Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1658: Unexpected comprehension (fifth more outbreak)

"Failed ?! This technique of controlling Aura compression does not seem easy."

At this time Guan Heng breathed into the palm of his own hand. He shook his head slightly and said to himself: "It is worthy of the martial arts skills that the master of the orange strong air can use. With my blue air repair at this time, I must learn to be afraid. It is quite difficult. "

However, it was definitely not Guan Heng's style to try to give up easily one or two times. At this moment, he was very interested, so he decided to persevere a few more times.

In this way, Guan Heng repeatedly practiced for more than a full hour, but unfortunately he never got the point. Instead, the blue aura in his body was repeatedly refined, becoming deeper and more dignified, and it was not nothing.

At this time, Swallowing Ghost Tiger had long returned Dou Wanxin to the city's main house, and she walked into the thatched house, and lay lazily beside Agou, watching Guan Heng sweating hard.

The thatched house had a window that could penetrate the moonlight. Just now, Guan Heng had carried the black coffin girl out of the coffin and put it on a bamboo mat in front of the window to let her bathe in the moonlight.

There is also A Gou, this silly big man has eaten food long ago, and he is boring and yawning to watch Guan Heng's comprehension and drill Juhuang, but gradually, A Gou appears suddenly in his eyes. I feel that Guan Heng's action is being performed in a way that has something to do with myself!

"Huh-it's just a little bit closer, and the air mass is successfully gathered." Guan Heng smiled at this moment and wiped the sweat on his head. Although he felt helpless, it was good to be more proficient in this martial art. Guan Heng can only remind himself in this way, as a spurring belief.

Suddenly, Guan Heng felt that the dog behind him slowly stood up, and he turned around to watch and wanted to confirm what the dog was going to do. At this moment, no one beside him did a set of actions.

The first is to stretch out both palms, but instead of holding them together, they spread their ten fingers apart, and then clenched tightly, and then separated, Agou seemed unwilling to mobilize the black gas in his body, perhaps because of a headache The consequence may be that the “grass ring” Guan Guan made on the wrist was constrained, so he was simply doing the same set of steps.

"A dog, are you imitating what I just looked like?" At this moment, Guan Heng looked interesting, and said casually: "You did not do it right, I just spread my palms and closed my fingers ..."

Guan Heng said here, and did it subconsciously, but in his sudden flash of light in his mind: "No, the wrong person is not Ago, but-me!"

Guan Heng saw Ah Gou's actions, except that the initial part was completely opposite to his own, all other gestures were very similar, so Guan Heng's heart had this bold speculation.

"A dog, do you know that the real steps of the" Juhuang Strike "will not work?" At this moment, Guan Heng's heart was very surprised, but the first thing he thought of was not those trivial matters, and It is to hurry up the action that Agou performs, and learn it by himself.

In this way, Guan Heng stretched out his palms in the next moment in accordance with the action of A Gou. His fingers spread away to allow the blue aura to gather at the fingertips in an instant. He heard only a soft sound of "唰" and a large fist compressed aura The group suddenly gathered in the palms of his hands, and immediately made Guan Heng one of them: "This, it's so easy to succeed?"

At the same time Guan Heng was surprised, the aura of the aura that had just been gathered suddenly dissipated, apparently because Guan Heng's mind was uncertain so that he had lost his checks and balances, but once he had a successful experience, he did not worry about the second and third time. After Guan Heng repeatedly experimented dozens of times, he finally was able to operate the compressed air mass of Lansi Reiki in an instant.

"Hoo—" Chang Shu breathed a relaxed smile across Guan Heng's face, and he turned to Agou and said, "Hey, thanks for your reminder ... Hey? Why are you asleep?"

It turned out that at this time, Agou had been lying on a bamboo bed, leaning back and forth, and falling asleep with saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth. Guan Heng saw this situation, but shook his head with a bitter smile: "You guy, I don't know if he is really stupid or fake stupid!"

After saying this, Guan Heng felt a little tired for a while, and he was a bit tired. At this moment, he wiped his sweat with his sleeve, and glanced at the girl lying on the bamboo mat in front of the window.

Guan Heng thought to himself: "Just as I guessed, this girl had red hair during the day, but at night, her hair was as dark as ink, as Sister Huang said, in Qing Huang's soul, Two different avatars, one is Qing Huang, who I am familiar with, and the other is the black girl in front of me. "

"No one knows the character of this dark-haired girl." Guan Heng looked at the little girl's exquisite face at this time and murmured, "Actually, I want to know you too, Because you were originally Qing Huang's sister. "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng suddenly noticed one thing: "Well, this ... the girl's hair seems to be growing? Is it growing slowly?"

Guan Heng's gaze was like a torch. In fact, he was not mistaken. The hair of the girl in the black coffin was just a pair of ears, but now he has covered his eyes.

At this moment, Guan Heng could hardly hold back the excitement in her heart: "Since her hair can grow out, it proves that it is not far from the period of awakening, as long as I continue to collect the lingering soul of Qinghuang and integrate it into this body One day, sooner or later, even Qing Huang, whose soul is incomplete, will wake up. "


At the same time, there was a place in Mingyu City, where one of the four major aliens led the Hus.

"Is there any reason why the two sent out haven't returned yet?" At this time, the anxious heart was pacing around the room.

Suddenly, I only heard a "squeak" sound, the door was opened, and he hurriedly walked into a collar Hu from the outside. He whispered to the solemnly: "Uncle, the big thing is bad, the two we sent out The brothers have been poisoned, and it took me a lot of effort to find their bodies in a back alley. "

"Junk stuff!"

"Pop!" The bad-tempered and badly rewarded the other side with a slap in the face, and he yelled, "It's because of your idea to let them follow the stinky boy and wait for the opportunity. This is good, and the opponent is not destroyed. It's really a bunch of waste for us to lose the lives of two people! "

"Yes, my nephew **** it, please forgive my uncle." The clan who entered the door scolded himself for being angry with each other, but he did not dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction. He just said carefully, covering his swollen face: "Uncle clan What do we do next? "

"Huh, what else? The eyeliner I arranged in the city's mansion has sent a letter back, saying that it was Dou Tianwei, who killed the thousand swords, and has decided to form an alliance with the Tiandai people." At this moment, he said with a grudge. "The situation of the Hu people today is very bad!"

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.26, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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