Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1662: Accidental disappearance

But Lao Wu had been told by Guan Heng long ago that he knew there was nothing wrong with Ago, but he couldn't afford to lose his mouth, so he hurried to get the prepared dry food bag. Who knew it was just a twist of work, A The dog and swallowing the ghost tiger had disappeared for some reason, and suddenly the old Wu burst into a cold sweat.

In a hurry, Lao Wu looked around, and finally heard that someone saw that one person and one tiger disappeared to the right of the ring. At this time, Lao Wu didn't dare to make good claims, so he had to do three steps and two steps to crowd the crowd We inform Seki Heng in front of the ring.

After listening to Lao Wu's past, Guan Heng frowned suddenly. He thought to himself: "A dog has become more honest recently. For no special reason, he will not run around at all, and it is impossible for him to follow him. Come together, what the **** is going on? "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng looked at Shen Yang and the heavy fighting on the ring platform, and they were close to each other, so he jumped down the ring platform gently and landed beside Lao Wu.

"Uncle Wu, do you know where the dog and my tiger are going?" Hearing Guan Heng asked, Wu pointed at the left side of the crowd with his hand: "Well, that's the direction, you are Want to find them? "

After listening to his words, Guan Heng slightly jaw head: "Well, I think the first battle did not end so soon. If you take the time, you may not be able to find them."

After Guan Heng said this, he glanced at the guy on the stage again and said secretly, "I hope Shen Yang and the heavy stomachs are strong enough to carry the medicinal effects of" Fried Fish Stew "."

At this time, Lao Wu said to Guan Heng: "Then you go quickly, here I am staring, in case A Dog and Giant Tiger come back, I can see them too."

"Okay, just do that." Guan Heng promised, long ago crowded out of the crowd, he is now anxious, very worried about the safety of A Gou and the swallowing tiger, and before that, Guan Heng Ming let Wuyi The ghosts were responsible for staring at the place, but even their traces disappeared.

In a hurry, Guan Heng was out of the crowd. At this moment, his ears suddenly moved, and he suddenly heard a breeze flashing from the air in the side, and it turned out that a ghost was flying fast, not partial. Leaning on Guan Heng's shoulder.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Guan Heng whispered at this moment: "What about the dog and the swallowing tiger?" It seems that the swallowing ghost stayed for Guan Heng to lead the way, it stretched out its front paw and fluttered gently. Pointing forward, Guan Heng would know when he climbed, and rushed away in the direction pointed by the opponent.


Guan Heng ran for a while under the guidance of the miserable ghost, and finally came near the back wall of the city's mansion. The miserly ghost rolled over to the wall. Seeing this scene, Guan Heng's heart was suddenly agitated A moment.

"Oops, didn't Ago and Ghost Tiger break into the city's mansion to make trouble ?!" Guan Heng thought of a sudden cold sweat here, and he couldn't help much. Seeing that no one was around, he followed suit. The wraith turned over and entered the city's mansion.

At this moment, most of the people in the city's main government office went to Yantai to watch the excitement, so there was no one in the air. Silent and silent, I came here once before Guan Heng, but someone led the way at the time, but now I can see them with dark eyes.

At this moment, the ghosts flew forward, closed his eyes and froze suddenly: "Follow him, you can find the two troublemakers."

The ogre turned left and right around the main city hall and came to a place outside of the residence. Guan Heng looked up and suddenly felt cried and laughed: "Isn't this sister Wanxin's room? Are those two guys ..."

Just thinking of this, a low beast roar suddenly came from Dou Wanxin's room. When Guan Heng heard it, he knew it was the sound of a swallowing tiger. He slammed in the door and saw the swallowing tiger and a dog sitting on the floor. Dou Wanxin giggled while eating a savory barbecue. When she saw Guan Heng coming in, she was startled: "Guan Heng, why are you here?"

"Why am I here ?! I should first ask questions, right?" Guan Heng said angrily at this time: "What the **** do you want to do if you stupidly run around my silly big man and swallow the tiger?"

"I ... that's because I like furry giant tigers too much." Dou Wanxin said at this time, holding the Ghost Tiger's neck gently, "So when I passed the ring, I couldn't help bringing it back to entertain me. Well."

"Sister Wanxin, your habit is really weird." After muttering, Guan Heng caught a glimpse of the inky crystal coffin tied on the back of the devouring tiger. He suddenly sank his face: "Did you open the crystal?" See the coffin? "

"No, no ..." Dou Wanxin was like a kid who had eaten candy at this time. She lowered her head to justify: "I was very curious and planned to open the coffin cover quietly, but what about swallowing a ghost? Being close to me and not letting me touch it with my fingers, so I ... "

"Huh, this is my personal belonging. You shouldn't want to open it without my permission." At this moment, Guan Heng said coldly, "I'm very angry about your approach, but this time it's okay. Let ’s take an example !!! ”

Guan Heng's words were decisive and there was no room for discussion. Dou Wanxin was frightened by his attitude at this moment, so he hurriedly said, "I'm sorry Guan Heng, I, I didn't mean it. I saw the coffin accidentally before. Little girl, so a little curious, I'm wrong, I apologize to you. "

Seeing Dou Wanxin talking in horror, Guan Hengxin was softened, and then slowly shook her head and said, "This girl is very important to me and more important than life. I hope you understand this, even if she suddenly loses a hair, I It ’s going to be crazy! "

Speaking of this, Guan Heng paused for a while, then continued to Dou Wanxin: "I know you have no bad intentions, even this time, forget it, sister Wanxin, maybe my tone is a little bit heavy, it seems we all need to calm down a bit."

As soon as this sentence came out, Guan Heng suddenly noticed that four ghosts had inundated into Dou Wanxin's room. It was the big magpie and three magpies. Then, there were noisy footsteps outside the room. Guan Heng And Dou Wanxin suddenly became one of them.

"Alas, alas." The knock on the door rang quickly, and a majestic middle-aged man's voice came out: "Xiner, it's time to go to Yantai to watch the final competition, and go with my father. "

At this moment, Guan Heng looked at Dou Wanxin nervously and asked with his eyes: "Is your father, the master of Dou Cheng ?!" Dou Wanxin nodded in disgust, and quickly said, "Daddy, daughter Want to change into a beautiful dress, can you wait a while in the yard? "

After a little silence, Dou Chengzhu's voice sounded again: "Okay, hurry up."

After saying this, Dou Chengzhu whispered again, "Daughter, wouldn't you blame your father for sacrificing your happiness in exchange for an opportunity to ally with the Tianshui? I know it would be unfair to you, but Thousands of people in Yucheng City are at stake, even if they are very selfish, Dad will be sorry for you once, sorry. "

—— [2016.8.27 fourth more, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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