Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1663: Encounter under the wall (fifth more outbreak)

At this moment, after listening to Dou Chengzhu's words, Dou Wanxin felt sour for a while, she muttered in a low voice: "Why should I let me make this sacrifice? Dad, I hate you!"

But at this moment, it is not a time to discuss the grievances between father and daughter. Dou Wanxin has begun to take off her clothes. Guan Hengjian was taken aback by this scene and immediately let the five ghosts retract into the pupils of the devouring tigers. Go over A Gou's head and rush into the wall with him to avoid embarrassment.

Dou Wanxin saw their nervousness, couldn't help covering her mouth and grinning, then quickly put on a new dress, and walked quietly beside Guan Heng and whispered, "I'll go out first to get rid of father, you Let ’s also take the opportunity to leave, Guan Heng, remember, we must win, I do n’t want to marry the monkeys of the Tiandai tribe. ”

"Hmm." At this moment Guan Heng didn't even dare to say anything, for fear that the owner of Dou Cheng outside the room would notice, but nodded in a hurry, Dou Wanxin smiled at this, and then went out, Guan Heng was with Ah The dog and the ghost swallowed in the room without daring to say a word. It was only after a while that they quietly pushed the door and slipped out.

Three steps and two steps, Guan Heng they touched the wall of the city's main house, swallowing the ghost's body is heavy, Guan Heng and A Gou together lifted it up and threw it out of the wall, and the two wanted to get out and leave. Sudden changes suddenly occur!

Suddenly, Guan Heng's heart burst into warning signs. He felt a terrifying and murderous look not far behind him. At the same time, Agou had the same reaction, and his body suddenly felt a shock.

At this time, the cold voice of Master Dou Cheng slowly sounded: "What are you two guys? Not only did they sneak up in my house, but they also hid in my daughter's room. I was here just now, I'm not good at it, but at this moment, you two don't want to leave unharmed! "

The voice was not loud, but there was endless chill. Guan Heng knew that the trace of himself and A Gou must be in Dou Wanxin's room, and he was noticed by Dou Cheng. After all, in the master's ears, he could still hear It can be concluded that there are several people's breathing sounds in the room. At this moment, Guan Heng turned to electricity and kept thinking about his escape plan.

But at this moment, the stupid and strong man Ago, grabbed in front of Guan Heng and turned to look at Dou Chengzhu. As a result, he suddenly came face-to-face with Dou Chengzhu, and the master suddenly shouted, "How? It's you?!"

At the same time, Guan Heng suddenly heard the panic and doubt in the other's tone, and he yelled, "A dog, do--"

Hearing Guan Heng's cry, A Gou didn't even think about it. He hit a punch and hit the master of Dou Cheng. This is also what Guan Heng has ordered him many times before. He ca n’t do his best to shoot, so A Gou This punch didn't make much effort, and only used three points of strength.

Rao is so, this explosive force is not small, but also let the Dou Chengzhu, who was caught off guard, be directly injured and fell out.

"Oh!" Dou Chengzhu exuded a spit of blood, and when he stood still and wanted to see the situation again, Guan Heng and A Gou had already taken the opportunity to escape the wall.


"Bang!" The inexplicable Dou Cheng main character was able to fist to the ground, beating the dust on the ground and cracking into a pit, he thought angrily: "How can it be like that man, Isn't he dead? I must check this out! "


At the same time, Guan Heng and A Gou, who escaped from the city's main government, met the devouring tiger outside the wall, and ran back to the vicinity of the platform. Said: "Hurry up, take Ago back to your foundry and hide first. This time he's a big deal."

"What? What happened?" Lao Wugang wanted to ask clearly, Guan Heng quickly waved his hand and said, "Uncle, the less you know, the safer it will be for you, you can rest assured, wait until I win better than Wu After taking the purple gold ore, I will go back to meet you. "

Speaking of this, Guan Heng paused for a moment, and then continued to say, "You must remember, don't let Agou appear in front of other people, this is for your safety."

Although inexplicable, Wu still obeyed Guan Heng's words, and hurried away with his dog, and rushed to his own home. As before, Guan Heng let the ghosts accompany him, for fear of what happened to him. Without knowing the situation, of course, Guan Heng just sent four gangsters, leaving the gangsters and swallowing tigers by his side.

Guan Heng did this because he was afraid that Dou Chengzhu saw his back just now and was recognized by others. If Guan Heng wanted to get away, he would have to keep a few hard helpers around him.

At this moment, Guan Heng stroked the black crystal coffin on the back of the devouring tiger. He thought to himself: "No matter what the battle is, it is best to make a quick decision, otherwise, the black coffin girl is likely to be unnecessarily involved. "

Guan Heng thought of this, and suddenly heard a commotion on the ring. Then, the faces of Shen Yang and Geng Zhong, who were working, suddenly turned green, and the expressions of these two guys became extremely wonderful. Looking at this scene, Guan Heng suddenly smiled quietly: "Haha, the fried fish stew with ingredients has finally come into play, Shen and Geng are going to be overcast!"

Speaking slowly, at that time, Shen Yang and Geng, who had unbearable abdominal pain, were making decisions at the same time, and the fight was to be resolved immediately, otherwise, the back door between the two shares would be loose, and they would be drawn to the spot on the spot. No!

"Spotted leopard, follow me--" After Shen Yang yelled, he suddenly turned into a shadow, and hurled fiercely at his enemies, and the blade of his hand fell suddenly: "Ugly monster, you go to death!"

At the same time, the piebald leopard also raged and bite at those heavy poisonous snakes and snakes, and yelled awkwardly, snarling the opponent's attack with his weapon: "Go to you." The boy slightly tilted his head, and suddenly a strange light suddenly flew towards Shen Yang's face door.

"噗 ——" A small snake with the thickness of chopsticks nailed into Shen Yang's right eye and slipped into the brain. This trick was really cruel. The snake's bite-crazed drill could make Shen Yang violently stun on the spot.

However, Shen Yang was unwilling to sit back and wait. He threw his weapon and fitted it in a fierce roar. He immediately hugged his heavy waist and then shouted, "The piebald leopard bites me-bite!"

After listening to this, the piebald leopard heard that the owner was dying, so he swung his heart to the two people who rolled on the spot without any bite, and the heavy flesh that was torn immediately became blurred, and he couldn't live.

After a short time, the blood-splattered ring was extremely horrible. When he was about to breathe, he blew the copper flute in his hand again, and the venomous snake venom covered the whole body of the spotted leopard. Poisonous death!

—— [Fifth more on 2016.8.27, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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