Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1622: The life of a teenager

But at this moment, the wind sounded dozens of meters in front of Guan Heng. Suddenly, the group of yellow-brown ghosts that were first ejected by the crystal coffin struck again. This guy seems to be the stronger one among those ghosts, so Always thirsty.

Guan Heng cursed inwardly: "Damn thing." The voice did not fall, his body had already rushed past, and time was confronted with the tan ghost ghost.

"Oh!" Just listening to the continuous sound of the sound of breaking air, the ghostly action was called swift and incoherent, and he flickered in front of Guan Heng, and immediately hurried around him.

"It's annoying like a fly!" Guan Heng growled, and subconsciously gathered that kind of misty white gas on his fist. He exclaimed and fisted away, "Oh! Hey!" It flickered with the ghosts moving quickly.

Guan Heng's eyes were like a torch, and he noticed the moment when his fist struck the other side, and forcibly pulled off part of the ghost's breath. Then the tan ghost squeaked, and then screamed and quit to go far away. I didn't know it was because of injury or pain, or A little horrified, the ghost trembling slightly in the air.

"Huh, if you know it well, get out of here immediately." As he said this, Guan Heng threw a hint of ghostly breath from his fist into the soul album page, and then yelled at the brown ghost in the air. Said: "Do you still want to fight ?!"

Hearing the words of intimidation from Guan Heng, the trembling tan ghost ghost suddenly gave a howling, and then led the remaining ghosts to flee there. Although this guy is an inconspicuous, low-spirited and weak soul, but I also know the reason to retreat when you are strong.

Seeing the ghosts fleeing without a trace, at this time Guan Heng suddenly became weak, slowly leaning against the dark crystal coffin and sitting in place.

"Hoo--" Guan Hengchang breathed a sigh of relief, before whispering in a low voice: "Fortunately, the last effort to scare those guys away, fortunately."

It turned out that Guan Heng had just received a new body today, and he was reluctant to be merged in time, and the cowardly teenager had been seriously injured and died. His blood was not strong, and Guan Heng felt extremely exhausted. Otherwise, he had to clenched his teeth and insisted on rushing Taking away those ghosts, Guan Heng's physical strength could not support it for a long time.

At this time, Guan Heng gasped and patted the crystal coffin, his heart secretly said: "Fortunately, Qing Huang's temporary skin has not been intruded, so that's fine."

Looking at the Soul Records at random, Guan Heng found that because of the breath that was caught in the page just now, the information of the brown ghost image was also automatically recorded on it, and the guy was a second-order weak soul.

After reading the information of these ghost images, Guan Heng gently pushed open the coffin cover and put the soul record back into the crystal coffin.

But at this time, Guan Heng glanced again at the appearance of the black coffin girl, and immediately frowned tightly: "Why, her hair really turned red, what is going on?"

Seriously, Guan Heng didn't pay much attention to the hair color of the black coffin girl, but he clearly remembered that the other party was black, but now, Guan Heng was a little confused. He had no clue for a while, and the black coffin girl had no hair except The color is different, and there are no other weird changes. Guan Heng had to watch it change.

Watching the hot sun burning in the air burning the open lawn, Guan Heng had to pick up the three-foot-long crystal coffin, and pick up the old, thin-skinned dog. Three steps and two steps Walked under a lush towering tree.

Put the crystal coffin and the old dog, Guan Heng sitting cross-legged under the tree at this time, and began to search for the original memory of the body in his mind. It turned out that the boy, who had no name and no surname, lived with his elder brother in this endless primitive forest. In China, hunting for a living.

Here in the wilderness, the news was closed, and the two brothers did n’t know what was going on outside, but the younger brother once mentioned to the brother who has never changed things and has never been to a place outside the forest. After leaving the forest, there is a place a hundred miles north. In a small village, there are extremely few people.

The two brothers usually picked the fruit of the tree and hunted for peace, but just a few days ago, unexpected things happened suddenly!

Early one morning, the younger brother went out to hunt with a bamboo bow and arrow, but it did not return late at night. In anxiety, the young man groped in the forest to find, but was attacked by four monsters with yellow and black stripes.

Unexpectedly, the juvenile was seriously injured. At this time, the swallowing monster happened to arrive, and he fought with the four invisible monsters. This is what happened in the past.

"In the memory of this boy, there is no impression of this kind of white gas." Thinking of this, Guan Heng glanced again at the faint, mist-like white gas on his hands, and he secretly whispered in his heart: "White gas seems to be able to The power and breath of tearing ghosts seems to be of great use to me. It seems that I need to ask someone who understands in the future. "

Guan Heng re-thought: "Qi Ling reminded me that to find the Qinghuang Residual Soul that is closest to me, I must keep going north. There are people in that place too. Well, that is my next destination!"

"Huh ?!" At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly touched his neck. There were originally three long and narrow scars. Although Guan Heng had been wrapped with a placket, he had not completely stopped the blood, and Guan Heng was still worried about how to deal with the wound. However, at a touch, he found that the three wounds had slowly healed and crusted.

Stroking the neck with no pain and slightly itching, Guan Heng murmured with some doubts: "What's going on? I thought that such a serious injury would require a few days of rest ..."

"By the way, just after I accidentally tore off the first-order weak spirit ghost shadow with the white gas on my fist, it seems that some weak soul fragments have been absorbed by my arm."

Suddenly, the flash of light in my mind suddenly thought of the key point: "Does it mean that absorbing the fragments of these souls can cure the wounds of my body now?"

Feeling that this speculation makes sense, at this moment, Guan Heng wanted to try it out. He felt it on his body, and suddenly he drew out a soul stone, which contained the yellow and black he had just captured. Striped monster.

"Well, from the situation just now, the strength of these monsters is obviously higher than the brown ghosts."

Guan Heng stared at the soul stone in his hand at this moment and thought: "If the four monsters shoot together, even the current swallowing monsters can't beat these guys, I am still weak, and the swallowing monsters cannot use the broken pupil. I'll do my best, so be careful. "

When thinking about this, Guan Heng made up his mind. He had to go to the other's residence according to the memory of the unknown boy, and let himself and the swallowing beast take a rest there, and then tried to confirm his guess.

"Woo ---" At this moment, the old dog beside him suddenly raised his head and screamed, and Guan Heng noticed that he seemed to have recovered some strength, at least he could stand up and run with his tail.

—— [Fourth more of 2016.8.19, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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