Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1628: Painted Gold Finch (5th outbreak)

"噌 噌 噌 ——" On the mountain road, the action of the two men and a tiger was almost like a blast, and the coward Adan led Guan Heng's lifeless rushing and ran to the cliff behind Nanpo Village in a blink of an eye.

"Brother Guan." A Dan standing at the corner of the cliff pointed to the thick vine below and said to Guan Heng: "You can see, you can climb down here, let's ..."

Before Adan finished speaking this sentence, there were several sharp howls suddenly in the air. The two looked up, and saw dozens of strange birds flying all over the sky. These guys had sharp beaks. The sharp claws look like iron hooks, and their appearance is so fierce that it is difficult to deal with them.

"Brother Adan, I'm here to resist for a while, you go down first!" After hearing Guan Heng's shout, long ago these horrible monsters and monsters Adan grabbed the tree vine and crawled down in a hurry, He yelled, "Brother Guan, you have to be more careful."

"It's just a few broken birds, and it's not worth my attention." At this moment, Guan Heng swallowed the ghost's head: "Dude, roar, let these guys teach you awesome!"

"Woo ..." At this time, the swallowing ghost tiger was ready for a long time, and when he heard Guan Heng ordered, he suddenly yelled at the birds in the sky: "Woohoo!"

"Squeak and squeak ?!" The devastating roar of the devoured tiger was shocked, and the dozen or so strange birds immediately trembled and fluffed Mao Fei, all screaming and planting all over the cliff!

"Huh, it's my turn." At this moment, Guan Heng pulled out the bronze blade, and when the coldness of the sky appeared, he had chopped down seven or eight colored cricket birds, and the rest fell into it. To the bottom of the cliff.

Speaking late, at that time, the ghosts of three strange birds suddenly fluttered after death. Guan Heng and Bai Tong swallowed ghosts and tigers acted in unison, "Pap, Pap!" Guan Heng grabbed with both hands, and the light blue air emerged, and immediately absorbed the soul into Guan Heng's body.

And the spirit of the third colorful cricket bird was swallowed by the ghost and turned into the stone of the soul. Guan Heng then caught it and carried it into his arms.

"Hey, the essence of Caiyin Jinque is just first-order." Guan Heng's mouth slightly skimmed: "But it is better than nothing."

At this moment, another scream of a loud bird came from the air in the distance. Guan Heng fixed his eyes and looked closely. I saw that the flying bird was also a bird of color, but it was much larger than the figure just now, and the bird ’s There was also a red sarcoma on his forehead, which looked extremely emaciated.

"I haven't seen this kind of gold sparrow, and it's too big!" At this moment, Guan Heng moved a little in his heart: "Can it be said that it is the 'king' of the Cai Qin gold sparrow?"

I did n’t wait for Guan Heng to think about it. The huge Painted Gold Finch suddenly stopped in the air, and using his huge wings to aim at Guan Heng and swallow the ghost tiger was a life-threatening blow: "Snoring--"

"Strong wind ?!" Guan Heng's gaze was like a torch, and he saw the faint blue breath on his body as the fan's wings gathered in the wind. He suddenly became clear: "The ability to use the blue air is not weak, this guy must be the coloring gold bird ! "

"Woohoo--" At this moment, the strong wind pressure has suddenly swept towards Guan Heng and swallowing the tiger, the situation is extremely critical! Between the electric light and flint, Guan Heng suddenly exclaimed: "Make a ghost, do it--"

Speaking late, at that time, the cold light flashed in the eyes of the devouring tiger, and the gurgling ghost rushed out, and it was worthy to be stopped in front of the wind pressure that swept away! "Bang!" The **** ghost's black gas instantly collided with the wind pressure of the giant winged bird of the golden finches. At the same time when the two violently vibrated and vibrated, Guan Heng winked at the swallowing tiger, and the giant tiger immediately noticed. , Ran for a moment.

Today, not only has the body of the giant tiger swallowed the monster, but it has also devoured the captured horrors in recent days. The evil power has recovered about 20%, that is, it can now use the evil eye power about five times a day. .

Speaking late, at that time, the swallowing tiger suddenly shook his male body, and the fur on his body suddenly turned into strange eyes. Three bursts of evil pupil power appeared in the shot, and the color of the gold bird was worthy of being hit among the electric light and flint.

"Squeak and quack—" The drama hit him with pain, and Jinque Wang raised hissing noise and wanted to retreat, but at this time, the big miser attacked again!

"唰-嚓嚓 嚓!" The big gangster who flew through the air made a mistake with his palms, and left his traces of cross-strikes on the bird-finger with his sharp claws, and he immediately felt the pain of the bird-finger. Great tremor, flying all over the sky.

"嗷嗷 ——" One hundred pupils swallowing the ghost tiger once again made a terrifying roar of evil spirits, and the gold bird king as a beast only felt dizzy, and he couldn't hold back the injury. A green onion was planted on the cliff side!

"Wait for you to come over." Speaking late, fast then, Guan Heng saw the King Finch close at hand, and there was a flash of fierceness in his eyes: "Kill--"

"Hey!" The bronze blade quickly swept across the bird's neck, the red mist splattered for a moment, and the coloring gold bird was killed instantly.

"Slap!" Guan Heng reached out and grabbed King Jinque's body, and saw a faint blue light of the soul suddenly flow out, swallowing the ghost tiger and the big **** ghost very quickly, both stepped forward and struggled As soon as it was torn, the Spirit of King Finch was immediately torn in half.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovely half-soullessly swallowed his stomach, Guan Heng looked frowning:" I say you, why do n’t you just eat politely without knowing you?

It seemed a bit embarrassing to listen to this, but at this time, the big miser handed over the other half of the King Soul King spirit, Guan Heng reached out and grabbed his light blue air into his body.

"Well, it really is a powerful spirit of blue spirit, this feels very good-" Guan Heng absorbed half of the Gold Finch King's broken soul, and immediately felt energetic. At this moment, he grasped the huge remains of the Gold Finch and exclaimed Tossed the village wall diagonally below, "Swallow the ghost tiger, jump to the top and use the force to enter the village's wooden wall!"

"Yeah!" Baitong swallowed the tiger and yelled and promised, its huge body made a bow and suddenly jumped into the air, and then banged on the corpse of the King Finch to take advantage of it. To the inside of the village wall.

At the next moment, Guan Heng had heard the huge sound of the ghost swallowing the ground. He smiled and reached out to catch the thick vine under the cliff. After a few clicks, he had already disappeared.

At the same time, Nanpo Village has already exploded its nest. The villagers saw a huge monster tiger breaking into the village, and they were frightened, and everyone shouted: "No, the monsters and monsters are entering the village. Hurry up, protect the elderly and children from hiding first-- "

"The guys are going to get their weapons. Don't let this guy hurt!" The people in the village panicked and stumbled to each other, but at this moment, the coward Adan who climbed the rough vines into the village one step earlier He appeared, and he was followed by a white-bearded old man.

"Hey, don't panic, this giant tiger is not in danger." Adan shouted a few words, but everyone ignored them, and finally the white-bearded old man yelled with a cane in the palm of his hand: "Stand! No one heard Adan's words? This giant tiger is not a monster! "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.20, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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