan furnace that had been shot around. This approach was to ease the pain of swallowing ghosts and monsters, but what Qi Ling did not expect was that he not only melted After the pieces of the Dan furnace, by the way, the "Episode Golden Dan" left in the Dan furnace was also melted together!

"It's over, a complete furnace of the spiritual Jindan. I spent years of hard work collecting all the materials ... It's all gone!" "Tongtong!" Wan Guizhai's fat boss was sitting on the ground with his buttocks, and he patted his thighs. : "Heavenly beast spirit, have you swallowed Lao Tzu's elixir, you must not die?"

"Dead fat man, do you still have a face number funeral ?!" At this moment, Guan Heng said angrily: "It wouldn't have happened if you had thrown the furnace into Lao Tzu!"

"Smelly boy, your beast spirit has swallowed up my spiritual Jin Dan, and I and you are not finished!" At this time, the fat boss of Wan Guizhai was so angry that his face was trembling with anger, and he raised his sleeves and wanted to fight with Guan Hengwu.

"Who is afraid of who ?!" Guan Heng also squeezed his fist into a quack at this time, and flung his face when he sank.

But at this moment, Evergreen hurried forward to stop and said, "Hey, boss Wan, don't you get angry first? This Mr. Guan Heng is the guest of our sister-in-law's boss. Don't hurt your peace."

"Eh? Aren't you the guy from Sister-in-law?" The fat boss of Wanguizhai saw Evergreen, and was suddenly discouraged, because Sister-in-law was a famous figure on Shanhai Street, her temper was irritable, and the guests were all over the place. Both have their identities, so people in this street are unwilling to provoke and blame their sisters.

At this moment, Guan Heng saw that the pale golden light on the body of Ghost Beast Week had faded. Eight or nine out of ten. Although this guy's expression was withered and exhausted, he had lost his painful appearance. Guan Heng was relieved. He breathed a sigh of relief: "Huh, it looks like it's all right."

"My golden spirit, all forcibly digested by this beast spirit."

Seeing this scene, the fat boss of Wan Guizhai only felt that his mouth was full of bitter taste. He whispered, "Well, I planned to use this furnace to make a lot of money. Who would have thought that this time would be a loss at home. It's up! "

Seeing the other person's appearance was a bit pitiful, Guan Heng asked loudly at this time: "Hey, fat boss, what exactly is this spiritual Jindan? Is it worth your distress?"

—— [Fourth more of 2016.8.17, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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