Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1629: Qi Controlling Technique (First)

The old man with white beard was the old village chief Feng of Nanpo Village. After saying a word, he was quite shocked. The villagers suddenly slowed down and still looked at the devouring tiger with horrified eyes.

At this moment, Baitong Ghost Tiger ignored the villagers, but turned his head to look at the rough vine under the cliff. In a short time, I saw the shadow moving above it, exclaiming the next person, which was Guanguan who finally arrived.

"Ah, Brother Guan, you can come down." Seeing Guan Heng, the coward Adan ran away with great joy in the past, and asked in a loud voice, "How about, didn't you get hurt?"

"Hahaha, it's just a few birds. It's not a big deal." Guan Heng said at the moment with a finger swallowing the tiger's feet: "Look, even the leaders of the weird birds let me kill them."

Guan Heng was referring to the corpse of King Caique who had lost his head. After seeing the bird corpse, the villagers were wide-eyed and amazed. At this time, Adan had led Guan Henghe and the village chief. Feng Lao made an introduction.

"It turns out that this is the village chief, and I am polite." Seeing Guan Heng holding his fists, Lao Feng quickly waved his hand: "Little brothers don't have to be polite. I see that you have a good ability to kill monsters, and must be a master of gas control. Right?"

Hearing the word "controlled gas" in his ear, Guan Heng's mouth twitched slightly, although he didn't understand the meaning, he didn't show it in front of the village chief.

Thinking about asking the village head about something, Guan Heng turned his head around at this time. He said, "Village chief, the boy has come all the way here, and I want to spend the night in your village. Is it convenient?"

"Hehehe, the little brother is Adan's life-saving benefactor. Naturally, he is also a distinguished guest of our Nanpo village. Come and talk, let's tell in the house."

Hearing that the village chief promised to keep him overnight, Guan Heng hurriedly said, "Village chief, I don't have any good things with me, but look at the bird's beak, claws, feathers and meat on that color-finger king bird Use it, or give it to the villagers in the village. "

"Hahaha, this little brother is really generous, so we thank you." The honest villagers don't know what kind of politeness is. They look at the strange bird and have a huge body, knowing that every household can get a little, So each of them carried the body of Cai Jinhuang Jinque with joy and packed away.

"Little brother, please." At this moment, the head of the village led Guan Heng to his room, and he waved to Adan, who followed him, "Go and get some food to entertain the young brother Guan Heng."

A Dan promised to turn away, while the village chief sat opposite Guan Heng and started chatting with Guan Heng.

Guan Heng lied that he was from a remote place and didn't know much about the outside world. After talking with the village chief, Guan Heng started to have some preliminary understanding of the ancient world he was in.

The ancient world is vast and vast, with countless large and small settlements, but all are under the control of the three ancient nations.

Among them, the largest tribe in the east is Luohedong, also known as the ancient Tang and Tang dynasties. The co-owner of the tribe is called "Tang Yao", and his capital is Pingyang.

The largest tribe in the West Pole is the ancient Yu Kingdom. The tribe's co-owner is called "Yu Shun", and his capital is Pu Han.

To the south is the worship of the Wenshan tribe. It is the least powerful of the three ancient nations. The tribe ’s co-owner is Xia Yu, and the country is set in Yangcheng.

Guan Heng listened to the village chief Feng Feng speaking here, and his heart moved slightly: "Tang Yao ... Yu Shun ... Xia Yu ... It seems that I really came to the ancient Eastern world, but it seems to be different from what I imagined. It's the same. "

"By the village chief, I have been living with my brother in the old forest in the mountains. Some things are not clear, such as this ..." Guan Heng said, spreading his palms in front of Feng Lao, and saw a light blue breath. "Hengheng asked," Do you know what this is? "

"Ah? This is 'blue gas' ?!" The old village chief saw the breath in Guan Heng's palm, apparently a bit dumbfounded, he froze slightly, and then said: "Little brother, see you are not old, You can mobilize this kind of blue gas. Obviously you have a very high talent. So you want to inquire about this? "

"It seems that you have come to realize it by yourself, let me tell you, this is the technique of controlling gas"

Having said that, the old village chief paused, and he continued to say: "In this land where we live, the heaven and earth are full of rich and powerful spirits. After hard work, ordinary people can learn to master" qi "and let themselves Having more strength than ordinary people, in contrast, after other ordinary beasts absorb too much aura, they will also become spirit beasts or monsters. "

Then, Mr. Feng introduced Guan Heng to everyone's division of Reiki. According to the size of "Qi", they were divided into seven colors from strong to weak: purple, black, red, cyan, orange, green, and blue. ,White.

Purple air, the power of the king, is said to be the most powerful and has the ability to break the sea and move the mountains. Only the leaders of the three ancient nations, Tang Yao, Yu Shun, and Xia Yu, realized with excellent talents and used it to run the world. .

Black gas, the spirit of the overlord, and the three major communist leaders each have seven guards, all of which are black gas overlords. It is said that the seven can join forces to resist the king of purple gas.

Red, green, and orange belong to the strong, and most small and medium-sized tribal city owners do this. Among the strong, red is the strongest, orange is the weakest, and green is in the middle.

The blue and white qi are the first level of gas control. They belong to the qi of the healthy person. As long as the ordinary person is not too weak, they can successfully master it. The healthy person, as the name implies, is strong and healthy.

"Like I said, white gas is the best one to master."

Speaking of which, the village head Feng Lao stretched out his hands in a sudden, and a white gas with a near-transparent form emerged in his palm. Feng Laoguan said horizontally: "The people in our village, regardless of their age, As long as people who are not too blunt can master this white spirit, its role is only to strengthen the body, let us increase a little brute force. "

"The white spirit of the old village chief is much thinner than what I used for the first time. Could it be said that my white spirit is different from the rest of them?" Guan Henggang thought of it here and asked subconsciously: "Village chief, can the aura we control change color through exercise or other methods?"

"Well, of course." Lao Feng nodded at this time and said, "In addition to the unique aura like purple gas and black gas, after long-term exercise, most people can at least reach the" orange "in the strong gas, like that. In that case, they can serve as generals of the middle and small tribes. "

"Oh, this is the case." Guan Heng slightly twitched his head at this time, his heart murmured: "It is estimated that no one like me, after continuously absorbing the spirit fragments of those monsters, can be removed from Baiqi in just a few days Turning to pale blue, don't I take a big advantage? "

—— [2016.8.21 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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