Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1625: One injury and one death

"Ehhhhhh! Kill!" Guan Hengqiang already absorbed the shards of the three miserable ghosts, and now he has a copper blade straight toward the demon tiger's eyebrows. But this monster tiger's huge body is amazing, how can he put the barrier in his eyes?

When I saw the tiger claws flipping, he slammed on Guan Heng's copper blade and tried to knock it to the ground. Guan Heng saw his hands and drew back quickly: "Good danger!"

However, even though the tiger's claws were empty, the blood basin mouth of the open fangs and fangs suddenly flew over, and hesitated to Guan Heng's arm without hesitation. Guan Heng was not in a good position, and suddenly fell to the ground, Gu Lulu rolled and rolled, and Kankan escaped the bite of the demon tiger.

"噌 ——" Guan Heng, who stood up, suddenly shouted, "It's time to swallow the beast!"

"Wangwangwang—wow!" Hearing Guan Heng's call, a lean old dog suddenly burst out from the oblique spurs, and a roar was directed at the demon tiger that caught off guard, and this roar contained the power to deter evil spirits , Immediately let the huge monster tiger tremble and stiffen on the spot!

"This is the opportunity!" It was late, fast, and Guan Heng leapt forward in a gap and jumped onto the back of the giant demon tiger. The two-foot copper blade in his palm suddenly turned and aimed at the demon tiger. One ear door slammed in severely: "Go to death!"

"噗 ——" 挟 The copper blade wrapped with strong wind 掼 ears touched the brain, and the demon tiger suddenly gave a terrible roar of pain: "Woohoo!"

At this moment, Guan Heng did not hesitate to twist the copper blade that had been nailed into the demon tiger's ear hole. The blood rushed out in no time, and he suddenly sprayed Guan Heng's face.

But in such a time, the demon tiger hurting all over his body suddenly burned to its full potential, and saw that it roared again, and the strange eyes around him opened up, and a mist-like gas burst out. Guan Heng looked carefully on the tiger's back, and suddenly his face changed slightly, and he was startled: "So similar to that white gas in my body? But this monster tiger has ... dark blue !!"

"嗷 ——" The tiger's body suddenly released a powerful force, and immediately let Guan Heng, who was riding on the back of the demon tiger, blasted into the air, in the light and fire, Guan Heng yelled: "Swallow the ghost and use the evil pupil force!"

Speaking slowly, at that time, the old dog with thin bones shook his body. A gap suddenly appeared between his forehead and eyebrows, revealing his third eye. "Well!" Three wicked pupils burst through the air and rushed straight. The demon tiger burst into a blue body and wrapped it around firmly.

At this time, the demon tiger was seriously injured, relying on an indomitable force, trying to kill his own Guanheng. I saw this guy roared, but he broke into shock and opened his own evil pupil bondage. , The old dog that swallowed the ghost and the beast was in a hurry. In order to curb the action of the demon tiger, the swallowed beast sent out two consecutive bursts of evil pupil power under the last resort!

"嗷嗷 嗷 ——" The demon tiger, who was tightly bound by the broken pupil power, couldn't do anything at this moment, and when he saw the whole body, he couldn't stop roaring and struggling, and the falling blood stains covered the ground for a long time.

It is a pity that the more you struggle, the faster you die. After a while, the demon tiger has collapsed to the ground because of too much blood loss, and it is harder to move.

"The new-born tiger dreadful ghost is still absorbing the aura in midair, and it must not be allowed to come over to help the demon tiger!"

Guan Heng, who had just fallen to the ground, resisted the pain and climbed up, then he grabbed the copper blade that was beside him: "Damn, this demon tiger is so powerful that it has consumed the pupils of the ghost three times. Trapped it, but your life-I take it now! "

At this moment, Guan Heng couldn't cover his ears with a thunder, and clasped the copper blade with both hands, aimed at the demon tiger's neck, and straightened in the past: "Oh!"

"噗 ——" After the copper blade entered the neck of the other party, it didn't go straight into the handle, only to hear a strange noise of "giggle" in the throat of the demon tiger. After a while, the red mist of the sky burst out from the seven tricks of the evil tiger!

But at this time, the dying demon tiger suddenly burst into the final roar, and then, the faint blue mist of his body instantly changed to "orange", and this orange breath condensed the last evil of the demon tiger. Strong force, hit Bang Heng's heart with a bang!

"噗 ——" Guan Heng, who had already succeeded, spurted his body and flew forward. He never expected that the other party would have a Jedi counterattack. Suddenly, he suffered a big loss, and at the same time, the monster of the final power broke out. The tiger slumped in situ, and died!

"Tongtong!" Guan Heng's body was planted in the wormwood bushes not far away, just where he hid the dark crystal coffin, but between this electric light and flint, the orange that the demon tiger gathered when he was dying The breath came into contact with the white air that appeared on Guan Heng's body, and the two suddenly merged together, exhaled into Guan Heng's body.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh," at this moment, there was a sudden scream of ghost howling in the air. After absorbing numerous auras of heaven and earth, the biggest ghost of the tiger was finally condensing his soul. But the demon tiger that made it stunned, which made the big miser feel a little at a loss.

But then, the stunner's surprise turned into anger, it roared loudly in the air, and flew straight to Guan Heng, which fell in the wormwood grass the next moment!

"Woo--Wang Wangwang!" Seeing Guan Heng in crisis, the old dog who swallowed the ghost and beast stopped in front of the big ghost a few times. Although he has broken the evil pupil three times today, he is still exhausted. But in order to protect Guan Heng, the old dog still barks in front of the big miser!

Seeing an old, thin-skinned dog dared to stop himself, the big scorpion ghost was furious. With a wave of his arms, "Sigh --- Sigh!" The ten fingers suddenly became windy claws, and the ghost swayed instantly. The terrible scream rang suddenly, and the awakened Guan Heng looked up, the body of the old Leipi dog had been torn into pieces by the big miser.

"Old dog ?! You who kill thousands of swords—" Guan Heng's roaring husband exited, and saw the light of the old dog's stump suddenly falling to the ground. Tiger's body.

But at this moment, the big miser's claws had reached out in front of Guan Heng. Seeing that one more point was needed to break Guan Heng's throat, but something amazing happened!

After seeing Guan Heng's face, the huge tiger ghost suddenly trembled, and whine, it seemed to be extremely painful. Guan Heng saw that the big ghost did not hurt himself, and his face suddenly appeared. Startled: "What exactly does this guy want to do? Why not do it?"

At this moment, the ghost's soul kept shrinking, and in a short time, it became the height of an ordinary person. This ghost is no different from the other Guan Heng who had seen it. They were all weird with yellow and black stripes. But at this time, Guan Heng could tell that the appearance of the ghost was a young man with a clear face.

—— [2016.8.20 Second change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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