Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1623: Ghost of the Tiger (5th outbreak)

"Huh? Are you ready to go now?" Guan Heng glanced at the old dog, and muttered in a low voice: "This dog was also raised by the Orion brothers. Just to protect the owner, he was also met by those strange spirits. A poisonous hand, but it's not bad to make use of the devouring beast. "


After a few moments, Guan Heng came to a low and humble thatched cottage, where the young man and his elder brother's residence are located. Now it becomes Guan Heng's temporary foothold.

"Huh-it's time to rest." At this moment, Guan Heng, who walked into the room, gently laid the crystal coffin flat on a bamboo bed, and the old, thin-skinned dog was lying down beside the bed. Obviously, the spirit of swallowing the ghost and beast was not fully restored.

"Once you have the physical body of an ordinary person, it means eating, drinking, and sleeping." Guan Heng touched his stomach at this time, and found that there was a thunderous sound in his belly. He smiled and said to himself: "Hungry ..."

There are a lot of wild fruits and cured meats that are usually stored in the house. After Guan Heng turned them out, he started to cook on the fire and cooked rice in a hanging pot.

After a while, simple meals were ready, Guan Heng lifted his rice bowl and snorted and ate, and some leftovers were also fed into the old dog's belly.

"Dangdang." Guan Heng threw his rice bowl on the table. "Well, I'm full. Next, I think about what to do in the future."

Spread the three old soul stones in your palm and take a closer look. Guan Heng thought to himself: "Now, I must know the origin of these monsters. If I absorb the breath of these souls, it really hurts me. It's good, then, the monster in the three soul stones in my hand is a great supplement. "

"Hey, follow me." He picked up a soul stone, took out the soul record book in the crystal coffin, and carried it into his arms. Guan Heng took the old dog with a ghost and a beast and went to the open space outside the thatched house.

After stunning the soul stone, Guan Heng said at this time: "Okay, let me see what you are!" It was late, and then fast, Guan Heng released the soul stone to the ground fiercely. In a throw, only the crisp "snap" sounded, and the soul stone immediately fell and shattered.

"Hoo--" A large stream of evil wind suddenly wrapped up the ghost, and saw that ghost instantly solidify and become a monster with yellow and black stripes all over it. A pair of sharp pointed claws were displayed, and Fengfeng scratched his throat, "Hello!"

"Good guy, it really is a fierce monster." At this moment, Guan Heng was able to naturally mobilize the misty white gas in his body, and naturally he would not be afraid of this guy.

Just in the flash of light, Guan Heng yelled, "Go to you." The voice didn't fall, and his own fist had been pounded away, colliding with the other's sharp claws. !!

"Squeak!" When the monster's sharp claws touched Guan Heng's fist, it screamed as if scalded by boiling water, but this guy also responded extremely quickly, waiting for Guan Heng to attack further. With a swift exit, Laoyuan seemed to be planning to run away.

"Roar, whine!" At this moment, the old, thin-skinned dog yelled, and immediately made the yellow-and-black-striped monster tremble and stagnate, but it couldn't move for a moment.

It turned out that although the old dog that swallowed the ghost and beast could no longer use the evil pupil power in a short time, it recovered a bit of physical strength after eating, and could emit a roar that contained a deterrent to the soul.

"Good opportunity." At this moment, Guan Heng pulled up in a gap. He found that his fist could attack the invisible monster after he was wrapped in white gas, and he was very happy, so he aimed at the opponent and punched him again: "Bang ——Whoo—Boom! ”

"Squeak!" The yellow-and-black-striped monster was hit with heavy punches. Under the pain, his own soul body almost collapsed, because those white spirits in Guan Heng's hands were constantly tearing its body fragments, and then Quickly poured into Guan Heng's arm.

"唰 唰 唰 -Bang!" After a few breaths, the extremely weak yellow-and-black-striped monster finally smashed after a scream, and its smashed souls shot around in an instant and were shut down. Bai Qi honestly and completely absorbed into the body.

"Well, I feel my body is better than before, and the weird white gas on my fist seems to be more intense." At this moment, all the monster fragments are absorbed and exhausted, and "Whew" continuously in place Make a punch and kick, then stop slowly.

Guan Heng slightly nodded his head: "Well, now it is certain that this weird white gas in my body can absorb the spirit and debris, which is still very beneficial to me."

The next moment, Guan Heng looked at the last shard of the strange soul in his palm, and he immediately put it into the page of the soul book.

When turning over the soul book again, Guan Heng found that there was a new content on it: "The ghost of the tiger is a ghost that has been absorbed by the demon tiger that has absorbed the spirit of the heavens and the earth. It is transformed after death, controlled by the demon tiger to attack other creatures, and hunts flesh and blood. It is dedicated to the demon tiger and evaluated as a third-order weak soul. "

"It turned out to be the ghost of the tiger tiger." Guan Heng looked at the soul book and closed it, he thought to himself: "The above said that the tiger tiger ghost will not leave his 'Tiger Master', which is the demon. The tiger is too far away, should I go to find this guy's bad luck? "

It is not unreasonable for Guan Heng to think about this. Since the demon tiger in the dense forest can control the ghost of the tiger, he will certainly not be too weak. If he obtains its soul, Guan Heng's strength may be soared again.

Thinking again and again, Guan Heng looked at the old dog next to him. He said to himself: "Well, wait until tomorrow to swallow the ghost and beast to recover to use the evil pupil power, then go to that monster tiger."

... The time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye the next morning, Guan Heng looked west in the thatched house in the Middle East, and finally found a rusty rough copper blade and a pair of bamboo bow and arrow pots.

Guan Heng looked at the things in his hand and whispered: "Well, with these things, at least you can defend yourself, now it's time to find the demon tiger."

Having said that, Guan Heng turned his head and smiled at the spirited old dog: "Do you want to change to a more mighty body?"

The dense forest in the early morning has not yet ushered in the first morning sun. The stars and the moon are still hanging in the air. From time to time, the noise and beep of the roar of the beasts and birds are heard in the forest. Holding a bamboo bow in his hand and holding a copper blade around his waist, he ran forward with the old dog among the trees and wormwood.

"I never imagined that after absorbing the souls of the three tiger-headed ghosts, my physical strength increased greatly. At this time, I was walking in the forest and didn't know how tired." Guan Heng thought while secretly thinking: "I don't know What would the spirit of the demon tiger be to me? Just let him talk about it. "

Guan Heng and the old dog rushed for a while in the forest, and finally came to the cliff at the end of the forest. Guan Heng gently separated and stood in front of the tall wormwood, looking forward, and saw the sound of "Wa La La", the endless stream of water flowing, and the precipitous "White Dragon" was pouring down from the cliff, which was spectacular. Big waterfall.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.19, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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