Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1614: Soul Record Book (first)

Seeing Guan Heng and Cheng Ying, even Evergreen came together to sit around, and the fat boss said, "The world of the East Pole universe plane is countless, and there are countless various invisible bodies that a person can encounter. Everything is what we call the spirit. "

Reaching out "Dora Dora" to open a few pages of books, the fat boss looked up and said to Guan Heng: "In order to infer the practical value of various souls, in accordance with our Shanhai Street standards, the strength of the soul is divided from weak to strong For the nine levels, the first-order weak soul has the worst quality, and the nine-level elite soul has the best quality. "

After all, the fat boss exclaimed: "Hey, Evergreen, you tell this boy, what is the lowest level of spirits commonly used in trading on Shanhai Street?"

Upon hearing this, Evergreen whispered to Guan Heng: "The most commonly used soul here must be at least level five."

After listening to Evergreen's words, Guan Heng's face said with a slight embarrassment: "Well, this is a bit difficult to handle. There are so many invisible souls. How can I infer their grade?"

"It's very simple. I can give you a blank" Book of Souls ". Whenever you capture a new type of invisible soul, pull off a piece of the soul and clip it into the book." At this moment The fat boss said: "In this case, the book will absorb the memory of this invisible soul, record its origin in the book, and evaluate the grade of the soul itself."

"It turns out that this" Soul Record Book "is such a convenient thing?" Guan Heng looked at the book handed over by the fat boss at this time, and did not feel smirked: "There are so many good things on Shanhai Street."

"Hehehe, this booklet is not unusual, but it is a fine product that has been researched by all the merchants of Shanhai Street."

The fat boss said with a smile: "Although there are many 10,000 or more fifth-order spirits, it should not be difficult for you to collect ghosts around you, so I will give you the soul book. , And make you owe, otherwise, the ghost will believe you if you do n’t know each other for the first time! "

"Hahaha, you're right." Guan Heng thought of another thing at the moment, and he suddenly said: "Ten thousand soul stones are not a small number. There are a lot of them, how can I memorize them? It's a lot of trouble for you. "

"Oh, you don't have to send so many soulstones at once, I will teach you a convenient method."

Speaking of which, the fat boss had to pass the soul book in his hands. He turned to the last page and pointed to the round black symbol on it. "This is a one-way transmission port connected to Shanhai Street. Whenever When you get a fifth-tier soul stone, put it directly on the teleport, and it will reach me in a blink of an eye. How about it, isn't it convenient? "

"This method is good, oh, right--" Guan Heng said suddenly to the eternal side. "Every elder brother, I owe my sister 30,000 Soul Stones. Since the fat boss can receive the telegram here, Soul stone, when that time, you can also ask Sister Yun to pick it up at Wanguizhai, shouldn't it be convenient? "

Upon hearing this, Evergreen nodded: "Well, you make sense, the fat boss and our sister-in-law are both acquaintances. This matter should be trivial, boss, are you right?"

"Well ..." Fat boss thought secretly: "I didn't expect this kid to owe my sister tens of thousands of spirits, alas, let's just sell it to my sister-in-law." Thinking of this, the fat boss Nodded and said, "Well, you go back and discuss with your sister-in-law, I have agreed on this side."

Guan Heng, Evergreen, and Cheng Ying had their heads closed after hearing this. At this moment, Guan Heng asked again, "Boss, my ghost swallower has eaten what kind of spirit Jindan you have, will there be any adverse reactions? ? "

"Oh, this ..." said the fat boss with a frown on his face. "Boy, let me tell you the truth, this is the first time I have refined the kind of spiritual Jindan. I don't know what's wrong with it. , But there is one thing to explain-"

The fat boss said that he paused for a moment. He looked at the ghost swallow lying next to Guan Heng at this time and said, "If you follow it, for normal effect, you can take a Jindan with spirit for a period of time. Any creature, but it will soon fail, but your devouring beast has eaten more than a hundred furnaces. I really cannot predict what will happen in the future. "

After listening to Fat Boss, the expression on Guan Heng's face suddenly became cloudy. He looked at the swallowing beast beside him and wondered in his heart: "Well, you are really unlucky. Now you swallow those Jindan with spirits. Blessings are unpredictable, but anyway, even if there is any abnormal situation, I will help you heal because you become like this, after all, because of the protection of me. "

At this moment, Guan Heng stood up holding the soul recording book, and he smiled and said to the fat boss: "It's time for us to say goodbye, boss, thank you for the booklet you provided, and I will make good use of it. "

"It's good to say, in the future, come to Shanhai Street to come to me, and remember my signboard-Fat Shu Shu's Wanguizhai."

The fat boss Shu Zheng said that they had sent Guan Heng to the door, and he said, "Guan Heng, don't forget my 10,000 fifth-order soul stones. Your kid should work hard to repay the debt as soon as possible. "

"I see, Boss Shu." Guan Heng said with a wave, and he had gone with Changrong, Chengying and Ghosts.

At this moment, Fat Shu leaned against the door of his shop and whispered, "Guan Hengzi, I am optimistic about you. I really hope that you can bring me a lot of high-quality souls through the soul book. By then, I ’m lucky enough to be fat, huh, huh, huh, huh, the loss of a jealous Jindan is nothing. "

Several people walked halfway, and Evergreen suddenly said with a doubt: "It's strange that the fat boss Shu is mostly in the hairless weekdays. He is a well-known adulterer. How can he talk so well today? I even gave you a copy "Soul Record Book", you know, this is a rare thing to find in Shanhai Street shops. "

"Hey, when those traitors suddenly change **** and give you something generous, it must be to get more benefits from you." As soon as his eyes turned, Guan Heng smiled and said, "This Shu fat man must be It's absolutely true to see my insane ability to capture invisible souls and use me to capture a lot of high-end souls for him. "

Cheng Ying asked a little puzzled at this time: "Oh, now that you know his mind, why do you agree?"

"It's just 10,000 spirits. For me and the devouring monster, isn't it a matter of capture?" Guan Heng said at this time. "Again, this soul book is indeed a very convenient prop. I can teleport the spirit I captured back to Shanhai Street at any time. Do n’t let this good thing go for nothing! ”

"By the way, Evergreen, there is one more thing I want to remind you."

Guan Heng then said to Evergreen with a smirk on his face: "I said to Shu Fatty and I owed my sister tens of thousands of soul stones. At that time, Wan Guizhai, who will also be transmitted to the fat man, let this guy forward. You remind Sister Ji every month to go to the fat man and ask for it. Are you afraid he won't give it? "

—— [2016.8.18 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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