Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1624: Fierce fighting tiger (first)

The water and grass around this waterfall are rich, and the exotic flowers and grasses are numerous. It was supposed to be the place where various birds and animals in the forest drank and played. However, at this moment, a very unpleasant smell was spreading in the air nearby. Look at the source of the breath, it should be passed from a huge cave near the shore.

Guan Heng just sniffed, and his heart suddenly became clear: "Yes, this is the site of the demon tiger. No wonder other birds and animals are afraid to approach."

Gently stroked the forehead of the old dog around him, Guan Heng secretly thought: "Except the one who ran away yesterday, I don't know that the cat-faced beast also holds a few tiger-guy ghosts. My physical strength is limited and I can swallow ghosts. You can only use it three times. You have to find a way to find out the strength of the opponent so that you can defeat the demon tiger in one fell swoop. "

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo from also from about, and By, and very, very, very, by the time, when Guan Heng thought about this, the old dog beside him was lying on his back, and he was warning him.

At this time, Guan Heng's eyes froze suddenly, and then he slowly crouched down, and saw the huge rock cave next to the waterfall, suddenly the sound of "heavy" striding.

It turned out that at this moment, a huge tiger was slowly coming out of the hole. This guy was over his body length, and his white-headed tiger head was wide open. The real tiger looked at it, its teeth, giant claws and steel whip. The long tail, and the incomparable appearance, all show that this giant demon tiger has the supremacy in the dense forest here!

This demon tiger's body is pure white, with numerous black stripes inside it, and it looks like a little squinting eye, which looks abnormal and terrible. At this moment, the demon tiger who just came out of the hole suddenly stops and stops slightly. Hold your tiger's head up, it seems that you feel the breath of life nearby.

"Willn't you find me?" Guan Heng thought of it, and with his body moving, he took the old dog back to a long distance. The demon tiger shook his head at this moment. It thought it was a small animal passing by. Peeping nearby, he ignored them.

"Yi--" It was late, and at that time, the demon tiger suddenly gave out a long and clear howl at the next moment, and then, I saw the nearby midair air suddenly rolled in a black wind, and fell in front of the demon tiger.

Guan Heng could see clearly at this moment. When the black wind was clearing out, it was the ghost of the tiger who fled yesterday. After seeing the other party, the demon tiger looked extremely angry. It roared again and again, it seemed to be asking why he sent himself Out of four miserly ghosts, but now only one.

But being angry is useless. At this moment, the white-haired demon tiger no longer cares about the trembling ghost who is kneeling in place. It twists over and walks to the shore at the source of the waterfall. Listening to the sound of "Dora", one thing was picked up by the tiger's claws, and "" Zha-Pia! "Fell on the shore.

"Uh ... that's ?!" Across the distance, Guan Heng looked intently, and immediately sank his face: "A dead body ..."

The thing that the demon tiger fished out of the water is indeed a corpse, but it has been bitten and incomplete. Guan Heng estimates that the weather is hot now. In order to prevent the food from rancid, the demon tiger soaked it. Keep fresh in cold water.

Guan Heng's brow frowned, and his heart cursed: "This **** beast, even thought of this method."

At this moment, the demon tiger opened his mouth and gnawed at the corpse, and instantly ate it with only one bone left. Guan Heng looked in his eyes, and his fists were already clenched tightly: Something, not for anything else, just for your beastly cannibalism, I will not let you go! "

At this time, the demon tiger was full, and there was only a pile of pale bones left in front of it. The demon tiger stretched out its front claws and gently flicked the bones to pick out a circle. The thing in shape is the skull.

"Pop!" The next moment, the demon tiger had already held the skeleton with his front paw, Guan Heng wondered at this moment: "What the **** does this guy want?"

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo short, and the weird tiger howling suddenly sounded, and the next weird situation that made Guan Heng extremely shocked.

"Woo!" The fur on and off of Demon Tiger Zhou suddenly trembled, and those tiger skin patterns mixed with black and white stripes suddenly changed.

"Eye, eyes ?!" Guan Heng looked clearly in the distance, and saw that the skin of the demon tiger's body suddenly swayed suddenly, turning into "open eyes" in an instant, these strange eyes shot out. All the evil spirits suddenly hit the skull holding the front paw.

"Hoo--wow-wow--" In a moment, a whispered ghost loomed above the skull, and it looked like a ghost of a tiger!

"This is how the evil spirits controlled by the demon tiger came." Guan Heng was so dazzled at this moment that he secretly said: "If this monster is not removed, there will be countless victims in the future. Quickly find a chance to start. "

At this time, the shadow of the ghost that appeared on the skull was getting bigger and bigger, which was more than several times larger than the figure kneeling in front of the demon tiger.

The demon tiger was overjoyed to see this scene. You must know that the more powerful the ghost you control, the more blood food offerings you can get in the future. How can you not make the demon tiger happy?

However, at the moment, the wish of the heavens is unsuccessful, and at this moment, the shadow of the ghost that is about to converge has taken on a strange shape, and it shows signs of disintegration among the tremors.

"Eh ?!" The demon tiger opened his eyes and yelled angrily. It took the boss's strength to create a potential ghost with a great potential, but this guy didn't fight for it, and he wanted to collapse at a critical moment!

In the anxiety, the monster tiger's eyes twitched. It suddenly turned its head, waved its claws and caught another trembling trembling kneeling on the ground. "唰 唰 —— 唰 唰 啦 ——" Instantly, fierce Dafa's demon tiger even tore the corpse of the little mischievous ghost and shattered it, then threw it to the big mischievous ghost in the air.

The spirit of the demon tiger says that high is not high, and low is not low. This guy's mind is simple: abandon the small and promote the big, which is better for himself.

"唰 唰 唰 ——" Just in time, the huge ghost in the air sucked the ghost's broken soul completely. In this way, the big ghost who was about to collapse finally solidified his soul!

But at this time, just listening to the sound of a wailing sound a hundred steps away, an arrow rushing through the sky was nailed directly to the back of the demon tiger, aiming at the dead corner that this guy could not see.

Guan Hengquan, who shot an arrow, yelled, "Be sure to give it to me!" Unfortunately, Guan Heng ignored one thing: the fur of the demon tiger's body has already evolved into countless "weird eyes" at this time, and How can you not see the arrow pinned to yourself?

"嗷 ——" In the loud roar, the demon tiger's giant tail immediately swept the wind, "slap!" The flying arrow Jian Fengya was split by the tiger's tail, and at this moment, he saw the extremely quick offense. Drop the bamboo bow, reach out and pull out the two-foot long copper blade towards the demon tiger!

—— [2016.8.20 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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