Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1615: Unexpected accident

"Hahaha, good guy, this is a cruel trick for you." Evergreen smiled abruptly at this time: "It's really that time, Sister Sister added a little pressure a little bit more, took away all the soul stones, the fat man took If you don't get your share, you will definitely vomit blood. "

Guan Heng laughed at this time and said, "Yes, that's what I mean!" Speaking of which, Guan Heng looked back at the devouring monster that followed him silently, and he whispered suddenly, "The instrument, Instrument spirit! "

Hearing Guan Heng's cry, the instrumental spirit in the belly of the devouring beast asked slowly: "What do you want to ask?"

"Doesn't the body of the devouring monster look different now?" Guan Heng said. "Should I take it back to the tattoo on my wrist?"

Qi Ling replied: "I have been swallowing a ghost for so long, and I don't feel anything abnormal about it. Don't make a fuss, those Jindan may have no effect after digestion."

Having said that, Qi Lington paused and continued to say, "Do n’t take back the ghost swallow for the time being, do you know? The aura flow on this mountain and sea street is extremely strong, and I and the ghost swallow want to be among them. Staying for a while, after all, the devouring beast is also a beast spirit, which is almost the same as my instrumental spirit body, and needs a proper amount of replenishment. "

Hearing Qi Ling's words, Guan Heng sighed softly, "Okay, just follow your opinion."

At this time, Guan Heng asked Evergreen: "Let's go outside for a short time? Why don't I see any signs of darkness or dawn? How is time measured here?"

"Oh, Shanhai Street can't reach the sun and the moon here." Evergreen explained: "Did you see the bells hanging on the shops on both sides of the street? Every hour, the bell will ring once, after twelve. After that, one day has passed. "

"That's what happened." Guan Heng slightly nodded his head when he heard this, and Cheng Ying said, "Hey, I've returned to the door of Sister-in-law's shop."

At this moment, Evergreen beckoned a guy standing at the door and asked him a few words. Evergreen then said to Guan Heng and Cheng Ying: "The boss is still in the room at this time. It is estimated that she will be Can't get out, so, you two go to the guest room to rest first, and when the boss of your sister-in-law summons, I'll go and inform you. "

"Well, we listen to you." Hearing that Evergreen had arranged for himself, Guan Heng and Cheng Ying nodded, and the two went to their respective rooms with the other buddies.


I don't know how long, Guan Heng, who was sleeping in the guest room, slowly opened his eyes, and then sat up and stretched himself. He thought to himself: "Well, I don't know how my sister-in-law is busy, let's take a look. "

After exiting the door of the guest room, he walked to the door of the inner room where Sister Ji and the black crystal coffin were located. Guan Heng found that Cheng Ying had been waiting at the door. He stepped forward and whispered, "How are they ... ... "

Before waiting for Heng Heng to finish speaking, Cheng Ying shook his head and replied softly, "There has been no movement, the room is always in the current state, and I don't know what happened."

Hearing this, Guan Heng frowned slightly, and he started to walk around the door, muttering: "Why didn't it take you so long when you merged this physical body? But Qinghuang residual soul and That black coffin girl has been too long. "

"I am a complete soul of the soul, and of course it is not a problem to integrate one body. Do n’t forget, Qinghuang only has six pieces of residual souls." Cheng Ying advised at this time: "Do n’t you say that? At least one day is needed." Only those remnants and skins can be fused together. If they are too rushed, they will be prone to accidents. "

Hearing the film's words of consolation, Guan Heng stopped here. He has gradually recovered from the restlessness at this time. Guan Heng said, "Well, you're right, I have waited so long. Now, I do n’t care about waiting for a while, and it is easy to make mistakes in my busy schedule.

Guan Heng's voice did not fall, and a sudden loud noise came from the inner room where Sister Xi was located: "Bang!"

At the same time, the sister-in-law of the room suddenly heard a moaning: "Uh!" "No, is there something wrong with the remnant soul and the flesh skin ?!" Hearing the sound is wrong, Guan Heng and Cheng Ying have in their hearts With an ominous premonition, the two lifted their feet on the inner chamber door almost simultaneously: "Bang!"

After a while, the doorboard flew away, and Guan Heng and Cheng Ying rushed into the room without hesitation.

"Ah ?!" When they saw the scene in front of them, they were shocked, and saw Sister Xuan barely standing at the corner of the wall, her face pale, her mouth bleeding, and her hands covering her heart, she seemed to be injured.

I could only hear the sound of the strange wind sweeping in the room. The girl in the black coffin was suspended in the air at this time, or the exquisite and beautiful face. Her eyes were closed and she said nothing. And the remnant soul of the group Qinghuang is blooming with red and black flashing brilliance, looming in the middle of the girl's brows, floating up and down repeatedly.

At this moment, Guan transverse face asked nervously: "Sister, what's going on?"

"Unexpectedly, the skin with the‘ spirited body ’has weird strength beyond imagination. After your fiance ’s remnant enters, the unconscious body tries to devour the soul body, but ...”

Speaking of this, Sister Xi said with a sigh of relief: "I tried hard to stop by the side. It finally suppressed the agitation of the spirit body, but it delayed the best time for the physical body to merge with the soul body!"

"What? There was such an accident ..." Guan Henghuo asked anxiously: "What can we do now?"

"I don't know ... uh ah--" Before Sister Jie said this, she suddenly issued a stern low voice: "Oops, this skin pack is drawing my strength so as not to blend with the residual soul. Fight against the residual soul! "

Speaking late, at that time, sister-in-law's body was suddenly dragged into the air by the black coffin girl, and at the very moment, the two groups of black shadows swept the first few steps together, and suddenly stopped. Sister's feet.

"It's the two of you." Guan Heng looked intently. It turned out that he was following the swallowing beast and the shadow, and left and right blocked the sister-in-law's castration.

"Well done, don't move like this." As soon as the sentence came out, Guan Heng stood up desperately, blocking the black coffin girl's absorption of her sister with her body.

"噗通!" The sister-in-law who lost her time and fell into Cheng Ying's arms, but Guan Heng herself was sucked in the past.

At this moment, the volcanic black coffin girl grew a huge vortex around her, and Guan Heng only felt that the physical strength in his body was taken away almost half a moment.

"No, if you go on like this, you are bound to be insured." In anxiety, Guan Heng shouted to Qing Huang's residual soul on the forehead of the black coffin girl: "Qing Huang, hurry up with this physical body, otherwise , But there is no chance! "

—— [2016.8.18 Second change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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