Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1633: Residual soul suddenly appeared (fifth more outbreak)

At this moment, the surrounding area suddenly spread an unusually strong **** taste. The fierce power of the brave man was far stronger than those of the beasts present. How could this not scare these guys?

Not to mention these monsters, even Guan Heng, who had sneaked into the canyon to watch the war, was a bit indescribable. He thought to himself, "My God, this is the lunatic that Feng Lao said? Thinking of how powerful he is, how strong is he ... "

Without waiting for Guan Heng to think about it, a monster leader came down on the high slope. It was the black panther with a bald body and a stench smell. The sly black panther knew his strength. , So avoiding its edge does not directly attack, but instead uses trickery.

After seeing a few ups and downs, the figure of the black panther fell on a giant rock not far from the strong man. The black panther opened his mouth and spit out three rancid green gas to the strong man's face.

It turned out that the Black Panther's strength was not as good as the gray-haired fierce orangutan who had just died tragically just now, but it could use the poisonous green gas gathered in his body to attack the enemy. Now he uses this method to deal with the long-haired brawny man.

The venomous blue air was full of rancidity, and the brawny man smelled a frown, and his long arms stretched out. He grabbed a little demon that hadn't gotten out of time, and slammed in front of himself.

"噗-嗤嗤嗤!" Qingqi hit the beast, and it suddenly hurt so much that it screamed and screamed.

"Whoa!" Without hesitation, the strong man threw the corpse in his hand toward the black panther. The guy obviously didn't expect the strong man's hand, and flew into the air in a hurry, so that the corpse was worthy of the foot of the black panther. Passing by.

"噌 ——" At this moment, the brave man jumped into mid-air to confront the Black Panther, and saw that his fist suddenly broke through the air, and he attacked the body of the Black Panther.

This boxing power is similar to the thunder and thunderbolt. The Black Panther dare not meet, and in a hurry, its body twists in the air, and the leopard tail like a steel whip is instantly drawn on the strong punch of the strong man.

"Bang-click!" The whole time of the leopard tail was smashed by the burst of punches, and the hurting black panther fell on the ground with an onion, but at this moment, the brave man landed first, and the second punch immediately came out, bang However, it landed on the black panther's waist and ribs, and instantly hit it with broken bones and violent smashing on the spot!

"Oh!" It was late, and at that time, the golden eagle on Gaopo took advantage of this opportunity to launch a surprise attack, stunned, and a pair of iron claws clung to the strong man's forehead, which was about to make him explode. Skull died.

But the quick response of the strong man was unexpectedly great. "Yeah!" The strong man moved, and when he ducked away, the bird's claws just grabbed a long strand of his long hair.

At the next moment, the golden sculpture that was missed by the sneak attack was a little stunned, and the long-haired brawny man had already "snapped" seven or eight steps in a row. His arm suddenly spread like black ink, faintly forming a long bow. The dark air of the other hand turned into a long arrow, and the bow drew a string of string in a moment, and a bang sounded, and the black gas arrow flew away like a thick ink that penetrated the sky.


"呱呱呱 ——" In the scream, the golden eagle slammed the arrow in the left wing, and the time the eagle smashed the wing and the hair flew. The fierce bird suddenly screamed and fell off the dust: "Bang!" The gray-haired fierce orangutan and the black panther, and shot the gold sculpture with the bow and arrow formed by the black gas, are really beautiful in one go.

Unfortunately, before the winner had time to make the next move, he suddenly raised his head and roared suddenly, then covered his head and rolled up on the spot. It looked like extremely painful!

But at this moment, an unexpected weird thing happened, the golden sculpture of the wings bursting and falling into dust, suddenly struggling and trembling, and then, the strange sarcoma of the golden sculpture's head burst into pieces and emerged from the inside. A reddish shard of remnant came out.

"Ah, that's ... Qing Huang's remnant soul!" Guan Henghuo, who stood in the distance watching the battle, stood up, he clenched his fists and yelled, "Finally I've found you!"

That piece of Qinghuang's remnant was as big as a slap, much bigger than the total amount of remnants collected by Guan Heng before. Guan Heng suddenly felt surprised and happy. At this moment, that Qinghuang remnant suddenly burst into violence. Haoguang appeared, and wrapped his halo around the wound of the golden carving.

"Oh!" In a split second, the severely wounded golden eagle recovered from the injury, and there was no missing hair on the wings. The remnant soul originally attached to the giant bird sarcoma protected himself by letting this gold Vulture has super self-healing ability, which is its great luck.

Speaking late, then, quickly, after Qinghuang's residual soul healed the golden eagle, it shrank into its head for a while, and the golden eagle's body suddenly burst into a blue strong air, flapping its wings and shaking, fiercely fluttering Rolling in pain and strong man!

"Jumping ball, using my wife's remnant to treat you as a gold sore ?! I killed you!" At this moment, he couldn't hold back the horizontal cross once again and stepped out from behind the rock, he shouted with his throat. Said: "Swallow the ghost, use all your power to trap the golden sculpture for me !! Mischi, you go up too--"

Between the electric light and flint, the swallowing ghost tiger and the ghost ghost both grabbed. The former roared loudly and used all the accumulated power to trigger the "Hundred Eyes" of the demon tiger. "Hey!" Opened a dozen of them. Strange eyes, I shot the strongest power to break the evil pupil, and I also showed sharp claws, crazy attack on the Golden Eagle!

The golden eagle who was about to kill the long-haired man was suddenly attacked, and suddenly became furious. But when he wanted to fight back, he suddenly became rigid and couldn't move.

That's because the devouring pupils of the devouring tiger have been fully exerted. Although the golden sculpture erupts throughout the body, it is far more powerful than the true strength of the devouring tiger, but everything is in harmony and the devastating power of devouring the ghost. Is always the nemesis of the monster, this pupil, can trap the golden sculpture for a few seconds!

In just a few seconds, the Golden Eagle has suffered huge damages that it hasn't encountered in life—the sharp claws of the big scorpion ghost have already slammed into the eyes of the Golden Eagle! "噗 ——" Two huge eyes were instantly picked up in mid-air, and when the golden scream screamed that the wings were lifted off, it happened that it hit Guan Heng with a calm face again.

"You get me down!" "Pop!" Regardless of his leaping at this moment, Guan Heng immediately hugged the body of the golden eagle, and they fell to the ground with one click. "You show me Qing Huang's remnant--"

"Bang, bang! Bang, bang!" Guan Heng roared as he bombarded the head of the Golden Eagle with his heavy blue fist, but the blinded Golden Eagle was unwilling to show weakness and struggled, the giant bird beak mad Tearing and pecking, he suddenly drew the bones all over the body.

For a while, the two in the whole body were tumbling on the spot and beat fiercely!

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.21, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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