Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1671: Battle with Dou Tianwei (third)

"Bang, bang!" The orange aura enclosing his arm was lifted, and the huge bolt on the gate was three fists. At the same time, Dou Wanxin's golden hook fell fiercely on it, and saw the sawdust flying and Accompanied by the "click", "crack", the crack of the huge latch appeared in the moment.

But at a critical juncture, everyone suddenly heard the sound of a rushing horseshoe behind them, and there were countless footsteps.

"Heart, don't go—"

Suddenly, with the screaming of the savage horse, Dou Tianwei's voice sounded not far away. The lord of Yucheng City, at this time, could not hold back the anxiety and anger in his heart, he shouted loudly: "And you, Guan Heng , I wanted to keep you in the city to play with my heart, how dare you abduct my daughter ?!

"Eh? This misunderstanding is a big deal." At this moment, Guan Heng looked back at Dou Tianwei, whose face was angry with green. He exclaimed, "Sorry, Lord, no matter how you block tonight. We are all leaving! "

"So daring lunatic—" Seeing that his daughter was about to escape from the city with a stranger, Dou Tianwei couldn't even swallow the puppies around Guanheng at this moment.

"Oh!" He pulled out his bronze giant blade in the long sheath next to the saddle, and Dou Tianwei burst into a roar, "I want you to die !!"

The mighty blade fell violently, and Guan Heng was taken aback when he said, "The Lord Dou Cheng is crazy ?!"

Just between the electric light and flint, Dou Wanxin next to him reacted one step faster than Guan Heng, only to see her golden hook obliquely stabbed into the back of Dou Tianwei's knife, shaking Dou Tianwei's wrist with a numbness and withdrawn quickly.

"No, how could Wanxin ’s power soar to such an extent? Could it be said that ..." Thinking of this, Dou Tianwei immediately called Wanxin with an obliquely pointed knife: "You, you have broken through to the realm of orange aura?" ! "

"I didn't expect it, dad." Dou Wanxin said expressionlessly at this time: "Just when you decided to abandon my biological daughter and marry me to a stranger as an alliance chip, I have already broken through, you ... now Do you regret it? "

"This ..." Dou Tianwei stared at her daughter's stern eyes, and suddenly hesitated.

But at the next moment, the owner of Dou Cheng shouted in anger and shame: "Girl, you dare to run away when Yucheng is in critical condition. This is infidelity, and it is against my father's decision to attempt to elope with Guan Heng. This is filial piety, you This unfaithful and filial daughter, the owner of this city should not leave it. Even today, I will seize you and Guan Heng regardless of life and death, to wash away my shame! "

Hearing this, Guan Heng felt like he was being stung by a pond fish, and he cried bitterly: "Hey, I didn't run away with her ..."

In fact, Dou Tianwei was fierce on the mouth, but she had regretted her intestines. She knew that her daughter could enter the realm of the strong orange spirit. Dou Tianwei said that he would never marry Wanxin as an abandoned child and marry another alien. In exchange for the alliance support of the Tian Dai tribe, but now he is already riding a tiger.

At this moment, the gate of the city gate could not withstand the repeated attacks of Guan Heng and Wanxin, and it had already broken with a crisp sound of "click it". The Jinzhi and sisters of the Motu tribe 卯Fully pushed open the heavy city gate.

"How can this be true, you Momo women are also bad for me!" Dou Tianwei was like a mad tiger at this moment, and he would intercept the fleeing crowd when he came over, but at this moment, Guan Heng pushed Dou Wanxin's shoulder: " Hurry up and swallow the ghost and run— "

Dou Wanxin didn't notice it for a moment, but she was dumped on the tiger's back by Guan Heng. She anxiously shouted, "What do you do?"

"You, Mo Ao people and A Gou go first. I stopped Dou Chengzhu here. Remember, after half an hour we met at the monster beast mountain fifty miles outside the city." Guan Heng whispered at this time: "I have no time to take that crystal coffin with me. Please keep it for me. Remember, don't peek."

"Pha--" It was late, and then quickly, Guan Heng waved his palm on the back of the devouring tiger, and he exclaimed, "Agou, these girls have been harmed, protect them well."

At this moment, A Gou screamed in his throat, and immediately followed the devouring tigers to protect the Moyu women and rushed out of the city. Dou Wan's anxious voice echoed in the air: "Guan Heng, be careful ..."

"Don't go!" At this moment, the roaring Dou Tianwei had already swooped his sword.

"Hum, please come down to me." Suddenly, Guan horizontally stood up, "Papapa" kicked more than ten feet in a breath, all struck on the mount's head.


"噗通 —— 咣 当!" Liema was severely hit on the head, and he leaned over and leaned down in a tragedy. Dou Tianwei was agile with his skills. A volley of "唰" leaped to the ground at this time. Blade, the dreadful look of a cricket, I can't wait to swallow the Guan in front of him.

"What? Don't you want to bite me?" Guan Heng saw Dou Wanxin at this time that they had disappeared, so she laughed loudly: "I said, Master Dou Cheng, we didn't run away with your baby daughter, it is your father. The contradiction between the women urged her to leave on her own. Don't spill dirty water on my head! "

"You--" At this moment, Dou Tianwei's eyes were uncertain. Why didn't he know that it was his decision to force his daughter away, but how could the lord of a city admit such an intractable affair?

"Hey, hey, I'm not only here to stop you, but I also want to take this opportunity to persuade you, don't force your daughter too tightly, otherwise, your loved ones will become enemies, why is this so hard?"

When he smiled slightly, Guan Heng had slowly pulled out the soft green swords around his waist, and abnormal changes occurred around his body, and quickly appeared the ghosts of a large group of four small five flashing green light. Just now, Guan Heng let the five ghosts left by the swallowing ghost tiger!

Ordinary people ignore the ears and the ears, do not feel the existence of the five ghosts. At most, they feel the surrounding winds or chills. In addition to people who specialize in dealing with ghost spirits like Guan Heng, they only have Dou Tianwei, who is a strong orange aura, could barely see the ghosts floating around Guan Heng. This scene suddenly surprised him!

"This kid's strength is definitely not just as simple as just entering into the orange strong. His murderous faintness actually made me feel a little chill."

Dou Tianwei has a long-standing experience in battlefields, and is old-fashioned. He knows what Guan Heng said just now, and now he is at stake. He is really not fit to provoke such a strong enemy as Guan Heng.

Thinking of this, Dou Tianwei slowly lowered the giant blade in his palm, and he suddenly shouted at the earth soldiers behind him: "Everyone listens to the order, step back thirty feet, you are not allowed to approach without my order!"

—— [2016.8.29 third change, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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