Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1661: Enemy hands (third more)

Upon hearing this, Mr. Zhu's fat face suddenly turned into a bitter gourd. He asked in a low voice: "Then you mean ..."

He smiled aloud, and said grimly, "Do you still need to say that? I also like to eat fish, and bring me a plate of fried fish stew."

At this time, Mr. Zhu was simply riding a tiger. If there were fish in the kitchen, he could not wait for more than one hundred to plug Shenyang and Gengzhong. But now there is no fish. Even if I go fishing in the river, it is too late.

"Mr. Zhu, I don't think it's difficult for you." At this moment, Guan Heng saw Shen Yang and he was upset, and immediately came up with an idea. He tapped his finger at the table and said, "I just don't like it. Eating fish, I did n’t move this simmered fish stew, so let ’s give it to Mr. Shen and Mr. Geng, how do you like? ”

"This, this ..." President Zhu knew in his heart that the pan-fish was passive, but where did he dare to say it? In addition, Shen Yang and Geng Zhong were staring at him with four cold eyes. At this moment, Zhu Fat was like a thorn in his back. Cold sweats came out, and he had to say to the donkey, "Thank you for your little brother."

Later, Guan Heng was still afraid that Shen and Geng would not eat the fish, so he said to the two of them, "The kid is just an unknown little soldier. It is only by chance that he can stand with the two seniors. I started, and I hope the two men will show mercy, so that I won't lose too much, thank you here. "

Guan Heng's words were quite modest and polite, so before he could start to speak seriously, Shen Yang had rushed to say, "It's good to say, the little brother is kind, this fish, I'll ..."

"Wait, why all belong to you?" Geng Zhong intentionally provoked Shen Shen at this time: "At least I have to share half of it, otherwise, no one wants to eat!"

Shen Yang flipped the strange eyes and was about to continue scolding with Geng, but he didn't pay attention. Director Zhu had already asked someone to split a plate of fish in half, and each brought them to the table. Director Zhu said at this time: " Two, the fish is available, so let ’s eat first. If there are any grievances, settle them together on the platform. Do n’t delay the lunch. ”

After hearing this, Shen Geng and the other two had to hold their mouths, and each buried their heads to eat. They breathed a sigh of relief, intending to kill each other as soon as they could do it.

At this moment, Guan Heng chuckled in his heart: "Eat it, eat it. The taste of the" seasoning "fish-boiled fish stew is particularly beautiful. The two of you are looking for bad luck. This is not my fault on you, but it is Zhu Zhuan and his master. Bad mind, if you want to blame, go and blame Dou Chengzhu. "

At this time, Mr. Zhu also had a fat face and remained silent. He said to himself: "The owner of the city means to clear the obstacle for the default winner-Rong Teng of the Tiansong tribe. The boy prescribed the medicine, but Shen Yang ’s solemnity no matter who wins will be bad for Rong Teng ’s victory. Two servings of fish stew and dumping them are not a waste! ”

In the whole farce, the most honest one was Rong Teng, who buried himself in food. He almost didn't lift his eyelids, and swept away the dishes on his table.

Guan Heng watched side by side, and found that Rong Teng was doing things in an orderly way without any signs of panic or helplessness. Guan Heng knew that such a person would be more difficult to deal with as an opponent, because a calm-hearted guy rarely showed himself. Flaws.

"Well, it is worthy of being the target of the alliance chosen by the Dou Cheng master. This guy's strength cannot be underestimated, I am afraid it is much higher than my real strength at this time." At this moment, Guan Heng secretly murmured: "However, I There are also a few killers hidden, I believe enough to surprise this opponent. "


After a while, Guan Heng waited for the four people to finish their meals, and General Manager Zhu had the stubble removed, and then said, "In the first battle, Shen Yang will face a heavy confrontation. Please come on two."

When Shen and Geng heard the words, they stared at each other suddenly with fierce sparks. The two men calmly stepped onto the stage. No one said anything. Suddenly, they suddenly raised their heads and screamed. Then I heard a response beast roar immediately from the left side of the ring: "Woohoo!"

Speaking late, at that time, just listening to the rapid rushing sound of "疾", there was already a long and robust piebald leopard on the ring, rushing to Shenyang.

The leopard was much taller than the usual species, and it was also furious and fangs, and its appearance was really terrible. At this moment, the people watching around the tower shouted: "Look, it is The spotted leopard, a beast raised by the various Dais, is a terrible one. "

There was a lot of discussion under the stage, and they said that with such a sharp monster help, Shenyang of the Zhu Dais must have accounted for 70% to 80% of the odds.

At this moment, Shen Yang patted himself on the head of this monster, and then proudly said to the solemn: "Well, lead the ugly monsters of the Hu tribe. Today, Lord Shen must let you die without burial place!"

"Well, what a big word." Geng Zhong took a heavy sputum on the ground at this time, and replied unabashedly: "The person who is going to die today is you, not me!"

As soon as this sentence came out, he made a clear and loud whistle in a sudden, only listening to the strange sound of "squeak, squeak" passed into the ears of all the people in the moment, and everyone looked at it carefully, A sudden panic screamed: "Look, there are snakes, but also tadpoles and spiders!"

The Linghu people live in the deep mountains and swamps. They are best at controlling poison. However, this kid is the most outstanding one. Although these poisonous snakes, magpies and spiders are not monsters, they are all extremely poisonous. Seeing Shen Yang on the stage is also hairy, straight goose bumps.

But Shen Yang could not lose, and he roared pretendingly at this time: "Only playing dregs of poison, Lao Tzu will beat you so far that your parents can't recognize him."

"Let's stop talking nonsense, let's take the victory under your hands." Geng Zhong quickly decided to attack because of his many poisons. He immediately took out a copper flute and put it on his lips. Then, "Xun" Qu Sheng rushed, all rushing towards Shen Yang and his piebald leopard.


At this moment, Guan Heng was holding his shoulders on the edge of the platform to watch the contest between Shen and Geng, but suddenly he heard someone calling his name behind him: "Guan Heng, Guan Heng, it's bad!"

"Well? It's Lao Wu's voice ..."

Guan Heng hurriedly looked back at this time. The founder Lao Wu had already crowded the crowd rushing at this time and ran to the place close to the ring. Lao Wu ang his head and said anxiously to Guan Heng, The big man named Agou suddenly disappeared, and even the giant tiger disappeared! "

"What ?!" Hearing this, Guan Heng suddenly sank his face. He whispered, "Uncle Wu, what happened?"

So Lao Wu recounted what had happened just now. It turned out that when Guanheng was at noon, and when they went to rest and eat, Ago was hungry. This guy couldn't stand this, so he compared it with his hands. The band plan allows Lao Wu to prepare for himself.

—— [2016.8.27 third change, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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