Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1657: Juhuang Strike

"Well, who is this?"

Dou Wanxin poked her head behind Guan Heng. She looked at A Dog's unscrupulous and awkward sleep, and didn't find it funny. Guan Heng replied at this time: "His name is A Gou. It's my elder brother I picked up. His brain is a bit stupid, but his skill is absolutely unambiguous. He is a black master of overlords. "

"You deceive people." Dou Wanxin said crisply at this time: "The overbearing black masters? Even if the three ancient nations add up, it is only a few twenty-one people. This is how you sleep ... Oh, this is how you sleep Like a fool, how could it be? "

"I didn't lie to you." Guan Heng smiled slightly at this time: "My big dog really can use black domineering, but hey, he will have headaches after black gas, so he does n’t use it often. That's it. "

Seeing Guan Heng's seriousness, Dou Wanxin was just suspicious. At this moment, A Gou heard the two people's voices at the door, immediately turned over and sat up from the bamboo bed, smirking at Guan Heng.

Guan Heng unloaded the dark crystal coffin from the back of the devouring tiger at this time, and then carried a large bag of food over, all in the arms of A Gou: "Well, these are all brought back for you to eat . "

A Gou was happier when he saw what he was eating than when he encountered something good, so he grabbed the contents and stuffed it into his mouth.

Guan Heng saw that he was eating deliciously, so he turned his head and asked Dou Wanxin: "What's wrong with me?"

"Oh, if you don't ask, I almost forgot." Dou Wanxin screamed with both hands at this time: "I came to you to inform you that tomorrow's contest will be dangerous. You must be careful."

"The competition on the platform was full of unknown dangers," Guan Heng said indifferently at the moment. "I don't think it's a big deal."

"You fool, of course, I say this for a reason." At this moment, Dou Wanxin shook her head slightly and said, "During your second round of competition in the afternoon, I overheard my father and the guards of Mingyu City discussing. It is said that he intends to decide the winner because he has reached an agreement with the representative of the patriarch of the Tiandai tribe, namely Rong Teng, the brother of the patriarch Rong Zheng, and the two parties will form an alliance. "

"What? The master of the city actually used this method. What competitions are still held, and what else do you fight? Why not go home." After hearing this, Guan Heng said angrily: "The master of a grand city, It's too ridiculous to even cheat and control the results of the competition! "

"Uh, Guan Heng, the person you said seems to be my father ..." At this time, Dou Wanxin blushed and said, "Although he did too much, can you not scold him in front of me?"

"Oh, sorry, Sister Wanxin, I'm rude." Guan Heng cleared his throat at this time to cover his embarrassment, and then asked: "Since the alliance between the two parties has been decided, then you are not going to marry a Tianli people ? "

"Yeah, Guan Heng, you also know that I will never let this happen." Dou Wanxin said at this time: "So, you must win." "I know, not only for sister Wanxin You, and the winning prizes, purple gold ore, and the martial arts skills of the city owner, are also my ambitions. "

Guan Heng fisted his fist lightly at the moment, and then said, "Rest assured, I will win this victory."

"I know, so not only did I come to inform you of the fierce competition tomorrow, but I also quietly brought this to you."

Dou Wanxin was very careful at this time, and she took out a piece of animal skin that became dark and shiny because of the perennial Capricorn. She said, "The figure painted on it is my father's most powerful martial arts-Juhuang strike, if you can Whatever you learn tonight, tomorrow's contest may be more certain. "

"Here, this is the strongest martial arts skill of the city owner?" Guan Heng took the dark animal skin at this time, and he said with a little surprise, "It is estimated that your father will collect such valuables as such valuables. I didn't expect it. , Even if you steal it out and give it to me. "

"Well, my dad wanted to sacrifice my happiness to keep his position as the master of the city, so I don't have to worry about his feelings." At this moment, Dou Wan said with a straight heart: "My only wish now is Protect yourself, Guan Heng. If you want this "juhuang one-strike" graphic animal skin, you have to help me. "

"Okay, then that's all it takes."

Guan Heng already knew that the martial arts of the ancient world were generally drawn on the skin of animals. That kind of thing is both text and moves. As long as you carefully understand it, you will have a chance to see through it. At first glance, it was found that this martial art called "Juhuang Yishang" was simple and practical. The only drawback was that every time it was used, it would consume a lot of aura, and even collapsed.

"Then, learn slowly, I want to go back to the city's main house." Dou Wanxin said this, and then turned around and wanted to leave, Guan Heng said at this time: "Sister Wanxin, wait first, this way is not safe Plus, it's getting late, and I'll let the Ghost Tiger accompany you, just let it come back by itself. "

"Ha ha ha, I can't think you are very careful, thank you." Dou Wanxin's words just ended, and the devouring tiger has come to her in a big way, one person and one tiger out of the thatched house and headed directly towards the city's main government. The direction gradually went away.

At this time, Guan Heng unfolded the animal skin in his hand again, and began to study the mystery of the Juhuang strike. He found that this martial art was simple, rude, but directly effective. The only way to defeat the enemy was to quickly resuscitate the whole body Compressed in the palms of his hands, the speed of the meteor bursting out of the air suddenly burst out at the speed of Thunder not covering his ears.

However, too aggressive methods of attack have certain disadvantages. The weakness of Juhuang's attack is that after use, the phenomenon of demobilization is very obvious. It seems that when the whole body of aura attacks the enemy, the excessive exertion of power has no reservation. Sake.

For a while, Guan Heng had no solution to this phenomenon. He thought to himself that although the Juhuang attack was powerful, it could only be used as the last killer. Since it has been studied almost, then Let's try it out.

Guan Heng thought of this, slowly got up, and then threw the animal skin in the bamboo bed. At this moment, he suddenly mobilized those dark blue auras in his body and slowly dwelled on the palms.

Those blue mist-like gases are slowly rotated under the direction of Guan Heng. The next step is to compress these mists into small **** with large fists, and then burst out!

But when Guan Heng wanted to compress the aerosol, the dark blue gas seemed to burst quickly because he couldn't stand the severe vibration.

—— [Fourth more of 2016.8.26, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets 月 | ` O ′ | ′ ~~] ——

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