Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1643: Test (fifth more outbreak)

Upon hearing this, the woman in the yellow skirt smiled sweetly: "The younger brother is really good-tempered." Then, she went to the swallowing tiger and gently scratched the tiger's jaw with her spring-like jade fingers, and said "Oh, it's furry and soft."

"Ah, miss, it's already noon." At this moment, the maid named Duer hurriedly said, "If you go back too late, I will not only be scolded by the director, but maybe I will be beaten, begging It ’s up to you, Mr. Zhu ’s bamboo board can hurt people! ”

"Okay, I can't beat you, let's go." The woman in the yellow shirt said, asking Guan Heng casually: "Brother, see if you carry a long bow and a sword, do you want to participate in the contest hosted by the city's main government? ? "

After listening to the other side, Guan Heng smiled and waved his hand and said, "No, no, I just passed by Yucheng, and I will leave soon."

"Oh, that's a pity." The woman in the yellow shirt shook her head slowly, and whispered when she turned away: "If you can go, I might ... you can get it ..."

The woman's last sentence was as fine as a mosquito sound. Before Guan Heng heard clearly, she had taken her niece away. At this moment, Guan Heng frowned slightly, and his heart murmured: "What is the match? Hehe , Don't worry about it anymore, it's important to rush to find the cast arrow in the city. "

Guan Heng's purpose in coming to Mingyu City was to find a caster and build a few suitable long arrows for the snowy bow on his back. Otherwise, he always carried such a long bow without a pot of arrows. He felt a little awkward himself.

Fortunately, when leaving Nanpo Village, the village chief Feng told him that there was a master craftsman in Yuyu City who could build weapons and weapons. Guan Heng came here with Agou and Ghost Tiger.

Just as Guan Heng was about to enter the gate of Mingyu City, two soldiers guarding the city suddenly crossed a long palm in the middle of the palm, and Kankan stopped Guan Heng. They said in unison: "Stop! Life! No monsters are allowed in Yucheng! "

"Monster ?!" Hearing this, Guan Heng was suddenly hesitant, but he instantly understood that the other party was a devouring tiger, Guan Heng said quickly: "Two brothers, my tiger is very honest, it It won't hurt people casually. "

One of the soil soldiers first narrowed his eyes and looked at the devouring tiger. Then he said, "Little brother, it's not that we are embarrassing you. You are an 'exception' who is allowed to come in for a special reason. "

Guan Heng asked inexplicably at this time: "Exception ... what does that mean?"

Another soil soldier said: "Let me tell you, the city ’s main government is about to hold a contest. All the participants can enter the city with their trained monsters. Are you here?"

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng slowly shook his head and said, "No, I just want to enter the city office for trivial matters, and then leave immediately."

The former soldier who spoke earlier said: "Then you have only one way to enter the city. Do you see the big rock on the left of the gate?"

Hearing the words of the soldiers, Guan Heng looked up, and there was a huge boulder with a height of tens of meters standing at the gate of the city. The potholes above were all large and small, and some could clearly see that it was a fist. The mark left.

"That boulder is called 'Wang Jinshi'. It was brought back from the wilderness by the master of the city himself ten years ago and stood at the gate of the city."

At this moment, the earth soldier continued to say: "The Lord Lord of the City once said that only strong men who reach a certain level of Qi control can punch holes in the stones with bare hands. For such strong men, this city will naturally be treated like a guest. , We will not prevent such guests from bringing their own monster into the city, little brother, would you like to try? "

When the soldier said this sentence, his eyes were obviously a bit ridiculous, because only those who can control the orange strong spirit can leave traces on the stone, and he can only observe the appearance of Guan Heng. It's a sixteen or seven-year-old half-size guy, and it's impossible to do so, so I waited to see Guan cross over and get ugly.

"That's the case, you two obviously want to see the joke of Master Ben." Guan Heng gave a cold glance at the earth soldier at this time, and he secretly said, "Well, I just don't let you do it."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng turned his head and shouted, "A dog, come here!" The strong man A dog heard Guan Heng's call and walked to him in two steps, pointing at the stone of the city gate. Guan Heng said to A dog: "Punch whatever" on that stone, and I'll invite you to dinner after entering the city. "

When the dog heard Guan Heng's "make a random punch", he twisted his head and pondered for a long while. He looked at the grass ring on his wrist, finally facing Guan Heng slightly, and then walked over.

"Bang!" After a small blast, the two soldiers who defended the city almost lost their chins, because the strong man's punch didn't make much effort, but he broke into the stone for more than three feet. Deep, then this guy started smirking at Guan Heng.

The next moment, with the shocked expressions of the two soldiers, Guan Heng, Ghost Tiger, and A Go entered the city of Mingyu with a big swing, without even looking at each other.

Walking on the street, Guan Heng secretly laughed: "A dog is a guy who can use the black gas of the dominator. It is difficult for him to pierce a stone, but he just can't use the black gas easily now. The dog has a severe headache. "

Mingyu City is indeed the only place in Fangyuanli that can be called a "city". Although it is relatively old and shabby, it includes all the hotels, restaurants, and foundries. Small, complete. "

After Guan Heng led a giant tiger into the city, it immediately caused sideways watching of the pedestrians walking in the city, but it is worth noting that everyone seemed to have no fear expression, just glanced at Guan Heng and his two eyes, and then they were busy. .

"The people in Mingyu City are not guilty. When you first arrived in Nanpo Village, the villagers there almost didn't scare their pants when they saw the devouring tiger, which is really incomparable with the people here."

At this moment, Guan Heng was walking on the street, looking at the buildings on both sides of the road from time to time. He suddenly found that every few houses, he could see a large open space. Many young children and teenagers were punching and kicking in the open space. They hummed, they worked very hard, and beside them there was an instructor who supervised them with wicker and bamboo sticks, from time to time they made corrective actions.

Seeing this scene, Guan Heng nodded slightly with his jaw, thinking to himself: "It is no wonder that the people who died in Yucheng can survive in the raging world of monsters for so many years. They are all struggling to improve their strength. As a result, just looking at their enthusiasm for training the next generation is enough to see this. "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.23, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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