Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1621: Ghost attack (third)

As soon as the words of the anti-star disc device spirit had been said here, it had stopped abruptly. Guan Heng paused for a while after listening. He bowed his head to the old dog and asked, "Hey, instrument spirit, you must speak clearly and keep going north. Go? Where are you going? "

However, no matter how Guan Hengzao called for inquiries, the Astral Disc Spirit had no response. Guan Heng gritted his teeth at this time and whispered: "Damn, it must have consumed too much spiritual power, and now I am in a deep sleep. I'm sure I won't wake up at half past one. "

Guan Heng knew that the instrumental spirit had the habit of absorbing fragments of various souls to supplement his spiritual power, but in this ancient world, both the instrumental spirit and the swallowing beast would constantly lose their own power, leading to extreme fatigue, unless swallowing the ghost The beast can find stronger possessions, otherwise, this situation will not be changed.

At this time, Guan Heng touched the three soul stones in his arms, thinking that there was a blank "Soul Record Book" in the dark crystal coffin.

The fat boss of Wan Guizhai Shu said that whenever he captures a new kind of invisible soul, he pulls off a piece of the soul, and then clips it into a book, and the book will absorb the memory of this invisible soul. Its "origin, name" is recorded in the book, and the grade of the soul body is evaluated by itself.

Holding on to the soul stones, Guan Heng thought to himself, "Well, it's time to use the soul recording book."

"The soul book is still in the crystal coffin of the girl's skin, and you must hurry back!" At this moment, the lawn where the dark crystal coffin is located is less than a thousand meters away from Guan Heng, but at this time, Guan Heng suddenly noticed There was something wrong ahead: "Oh, what's that sound?"

Suddenly, I could only hear the evil winds around the lawn, and the sound of screaming strange howls kept ringing, and Guan Heng, who was hugging the old dog, was suddenly shocked: "Oh, the girl's skin in the black coffin is 'inspiring spirits.' The body ', Sister Xi said, although this physical body can continuously absorb the aura between heaven and earth to nourish the lingering soul of Qinghuang, it will also attract those who are strange and evil spirits from all sides! "

Guan Heng hugged the old dog in his arms and rushed for hundreds of meters, and it was as expected, at this moment, three or four unknown dark souls had gathered in the air around the dark crystal coffin. However, these guys do not know where the lonely ghosts came from, because they felt the dark crystal coffin absorbing the aura around them, so they wandered here and attempted misconduct!

"Abominable, you filthy things, dare to disturb Qing Huang's remnant soul to absorb the heaven and earth aura, and to die!" Guan Heng shouted at this time: "Swallow the ghosts and make them into me ..."

The word "Soul of the Soul" had not yet been said, and Guan Heng suddenly noticed that the old dog in his arms was looking weak and gasped.

"Well, bad, Qi Ling once said that a ghost swallow can only use three times to break the evil pupil power every day." Guan Heng thought of the soul stone in his arms and thought: "Beyond this limit, the power of swallowing a ghost is It's exhausted, just now to catch three monsters ... It's all gone. "

However, at this moment, the situation was becoming more and more critical, and he couldn't bear to think about it any more. One of the tan ghosts finally couldn't hold back. The guy was wrapped in evil wind around him, and suddenly rushed to the dark crystal coffin on the lawn.

"Stop it--" Guan Heng lowered the old dog in his arms at this moment and rushed out to try to stop it, but the crystal coffin suddenly burst into horror when the brown-ghost shadow touched the coffin cover, and it suddenly banged. This guy bounced off, and the ghost that suffered the loss retreated ten meters away in the screams, and never dared to step forward anymore.

"By the way, before leaving Shanhai Street, sister-in-law reinforced the rigidity of this crystal coffin, so it was not smashed." Guan Heng was relieved at this moment, but he was still relieved and decided to rush in at this moment in person Take those paths to disturb the ghost of the crystal coffin.

"But ... my physical body is just a tenth-year-old cowardly boy, and the swallowing of ghosts and monsters is now powerless." Thinking of this, Guan Heng's forehead faintly oozed sweat: "What can I think of, How about driving these guys out? "

Originally, if Guan Heng had the original flesh, he could crush a newly acquired soul stone and borrow the power of that monster with "Soul Melting", but now this flesh does not belong to Guan Heng at this time. Unable to use Soul Melting.

"Now is not the time to think about those issues, we must drive these ghosts away."

At this moment, Guan Heng couldn't care about anything else. Just in the flash of light, Guan Heng had thrown himself at the ghosts, but he didn't notice that his fists were covered with a layer of mist in an instant. Like white gas.

"Miscellaneous things, get me off-" It was late, then, quickly, Guan Heng had already jumped to the side of the crystal coffin, and punched the ghost that rushed over: "Slap!"

As soon as the fist wrapped in white gas contacted Ghost Shadow Fu, he immediately forcibly tore off the black energy on the other side, and immediately merged into Guan Heng's arm.

"Well, what's going on?" After inhaling the ghostly black gas, Guan Heng suddenly felt that his spirit was boosted, and even the injuries at the neck seemed to show signs of healing, and after the ghostly shadow was torn away from the dark gas With a scream, his figure shrank by almost half in a short time.

"Well, regardless of him, whether it is a blessing or a curse, a curse cannot be avoided! Let these **** be flat before we say-" It is too late to consider other things, and Guan Hengxi growled suddenly: "If you do n’t roll, I will destroy you!"

After seeing that Guan Heng can hurt himself, those panic ghosts were frightened backwards and forwards for a while, but they did not dare to come forward, but they saw the dark crystal coffin that continuously absorbed the heaven and earth's aura, and they were reluctant to retreat. Had to hover around the 100 meters away.

"Those who killed Qiandao, haven't gotten off ?!" Guan Heng glanced at those ghosts at this moment, then gently opened the lid of the crystal coffin and looked inward: "Qing Huang's temporary body, nothing. Okay? "

The moment he glanced across the coffin, Guan Heng suddenly stumbled: "How is red hair?"

But at this moment, Guan Heng had no time to observe carefully. He reached out and took out the "Soul Book" in the coffin, and quickly closed the coffin cover again: "Pop!"

At this time, the inexplicable white air on Guan Heng's hand was not gone. He flipped his wrist and saw the middle of his fingers, leaving a shard torn from the ghost, Guan Heng smiled coldly, then opened it. Soulbook, sandwiched the fragment in the middle of the book pages.

All of a sudden, the book in Guan Heng's palm suddenly flashed a strange brilliance. He gently opened the first page, and there appeared a new handwriting on it: a first-order weak soul, a soul that gathered and transformed after the death of ordinary life ...

Seeing these messages, Guan Heng's eyes froze suddenly: "Huh, it's just a first-order weak soul. I don't think I would be so strenuous to deal with it now?"

—— [2016.8.19 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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