Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1664: Doubt (first)

Suddenly, there was a sickening breath all around the platform, and there was a lot of poisonous rancidity and flesh.

At this time, the prepared earth soldiers rushed towards the ring with a light wormwood in hand, and immediately smoked numerous poisonous snakes and venomous snakes, and then cleaned the people and leopard wrecks on the ring.

At this moment, Guan Heng, who witnessed the fierce fighting, has quietly returned to the ring, and there is also a giant tiger behind him.

"Well, finally here, I thought this kid was running away before the fight." The most happy to see Guan Heng's return was the long-awaited Rong Teng, a strong man of the Tiandai tribe, and a member of the Tiandai tribe. Born to be militant, this is directly related to the ancient giant ape totem they admired. If Guan Heng abandons the war and walks away, Rong Teng will definitely be disappointed.

At this moment, the general manager Zhu suddenly said loudly: "The master of the city has arrived--"

The people on the stage, and Guan Heng and the two on the stage saw a tall, powerful man and Dou Wanxin coming together. The strong man exudes a long and high position, with a square face and a thick eyebrow. Mouth, with a short note, seems to be self-defeating, making ordinary people inevitably frustrated at first sight.

However, Guan Heng was well-informed and was not captured by the other's momentum, and the eyes of Rong Teng of the Tiandai people only stared at Dou Wanxin, who was bright, and his eyes continued to glow with fiery light. Last glance.

Dou Wanxin hid behind the Lord of the City at this time, and quietly winked at Guan Heng, which meant to let him go all out, and Guan Heng saw the followers on the left and right sides of the Lord of the City holding trays, which was obviously the winner. His prize, one of which was shining with dark purple crystals, immediately caught his attention.

"Looks, that's the purple gold ore." After seeing that thing, Guan Heng's eyes couldn't help but pass a trace of enthusiasm: "Good thing, I want to order it!"

At this time, it seems that Xue Gong is staying at Lao Wu's foundry workshop, and the other party has assembled the arrow shaft and arrow shaft, and is waiting for Guan Heng to take back the purple gold ore to create a sharp arrow shaft. By that time, It seems that Xue Gong will definitely erupt extremely powerful power and become a big killer in Guan Heng's hand.

Guan Heng thought that the perfect snow-like bow would shine in his own hands, and his fighting spirit gradually ignited in his heart, but he knew that the Rong Teng of the Tiandai tribe was not easy to provoke, and the other party was already a master of the blue aura. Even the Orange Strong is only half a step away.

The aura of blue and white only belongs to the "aura of the healthy person". As the name implies, it is just the degree of aura that makes people fit, and the three levels of red, blue, and orange are completely different feelings. , They are the stepping stone to let the "gas controller" enter a new world!

The reason is that the red, blue and orange three gases belong to the "gas of the strong", and the master who possesses the strength of the three-color strong has at least a human power of hundreds of enemies. In this ancient world, the small and medium-sized tribal town owners Mostly this kind of cultivation, among the strong, red is the strongest, orange is the weakest, and the green is in the middle.

The monster beast power that Guan Heng encountered before-the Golden Eagle King, was originally an inconspicuous role, because of the strong recovery ability of Qinghuang Residual Soul, so that he temporarily possessed the power of the Qingqi strong.

At that time, Guan Heng also took a lot of time to fight the golden carving king to kill the other side. The dangerousness that he experienced in this, Guan Heng now remembers, still a bit thrilling, this power is also the same It's also what Guan Heng desires to have.

Because only by making herself stronger, Guan Heng can collect Qing Huang's remnant soul at a faster speed, and let her wake up earlier.

At this moment, the gaze of Dou Tianwei, the host of the city, did not live between Guan Heng and Rong Teng, and seemed to see them thoroughly.

Guan Heng in particular, because Dou Tianwei no matter how he looked at him, he felt that the other person was the same person who escaped from the city's mansion with Agou, but Guan Heng was smart and changed clothes with him when he broke up with Wu. I only saw Guan Heng's back, I didn't see the front face, so I was a little uncertain.

"Strange, the clothes look different, but the back figures are very similar ..." Dou Tianwei stared at Guan Heng's face at this time, as if the other person's head had spent a long time, Guan Heng would have seen a little hair, if not He was determined not to be seen by the other party, and he really wanted to turn around and leave.

At this moment, Dou Wanxin seemed to see something. She was afraid that her father would continue to find Guan Heng's trouble, so she dragged Dou Tianwei's sleeve and said, "Daddy, hurry up and sit down."

"Uh? Oh, let's go." Dou Tianwei felt that he was a bit out of character, and Guan Heng was covering up well, so he temporarily restrained the doubt in his heart and sat with Dou Wanxin on the stand on the side of the ring. .

At this time, Fatty Manager Zhu said in a loud voice: "Since Shenyang and Geng were both defeated, the match between Guan Heng and Rong Teng was the tiebreaker of this contest. The master of the city is invited to speak."

"Ahem." Dou Tianwei, who was sitting on a tiger-skin chair, cleared his throat first, and then said, "Yu Yucheng is a place advocating the use of force. At this time, two heroes can stand on the ring to conduct a decisive battle. Extraordinarily, I announced that Dou Tianwei will receive three treasures of Yucheng ’s life as long as he wins. Those who are willing to stay in our city will be entrusted with a heavy task. Well, not much to say. Come on! "

As soon as Dou Tianwei's words fell, a tall figure appeared behind the strong man Rong Teng of the Tiandai tribe. It was a majestic golden-haired great ape. Not only was his face emaciated, but his muscles were knotted. Obviously, his strength was amazing. It was also beckoning, letting the ghost swagger to his side.

The audience on the stage saw a tiger, an ape and two monsters confronting each other on the platform. Four angry eyes burst into sparks, and the newspaper immediately gave a warm applause: "Boom--"

"Okay! Just look at the giant tiger, the monster ape is more powerful." There was a lot of vocalization, and the discussion continued to become lively. Speaking late, then fast, the fat man Zhu Zhu roared with a throat and said, "Fight the Yucheng Competition, the decisive battle begins-"

"Uh ah ah-" At this moment, Rong Teng drank suddenly, and quickly exhausted the deep blue aura of his body from the outside. Those blue breaths and the body of the golden retriever behind him let the two The momentum is even more appalling.

"This is ... a martial art that mobilizes its own aura to synchronize strength with itself and the monsters ?!"

Dou Tianwei squinted his eyes in the stands, and whispered involuntarily, "Unexpectedly, the guys of the Tianshui tribe can realize such a stunt, yes, it seems that the decision to choose them as allies is still correct." Dou Wanxin heard this, her heart tightened immediately.

—— [2016.8.28 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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