Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1634: Unexpectedly miserable (first)

However, Guan Heng and the golden eagle were so embarrassed that neither the big wicked ghost nor the swallowing tiger could step forward hurriedly because the two sides were so tightly bound that they were afraid of hurting Guan Heng by mistake, and the swallowing tiger could only whisper at this time Howling, deterring the Golden Eagle with a voice containing evil power, trying to expose the opponent to flaws.

But at this moment, the blind gold sculpture has completely fallen into a state of insanity. It just wants to tear Guan Heng all over the body, and Guan Heng also beats the gold sculpture with all his might. Qing Huang's residual soul was released.

Suddenly, it seemed that the golden carving was on the verge of death, and the slap of the phoenix and the remnant of the phoenix rushed out of the golden carving's head again, trying to help the golden carving heal the wound.

But in an instant, the dark crystal coffin on the back of the devouring tiger suddenly produced a powerful absorption force, and instantly caught the piece of Qinghuang Residual Soul, even pulling it to its side. Then, the remnant soul submerged into the crystal coffin and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Guan Heng suddenly overjoyed: "Okay, now I don't have any worries, ghosts, devouring tigers, do it together!"

In Guan Heng's shout, the devouring tiger stomped his own remaining power of breaking evil, and instantly shot out with three eyes on his forehead, hitting the bird accurately, and the big goblin was in the air. Howling, both claws fell wildly on the golden eagle's spine wings: "Oh!"

At this time, Guan Heng's bronze long sword had no idea where it fell. In anxiety, he stuck his neck with the palm of his hand and kept tightening it with force ... Gradually, the action of the gold carving's struggling gradually became slow. The spread of the blue strong gas began to rush to Guan Heng's arms, and Guan Heng roared at this moment: "Don't die!"

"Ka-cha!" The crisp sound of the broken bird's neck suddenly burst into everyone's ears. Guan Heng was now fully free, and his body fluttered and fell to the ground: "Huh-finally killed this golden carving, is it really special? Struggling! "

Speaking, Guan Heng also flew and kicked on the gold carving wreckage, just between the electric light and flint. A shadow of the spirit appeared suddenly on the top of the gold carving. Guan Heng saw the machine very quickly, he shouted loudly: "Swallow the ghost, catch it!"

Unfortunately, the devouring tiger next to it just roared and slumped to the ground. It turned out that it has already exhausted the drama today, and the power of breaking evil has long been left.

"Abominable!" Seeing that the carved soul with the strong blue spirit is about to lift off and flee, when Guan Hengzheng felt that the skilled duck was escaping, the wicked ghost had already rushed madly and bit the gold carving. The soul, tearing up desperately!

At this moment, where is the golden carved spirit able to withstand the attack of the big miser, it was immediately torn apart, and at this moment, the devouring tiger sucked with a big mouth and immediately included a trace of the soul.

Suddenly, the devouring tiger that swallowed the broken soul recovered a bit of strength. Instantly, it sent out a force to break the evil pupil, and quickly wrapped up most of the golden carved souls, turning them into a whole soul stone. .

Guan Heng's hands stretched out and seized a few broken souls, and then sucked into his body. The wounds that were scratched by the golden carving and visible bones gradually healed.

"Oh!" The last piece of broken souls was thrown into the hands of the soul record book by Guan Heng. After a flash of that book, Guan Heng turned it back on, adding the information of the golden carving: the golden carving king, the mutation caused by evil spirits Monster, soul power is evaluated as ... Fifth-order strong soul! !! Good at using the cyan power ...

"It turned out to be the first fifth-order strong soul I encountered." Guan Heng closed the book page at this time, his heart secretly said: "I think it is so strong, not only because of the blue spirit, it must be Qing Huang The Residual Soul has given the King of the Golden Eagle great resilience, so this guy can stand out among many monsters of the same kind. "

Guan Heng looked around at this time. The weak beasts were scared away at the beginning of the fierce battle and fled without a trace, while the long-haired brawns who killed the fierce orangutans and black panthers suddenly caused severe headaches. It has been fainted, but there is no sound at this moment.

Guan Heng noticed that it was now evening, and the sunset had already entered twilight.

"It's going to be dark ... by the way! Hurry and look at the physical condition of Qing Huang." Guan Heng thought of this, hurried to the side of the devouring tiger, and reached out to unlock the crystal coffin.

"Ha, everything is as usual, and his face seems a little ruddy, no, how can it be so obvious, it is my illusion ... Hey ?!" Guan Heng's gaze fell on the black coffin girl's head at this moment, and his expression suddenly turned towards him. Yizheng: "Why, this child's hair has turned black again?"

A few days ago, Guan Heng opened the coffin cover and examined it carefully. The girl ’s head was found to be a beautiful bright red, but at this moment, the girl was black and dark. When Guan Heng saw this scene, her heart suddenly became a little bit nervous. :"What exactly is going on?"

After blinking, Guan Heng suddenly remembered that when she was on Shanhai Street, sister-in-law once said that Qing Huang was a very rare "one soul and two souls", that is, she had a rare soul twin and walked away with herself. Extreme ... and two inseparable souls are now merging.

Thinking of this, Guan Heng seemed to realize that when he checked the girls in the crystal coffin before, it was all during the day, but now it is the first time that the coffin is opened for inspection at night.

"Probably, the daytime activity is more frequent, the part of Qinghuang is the red body, so the girl has red hair." Guan Heng slowly analyzed and thought at this time: "The night is when the part of the black body is active. So that girl turned into black hair. "

After realizing this, Guan Guan wasn't nervous anymore. At this moment he glanced at the long-haired man lying on the ground: "What should I do with this guy? Don't you let it go? Well, anyway, my own thing It's not resolved, if you bring this guy, it's nothing more than to trouble yourself ... wait! "

Sudden flash of light in Guan Heng's mind, he suddenly whispered to himself: "Before he fell into a faint, he seemed to have hit the King of the Golden Eagle with a bow and arrow condensed with black gas. Qi of Qi ?! How can such a wild man living in a barren mountain canyon use such a powerful technique of Qi control ... "

Guan Heng thought this way, and approached the savage two steps again. At this time, he noticed carefully that a faint, misty, indifferent black gas was lingering above the head of the long-haired man, and the corner of Guan Heng's mouth was raised up. A slight smile: "Is it really tyrant black? I want to try."

Speaking of which, Guan Heng's palm has been stretched out. He hoped that he could absorb the black gas into his body, but the accident happened suddenly at this time!

"Yeah!" The dark air on the strong man's forehead suddenly wrapped the wind and closed Heng's palms. At the next moment, Guan Heng felt that the entire arm was inflating in incomparable pain. After a loud noise, "Bang!" Guan Heng's arm burst into the air, leaving only Sen Bai's tragic hand bone attached to his shoulder.

—— [2016.8.22 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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