Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1672: Demon Raid

"Yes, the subordinates obey." Although the soil soldiers were somewhat inexplicable, they agreed to step back in unison. At this time, Guan Heng gently flicked the blade of the soft green sword and asked with a smile: "Master Lord Do you have any private words to tell me? "

Hearing this, Dou Tianwei snorted and asked: "You ... really aren't my daughter's love ?!"

"City Master Ming Jian, it's only two or three days before coming down to Mingyu City." Guan Heng smiled bitterly at this time, he said with a bit of helplessness: "In this short time, I think I have Maybe it's okay with Ling Qianjin? Is your daughter really so casual in your eyes? "

"Well, I still understand Xiner's character. Although she is stubborn, she has never acted excessively about men and women. It seems that Guan Heng is telling the truth." Thinking of this, Dou Tianwei shook his head slightly, and then confronted him. Heng said: "Let's go, the owner of this city ... you don't have to worry about it!"

"You want to let me go?" Thought for a moment, Guan Heng asked at the moment: "city master, shouldn't you have anything else to say?"

"Smart boy!" Dou Tianwei Shen Shen said at this time: "Heart grows so little that he rarely left Yucheng. After she left home, she would only go to one place, that is, her mother-in-law, Mo The territory of the Wa people. "

"In Binger's heart, I have never been a good father, and here today, I clashed with her again. The rift between father and daughter may not be able to heal for life."

Having said that, Dou Tianwei paused for a moment, and then continued to say, "Guan Heng, even if you are not the love of my daughter, but I can see that you care about her very much, don't you deny that?"

"Yes, Sister Wanxin has helped me a lot these days. As a person, I always pay attention to rewards." Guan Heng said at this time: "City Lord, you can just say anything."

"Okay, I let you go today. There is only one small request. That is, please **** my daughter to let her safely reach the territory of the Molang tribe on the west side of the city and entrust my daughter to the patriarch— —Monu. "

There was a bit of old fatigue on Dou Cheng's face at the moment, and he whispered: "In my life, I have failed my wife and been ashamed of my daughter. I have really failed to live and have power. Wealth is in your hands, and you don't have a fart! "

After saying this, Dou Tianwei stared at Guan Heng and said, "It's just such a trivial matter, can you do it?"

"No problem, even if you don't ask me so, I will **** Sister Wan Xin to a safe place." Guan Heng nodded slightly at this time: "I promise you, I will do it."

"That being the case, then you go." After listening to Dou Tianwei's words, Guan Heng twisted and walked towards the gate, but the owner of Dou Cheng suddenly whispered, "Take good care of your righteous brother, A Gou, he It was an amazing person more than ten years ago, but unfortunately ... heh. "

After hearing this, Guan Hengwen turned back and asked, "City Lord, what are you talking about?"

"No, nothing." Dou Tianwei shook his head again at this time and said, "Since he has lost memory, then everything in the past has nothing to do with this person. You still don't need to ask any more, hurry up."

Dou Tianwei's words left Guan Heng scratching his head, but he didn't think about it, because Guan Heng had long guessed that Agou ’s life was extraordinary. Imagine how a super master who can use the power of black bully could be Anonymous?

But Guan Heng was not in the mood to care about these trivial matters at the moment, he just wanted to hurry back to Ago and them.


After about a tea time, Guan Heng, who was rushing on a mountain road not far from the city, suddenly heard the sound of a "shock" violently shaking from the ground under his feet.

After feeling abnormal, Guan Heng's eyes who stopped at the place suddenly frowned: "This is the sound of many guys running at high speed. There can be no human migration near the night ... It is a monster, a large number of monsters are in collective action. ! "

"Five Ghosts!" Guan Heng suddenly summoned all the ghosts who were watching and surveying the terrain around him, and he immediately said to the leading ghosts: "Take these four crickets at once to investigate those The movements of the monsters, and where they are going, I always feel that there will be no peace around this evening. "

After listening to Guan Heng's orders, the big gangster led four gangsters to fly in all directions and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly thought, "Well, isn't it that Yucheng is going to have an accident?"

"In case those monsters with short eyes go to attack Yucheng, the Lord Dou Cheng and his Majesty's earth soldiers who only cultivated with the spirit of" blue and white health "may not be able to win those beasts."

He subconsciously touched the snowy bow on the back and the arrow pot on the waist, Guan Heng secretly said, "No, anyway, Dou Tianwei just let me leave with a little regret, just for love and for the sake of life I should return to see the lives of thousands of people in the city. "

At this moment, the big miser and the four howling winds returned, and they even compared Guan Heng to describe the movement of the monsters. Guan Heng then understood: "Pig? Pig demon ... Then Isn't it an attempt to force Sister Wan Xin to marry her demon tribe?

"This time, it must be a major event!" Guan Heng, who realized that the situation was not good, immediately made up his mind, pulled his leg, and rushed away in the direction of Ming Yucheng.


After a while, Guan Heng had quietly touched the top of a dirt **** that was only a few hundred feet away from the gate of Mingyu City. He looked down at the bird's eye, and saw the pigs and monsters, large and small, going forward, one by one. The ground was dusting, his teeth grinning and hissing and hissing, looking terrible and terrifying.

At this time, there was a pig demon who was standing tall with his hind legs walking up to the gate of the city gate and shouting in the direction of the tower: "Dou Chengcheng, I am back again, three months ago You even rejected my referral and injured me. I said that as long as I return, I will wash your life in blood and report my revenge on that day !! "

Hearing his boss clamoring on the city tower, the screams of the pig fairies of different sizes shouted, all of them screaming for the evil.

"Heavenly evil ?! You **** pig demon finally appeared." At this moment, Dou Tianwei had been reported and hurried up to the tower. He pointed out the heavenly evil spirit below the city and shouted: "Tonight, I will Let you know that Yucheng is not a bully. "

As soon as this sentence came out, Dou Tianwei immediately shook his arms and shouted, "Come, let's put arrows, quickly put arrows to shoot these **** monsters--"

"嗖-啪 pop 啪-嗤嗤嗤-" Under the order of Dou Tianwei, the earth soldiers on the tower hurriedly sent out countless arrows like swift flying locusts, and immediately shot and killed many people who were using 獠The teeth and heads of the pig monsters banging the gates!

—— [Fourth more of 2016.8.29, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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