Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1613: Enchanted Golden Dan (fifth more outbreak)

"You know ..." The word "fat" in the mouth of the fat boss has not been scolded yet, Guan Heng said with self-care: "I originally wanted to say that Jin Dan was digested by the swallowing beast, and we also have some responsibility , Intend to weigh what you want to pay, if you do not appreciate it, then forget it. "

"This ..." Fat boss didn't seem to be telling lies, he thought that Jin Dan was gone. Since the other party promised compensation, he would come to "just down the donkey", how much can be recovered. A little loss, not only this, can also be sold to my sister-in-law indirectly, why not do it?

So, the fat man immediately put on a skin-smiling expression and said to Guan Heng and others, "Since this is the case, let's go into the store and talk in detail."

With that said, the fat boss led Guan Heng and others and swallowed ghosts into his own shop, Wanguizhai.

At this moment, the store was messed up by the accident just now, but the fat man couldn't care so much. Because of his stingy door, even a guy in the store was reluctant to hire, so he had to wait for a while to clean up the mess .

The fat boss led Guan Heng to bypass the smashed counter and entered the inner room. After everyone was seated, he said everything about Ling Jin Dan.

It turned out that the epiphyseal golden dan in the pot was a fat boss who collected a lot of precious materials and refined it according to an ancient record. Its function is to allow the user to stay with other creatures at any time. Body.

This attachment effect is based on the strength of the medicine. Once those creatures are possessed, the spirit and body will be completely controlled by the person taking the medicine. It is a very sharp prop.

At this time, the fat boss said with a sad face, "In fact, this furnace of elixir is about to be successfully refined, but there was something wrong in the final process, so the fryer was fried, alas, there are more than a hundred elixir! "

Guan Heng glanced at him and asked, "What went wrong?"

The fat boss scratched his head at this time, and said with a little embarrassment: "That ... hey, the Dan furnace I use is quite old, maybe there are cracks on the base or the furnace, so ..."

"I knew it!" Guan Heng rolled his eyes in a bad mood at this time, and sneered at the other party: "It's cheap but not good, save a big mistake!"

Seeing the other person's embarrassment, Guan Heng paused for a moment, reached out and touched the sluggish head of the devouring monster next to him, and then said to the fat boss: "I have a statement in advance, although we promise to compensate you for your loss , But I ... now penniless! "

"What did you say ?!" Upon hearing this, the fat boss who had been downcast suddenly turned into a pig's liver with a fat face. He was waving his arms and said, "No money? What compensation do you get? Me? Still watching my joke? What a reason! "

Who knows that at this moment, because of the emotional excitement, the fat boss suddenly hit an arm on the adjacent shelf, and saw the shadows appear, and a black jar suddenly smashed to the ground.

The fat boss shouted at the sight: "Oops, that's the pot of the beast soul!" His words fell, and he saw the black jars slamming suddenly in the shards of the black jar. The shadow of the ghost howling in the black wind, Guan Heng frowned slightly at this moment: "Huh? Ghost spirit? Swallow the ghost ..."

Hearing Guan Heng's command, the tired Ghost Beast with a tired face suddenly gave a strong roar and yelled, "Hey--"

Although this roar is not big, it has the effect of deterring the soul in an instant. Upon hearing this sound, the four ghosts trying to escape suddenly stagnate in the air. Only one evil eye broke into one, and the light of the three pupils rushed through the ghosts in the sky, turning them into four "soul stones".

This kind of smashing pupil power that can trap invisible bodies such as ghosts in the spar is a common method for swallowing ghosts with three eyes, and it is also one of Guan Heng's favorite tricks.

"Hey, it's easy." Guan Heng stretched his hands at this moment, and put the four soul stones in his palm in an instant. Then he put them on the table in front of the fat boss: "Hey, these are your four invisible souls, Take it back. "

"Oh ... it ’s a real human being ... I didn't think you were young enough to use such a powerful beast spirit." As soon as the fat boss said this, the expression on the ghost was changed, there seemed to be a kind of Appetizing look.

"Well, you better not make any ghost idea about my swallowing beast." At this moment, Guan transversely said blankly, "It's a baby like my life, you know?"

"Grumbling." The fat boss watched the devouring beast swallow his mouth, then shook his head helplessly: "It's a pity."

After saying this, the fat man said to Guan Heng again: "I have made great efforts to refine this epidemic Jin Dan, but since both parties have responsibilities, I am also embarrassed to pay more, so let me give you a Ten thousand souls, this matter is cleared up. "

"It's 10,000 souls again?" Guan Heng looked at the film actor and Evergreen beside him, and found that the expression on the other side was also crying and laughing. Guan Heng said to the fat man, "You shop owners on Shanhai Street are really good at negotiating." Now, all of them ask me for 10,000 spirits, well, I promise you, but ... "

Guan Heng said that he paused for a moment. He looked at the fat man and said without hesitation: "I still say that, there are not many ready-made spirits on hand. Now we can only owe it by bookkeeping. This Ten thousand souls, I will pay it back slowly, do you think it is feasible? "

"No problem, you are a guest I know. I believe you." The fat boss agreed without hesitation at this time, very cheerful, Guan Heng smiled and asked: "Trust me so easily? Not only because I am My sister's guest, right? "

"Hahaha, that's because you don't know how sister-in-law is. On this mountain and sea street, sister-in-law is one of the most reputable shop owners. Of course, it is slightly worse than me."

When the fat boss said this sentence, he suddenly found that the elder brother of the sister-in-law's shop stared at him with an expressionless expression. The guy immediately guilty and said, "You don't know Shanhai Street yet." Between the shops, what is the "evaluation of the spirit"? Now I will explain it to you. "

"The measure of the spirit?" Hearing this, Guan Heng was inexplicably strange, and he secretly said, "Is there any difference between these spirits? And listen to what he said."

At this moment, the fat boss has turned to take off a dark book from the shelf, and then said to Guan Heng, "Here is a" Soul Book "compiled by me, which contains a lot of Dongji The genus of invisible souls in the various worlds of the universe, although not perfect, is already all-encompassing. Sit down first and I will tell you what's inside. "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.17, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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