Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1642: Ming Yucheng

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo —" At this time, the ghosts screamed in the sky. It was the five ghosts who could not find Guan Heng and the devouring tiger just now. These guys seemed a little confused, and Guan Heng smiled and beckoned: Hey, all come down, and eat the bark of this lost tree demon, which is good for everyone. "

Hearing Guan Heng's remarks, the five goblins drifted down and down, and around the remains of the confused tree demon was a big chew. At this time, Ago came to Guan Heng, opened his mouth with a big mouth, and Guan Heng smiled. Shaking his head, "Are you hungry again ?!"

Seeing the other party like this, Guan Heng also had no choice but to flip through the package and take out a few pieces of roasted meat and dry food and handed it to Agou: "The old village chief gave us this. You are artificial light. "

At this moment, A Gou was squatting beside the stream and screaming at the barbecue. He didn't hear what Guan Heng said. Suddenly, the swallowing ghost tiger next to Guan Heng suddenly shook his head, and then issued the voice of the anti-star disc spirit: "Hey , Guan Heng. "

"Well, Qi Ling, are you awake?" Guan Heng heard his voice and said with a smile, "How about, is this sleep comfortable?"

Qi Ling replied: "Anyway, I am not very clear about the outside world, but when I woke up, I felt that the heaven and earth aura in this world seemed a bit chaotic, but I don't know why ..."

"Only a few days, I realized that the world is full of monsters, not a good place."

Guan Heng said at this time: "But I have good news to tell you that Qing Huang's remnant soul has been found by one. Just as you suggested before going to sleep, you keep going north, and you really meet one. The Golden Carving King encountered an possessed remnant. "

"Well, that's right. According to my inference, the remnant soul of your fiancee is very weak when scattered across the world, so they will instinctively find a strong host possession to restore vitality."

At this time, Qi Ling said: "Since the first remnant is found, it will be easy to handle in the future. Now I feel that the remaining remnant of Qing Huang should still be in the area to the north and continue to move forward there Well, we will definitely meet again soon. "

"There is one more thing. The body of this giant tiger that swallows the ghost and beast is quite convenient. Not only can it absorb the aura between heaven and earth, but it can also devour the spirit and flesh of the beast to help me and its spirit. In such a long time, the faster I recover, the faster I can lock in the remaining remnants. "

Having said that, Qi Ling paused a bit, and then continued to say, "As for now, it is better to continue to sleep. To avoid consuming too much energy."

"Understand, then you will continue to sleep now, I will continue to go north in the direction you have pointed." Guan Heng said slightly at the moment, "If you recover, remember to tell me. . "

"Um." Qi Ling agreed, and there was no sound.

At this time Guan Heng glanced at the five goblins and the chewed Agu dog, he clapped his palm and shouted, "The rest time is over, start—" Going over Zhaoyao Mountain, holding Guan Heng's devouring tiger and Ah The dog, all the way, went straight to the "Ming Yucheng" more than a hundred miles away.

But no one expected that at this moment, Ming Yucheng was experiencing a huge change. If Guan Heng and A Gou were trapped in it, they would definitely cause a fatal disaster!


Standing in the deserted city of Yuyu, the cold wind wrapped in the flying sand seemed extremely sloppy. This place was originally a humble earth city, and few people wandered.

However, more than ten years ago, many people who escaped from the pursuit of monsters or natural disasters gradually gathered here, which restored the vitality of Mingyu City.

Snake, no head, no man, no one is chaotic. The fugitives who live here have nominated a city owner as the leader of the city of life, leading everyone, struggling in this monster-ridden wilderness. , Finally managed to take root.

The owner of Mingyu City, surnamed Dou, was said to be a general of a small tribe before coming to this place. For some reason, he brought his family and brought his mouth to Mingyu City. This man is the pinnacle of the Orange Strong, because of his superb martial arts, he defeated other candidates more than ten years ago and became the city leader of Yuyucheng.

Dou Chengzhu is kind to the people under his administration, but this person has a narrow heart and speaks alone. If someone else is slightly disobedient, he will immediately annoy the city owner. Then he will expel the party from Yucheng and kill him. On the spot, never show mercy.

Although the people of Mingyu City are afraid of the bossy character of the city owner, they are not easy to live in the troubled world of monsters, and no one wants to relocate easily.

Although the lord of the city of Dou had a bad temper, he also led everyone to repeatedly fight against the beasts of the siege and tried his best to repel those guys and protect the safety of the party.

In the afternoon of this day, Guan Heng and Ago finally came to the city gate of Mingyu City. At this moment, he laughed loudly and said, "Mingyu City, why is this name so strange? Hey, I really don't understand What it means. "

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came out behind Guan Hengshen: "That's because, the name of this life Yucheng is derived from the eight-letter abbreviation of‘ listen to the sky, the rest of your life ’.”

"Oh, that means it ..." Hearing this, Guan Heng looked back and saw two bright eyes, a pretty young woman standing hand in hand with his wrists, not far behind him. One wore a yellow skirt and one wore a green shirt, and it was the yellow skirt woman who spoke.

So Guan Heng smiled and said, "Thank you very much for your advice and gratitude."

"Ha ha, this little brother is polite."

At this moment, the woman in the yellow shirt caught a glimpse of the devouring tiger next to Guan Heng, and was very interested. She said softly: "I am the first time I have seen such a huge tiger. Compared with it, those raised by my father are almost like it. It ’s a puppies, little brother, can I touch this giant tiger? "

Before waiting for Guan Heng to answer, the woman in the green shirt hurriedly said, "Miss, that big bug looks so fierce, let's ... don't pass it?"

After saying this, the woman in Cuishan had a timid expression on her face, and she was obviously afraid.

"Duer, if you're afraid, step back." The woman in the yellow skirt and that Duer are the master-in-law, plus she's always the same, so she immediately got rid of Duer's wrist and walked to Guan Heng and swallow the ghost. In front of the tiger.

Guan Heng smiled and answered at this time: "Okay, okay, if you touch it, you won't be angry if you swallow the ghost."

—— [Fourth more of 2016.8.23, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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