Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1626: Conquer the big miser (third)

The ghost was also at a loss at this time, but at the next moment, it had turned and floated in front of the pile of bones eaten by the demon tiger, and trembled from it by holding something in his hands.

At this time, Guan Heng followed and walked by. When he caught a glimpse of the miser's hand, suddenly, some fragments of memory flickered in his mind.

"I see, you, you are an unknown boy, my brother who is missing physically." Guan Heng shouted at the other side at the moment: "I didn't expect you to die in the mouth of the demon tiger ... ... "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng also recognized what the opponent held in his hand: "That string of animal bone necklaces is a gift that your brother polished and made for you?"

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, at this moment, the miser, the elder brother of the unknown boy, groaned, and howling constantly seemed to be complaining to the sky for his miserable fate.

"Well, I didn't expect you to have been the poisonous hand of the demon tiger." Guan Heng slowly shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, I'm not your brother, because he has already died in the hands of other ghosts. I just borrowed it temporarily. He ’s only physical, but I have killed those wicked ghosts to take revenge on my brother. "

Hearing this, the big stun ghost trembled. After looking up and staring at Guan Heng for a while, he actually stopped the sorrow, and then bowed his head into deep thought.

Suddenly, Guan Heng felt like a dark cloud covering his head, and a large shadow drifted over in a short time. In surprise, Guan Heng turned his head to watch, but found that the demon tiger covered with blood shook his body and climbed up again.

"Ah ?! Not dead yet!" Seeing the resurgence of strong enemies, Guan Heng suddenly "Teng Teng Teng" took a few steps back, he reached out to grab the bronze blade, but did not expect to be frightened by the demon tiger. At that time, the blade did not know where it had fallen.

"Oh ..." But at this moment, the demon tiger issued a roar familiar to Guan Heng. It was not a tiger shout, but a roar of swallowing a ghost and beast. Hearing this voice, Guan Heng suddenly overjoyed: "Swallow the ghost. , Do you occupy the body of the demon tiger ?! Hahaha, this is great. "

At this moment, the devouring beast that was attached to the body of the demon tiger came over and stabbed Guan Heng's face for a few moments, looking extra close. At this time, Guan Heng patted his head slightly, "Well, although I lost It's a pity to have an old dog's body, but it can be replaced with a monster tiger body. "

Guan Henggang just said here, but the big miser woke up from his contemplation, and suddenly he floated in front of Guan Heng and handed the beast bone necklace he was holding.

"What does this mean? Do you plan to give it to me?" Guan Heng saw this situation, and it was not easy to refuse, because he used the body of his brother after all, so he reached for it and put it on his neck. "Then I will accept it."

Seeing Guan Heng accepting his beast bone necklace, the ghost was now very happy. Guan Heng said to him, "Wait here, we will bury your remains properly."

Turning his head and smiling at the demon tiger, Guan Hengdao said, "Hey,‘ Swallow the Ghost Tiger ’, you have a lot of energy, help me plan a deep hole beside this cave.”

The Ghost Tiger with the new name listened to Guan Heng's instructions, and quickly began to dig a pit with his front paw. Guan Heng gently scooped a handful of tiger hairs on its back: "Well, without the devil's spirit fragments, try Soul Records to analyze the origin of the demon tiger based on the tiger hair."

Having said that, Guan Heng reached out and clamped the tiger's hair into the pages of the soul book. After seeing the white light flashing above, Guan Heng hurriedly opened the page again, only to see a new piece of information about the demon tiger added above.

Hundred-eyed demon tiger, whose soul is a fourth-order weak soul, with variegated fur as a strange eye, can release evil power, gluttonize flesh and blood, can absorb a small amount of heaven and earth aura, use "hundred pupil" to create a ghost, and the degree of aura absorption Initially blue, it can evolve into orange.

"This guy is called Baitong Demon Tiger?" Guan Heng frowned at this moment and thought: "The other information on the soul book is still easy to understand, but the degree of aura absorption ... the initial blue, orange after evolution, what is it? Meaning? Does it have anything to do with the inexplicable whiteness in me? "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng is already full of curiosity, but only a few sentences have been evaluated in the soul record book. No other information can be known. Guan Heng thought: "Well, I have to inquire about this later."

At this time, "Hundred-eyed Swallow Ghost Tiger" gave a roar, and it turned out that it had dug out a large pit about several feet deep, closed in sight, and immediately picked up the bones exposed in the sun and put them in The deep pit was filled with soil and buried.

At this time, the big miser gave thanks to Guan Heng, who thought that it would dissipate or leave, but the big miser always stopped beside Guan Heng and didn't mean to leave.

"That was the case." Guessing the other side's intentions, at this moment slightly nodded his head and said, "I now occupy the flesh of your brother, so you want to follow me all the time, lest this flesh meet unexpectedly, right?"

Upon hearing this, Dasao Gui nodded his head and said, "Well, you will follow me in the future. When I leave, I will return the body of your younger brother to you. Do you think so?" "

Seeing Guan Heng very seriously when he saw Guan Heng, naturally he was very grateful, so it flew up, and then landed next to Bai Tong Swallow Ghost Tiger. Guan Heng picked up the dark crystal coffin at this time, He was tied to the tiger's back, and he exclaimed, "I'll give you a name too, and I'll call you 'Ghost Brother' from now on."

After burying the remains of the ghost ghost brother, Guan Heng thought that Qi Ling had said before that he could only find the whereabouts of Qinghuang's residual soul to the north, so he took a hundred pupils and swallowed the ghost tiger out of the jungle, and went northward. go with.

As for the ghost ghost brother, because it is a vassal created by the demon tiger, in normal times, the ghost ghost brother can shrink into the pupil of the side that swallows the ghost tiger. Only when Guan Heng calls, the ghost ghost brother will change from Come out inside.

On this way, he hurried northward. All Guan Guan saw and heard were the scenes of poor mountains and inaccessible places, and because of the inspiring body in the dark crystal coffin, there was a constant presence of ghosts and spirits. Attack.

However, Guan Heng doesn't hate the arrival of these guys. Because of the white spirit in Guan Heng's body, for the weak souls of the first and second order, they are captured by hands. After grasping them, tear the broken soul and let the soul register and evaluate the record. Then, by the way absorbed into his own body, for a few days, Guan Heng suddenly found that those white qis had a tendency to slowly evolve into a blue color, and his power was much stronger.

This situation made Guan Heng secretly ecstasy: "In this way, the inexplicable white gas in my body may evolve into blue gas, although the blue and white gas, or even orange gas in the end, is not clear yet. What it does, but it's definitely good for you. "

—— [2016.8.20 third change, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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