Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1644: Founder Lao Wu (first)

After coming to this world, Guan Heng felt the place where human vitality was condensed for the first time, so he unconsciously looked at the training martial arts field twice.

But at this time, the strong man Ago got into trouble again. It turned out that this guy saw a stall in a shop full of red and big fruits. At that time, he couldn't help but pick up one .

"Hey, how can you pick it up and eat it?" The shop owner saw Ago as dirty as a savage, and his eyes were dull and dumb, and he suddenly became furious: "You fool, put down Lao Tzu's fruit, Otherwise I will ... "

The shop owner just wanted to say "Otherwise I'll punch you", but when he saw that Agou was tall and full of muscles, he suddenly swallowed this sentence back to his stomach.

Seeing this situation, Guan Heng hurriedly compacted and said, "Sorry, I'm sorry, my elder brother was irritated and a little confused, and I will compensate for these fruits."

Seeing Guan Heng talking politely, the shop owner nodded and said, "Well, this is pretty much the same. The things in this city are barter, boy, do you have a whole animal skin or something, I can exchange it with you fruit."

"Yes, just wait a moment." Guan Heng said as he untied a bundle of animal skins from the back of the devouring tiger, and randomly took out two to the owner: "This is the animal skin of the demon wolf, can you?"

"Well, your demon wolf's fur is good enough to replace all the fruits on my stall." After seeing the shop owner Xizi take over the demon wolf skin, Guan Heng said, "Not so much, how much does my elder brother eat? Just take as much as you want. The rest is fine. "

In this way, the shop owner found a sackcloth bag containing a hundred red fruits, and Guan Heng asked Ago to hold and eat while walking. At this time, he asked the owner of the fruit shop again, "Excuse me, I want to set up Foundry, where should we go? "

"Oh, look at the little brother, do you want to see the contest?" Guan Heng opened his mouth and denied, and the shopkeeper pointed to the north street corner: "Well, the best foundry in Mingyu City is here There are corners, but you need to pay attention, because the founder Lao Wu has a strange temper, and many guests have been knocked out by him. "

Hearing this, Guan Heng couldn't help laughing: "Opening a door to do business, but also knocking customers out? What is this master, Master Castor?"

But Guan Heng was reluctant to talk to the boss any more. He thanked him, and then led A Gou and Ghost Tiger to the foundry.

After a while, Guan Heng came to the door of the workshop described by the owner of the fruit shop, and just wanted to step inside, Guan Heng heard a rushing horseshoe sound on the street behind him. When he looked back, there were two flying horses. He rushed to the workshop.

乜 Looked obliquely, Guan Hengjian was immediately seen as two big men, two of them wearing animal skins, carrying swords in their hands, one with a broken axe, and the other with a half-length bronze epee. .

At this moment, the two Hans turned over and dismounted, and then ran into the foundry. They shouted, "Where is the boss? Come out and recast the sword for Lao Tzu. We are also preparing to participate in the contest. And ... "

"Bang, bang!" Without waiting for the two screaming guys to finish, someone already waved their fists and blasted them out of the gate of the studio. They only heard "thump, thump" twice, and the two were out of luck A dog fell on the street eating shit!

"I came here just after eating horse dung? My mouth is so stinky, I don't do your business as a jerk, get off—" At this moment, Master Castor, who stood at the door, shouted with his hips on his hips, "Dare you Step into the threshold of Laozi half a step, and knock your dog legs! "

After listening to this, the two big shapely men dared to speak up there. They immediately took their horses and fled away.

"Hehehe, this forge master is really hot-tempered." Guan Heng, who was watching on the side, grinned, "The two guys deserve to be unlucky, and even got him."

At this moment, Master Foundry standing at the door glanced at the devouring tiger next to Guan Heng, and he suddenly stunned: "Such a huge monster?"

Just as the craftsman looked at the devouring tiger, Guan Heng had stepped forward and asked with a fist: "This is Uncle Wu, the foundry craftsman in this city, the boy is polite."

"Uh? This giant tiger is yours?" Then the founder Lao Wu took back a look of astonishment, and then asked: "brother, what are you doing?"

"Uncle, I want to ask you to build something." Guan Heng blinked at this moment and said, "Can we talk inside?"

"Okay, little brother please." Lao Wu saw the giant tiger and the strong man Ago beside Guan Heng, and did not dare to be indifferent, so he made a "please" gesture and walked in first.

Guan Heng said to the dog next to him: "You just sit here and eat slowly, and wait for me to come out with the swallowing ghost tiger." A dog is burying his head to eat fruit. After listening to Guan Heng, he slightly jaws his head, and then eats again Up.

The next moment, Guan Heng had already talked with Lao Wu Pan in the workshop. "Uncle, look at this bow first."

After Guan Heng said this, he took off the snowy bow on his back and handed it to Lao Wu: "I got this long bow by accident, but there is no arrow, so I want to entrust you to create a few Yes, can you pick up this job? "

"Uh ?! Why is this bow ... in your hands?" At the first glance like Xue Gong, Old Wu froze for a moment, but he reacted quickly and immediately lowered his head to conceal his expression.

"Uncle Lao Wu, do you know this bow?" Guan Heng looked like a torch, and suddenly found that the other party was something wrong, but at this time Lao Wu looked at it carefully and shook his head involuntarily and said, "No, no ... the style seems to be wrong, This is not the bow, it seems that I confessed. "

Seeing Guan Heng's eyes were full of inquiries, Lao Wu explained: "Ten years ago, under the leadership of the ancient Tang and Tang dynasties, His Majesty Tang Yao had a tribe called 'Shangqiu'. Although their number was not large, they were all physically Huai Gongya's magical skills, among which the chief clan leader is the first master. "

"There is anecdotal information among our artisans who are good at forging swords. The Shangqiu tribe has nine treasures of the town tribe, which are collectively called 'Three Bows and Six Swords.'"

Speaking of which, Lao Wu paused for a moment, and he continued to say, "Three of them are named" Frost Jue "," Fan Jue "and" Dark Star ", and the first glance at you seeing this bow , I thought it was the Frost Treasure Bow of the Shangqiu Tribe. Unfortunately, it's not ... "

After listening to Lao Wu's words, Guan Heng smiled and said, "Isn't it so coincidental? Isn't my bow comparable to that frosty bow?"

"Hi, I'm not quite sure, but according to legend, the two ends of Frost Juebo's bow are not the shape of a bowed head." Lao Wu scratched his head at this time and said: "It should be another kind of beast, as if I do n’t know what it is called "poor."

—— [2016.8.24 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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