Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1679: Leisure in the mountains (first)

"Ahhhh!" Dou Wanxin covered her flushed face with her hands and turned her back in haste. Mo Jinzhi's other women also turned around with embarrassment. At this time, Guan Heng said helplessly: "Hey, hey You guys can help me figure out a way. Although this dress is cooler, it's a bit rude, right? "

"What should we do?" Dou Wanxin said with her face behind her face. "Even if we have a few clothes on, we are wearing the sarong of a woman. Would you like to wear them?"

"It's okay, to be honest, I really don't care." Guan Heng said at this moment indifferently: "As long as I can block important parts, whether he is men's or women's."

"Uh ... okay ..." Dou Wanxin couldn't help it at this time, so she took out a bright sarong from her bag, twisted her face without looking at Guan Heng, and handed it over: "Oh, take it Wear it. "

"Ha ha ha, such a beautiful dress." Guan Heng now made three but five and put two linen skirts on his tattered trousers. At this time, Liu Lang said, "Brother Guan, the little girl was saved by you. You are the benefactor of my family, please come with me to the tribe on the banks of the river in the territory of the Molang tribe. "

At this moment, Guan Heng was in a good mood, so he clenched his fists and laughed: "The boy is doing this, so disturb me."

Although Liu Lang's broken arm had stopped bleeding, the Moyu women were also worried about the recurrence of the injury, so they took him and Guan Heng, Agou, and Ghost Tiger back to the Moyu tribe.

The patriarch Monu saw his husband break his arm and almost fainted, but Guan Heng rescued the little baby girl. It was a big misfortune.

At this time, at the home of Liu Lang and Monu, A Gou and Ghost Tiger both went to the room to eat and rest, and Guan Hengzheng chatted and narrated with them in the room.

"Patriarch Monu, you see, this is the kind of hexapod fish called" Ran Yi ", which is used to wrap the white cocoons of children."

Guan Heng pointed at the table at this time and said, "I chopped it with my soft sword and found that the sword was difficult to hurt. If you carefully draw the silk, you can make a short shirt."

Speaking of this, Guan Heng paused for a moment, then went on to say: "Although Brother Liu lost his arm, in the future wearing this shirt that is inaccessible to the gun, it can be regarded as a slight compensation."

Liu Lang knew that Guan Heng was comforting himself, so he sighed softly: "Hey, thank you Brother Guan for your trouble. Although Liu Lang is disabled, I will never become a waste. After all, my wife And my daughter need me to protect them. "

Guan Heng smiled at this time and said, "Brother Liu is really a good man, the patriarch is blessed."

"Ha ha ha, that's for sure." Monu gently held her husband's arm at the moment and said, "The most proud thing in my life is not to be a clan leader, but to find something like Liu Lang. A good husband. "

The three were chatting hotly in the room. Someone knocked on the door and Monu called into the tribe. The other party reported: "The patriarch, the messenger of the Zhu Dai people, suddenly visited and said there was an urgent matter to discuss with you. The elders have passed first. "

Upon hearing this, Mo Jinzhi answered slightly with his jaw head: "Well, I'll go there now, and you will let everyone wait a moment."

"Yes." The tribe agreed, and turned away.

At this time, Mo Nu shouted to Mo Jinzhi and Dou Wanxin in the next room. She said, "You two accompany Guan brothers around the riverside village to watch the scenery." The second daughter nodded and agreed, Mo The slave pleaded guilty to the crime, and turned and hurried away.

At this moment, Dou Wanxin, who had changed into a costume unique to the Mozu tribe, blinked and asked, "Where do you go?"

"I don't know if there is any interesting place nearby." Guan Heng said with a smile at this time: "Sister Jinzhi, do you say there is any special scenery near the riverside forests, or rare birds and animals, let's go too Take a look. "

Mo Jinzhi tilted his head and thought, and then he said, "There are many places to visit nearby, but Guan Heng wants to see rare birds and animals ..."

"Ah, right!" Mo Jinzhi suddenly said at this moment: "When I left Yanzhai a few days ago and went to Mingyu City, I occasionally found a strange" thing "on the road, and I wonder if it was a rare bird. Strange beasts, they inhabit a nearby mountain nest. Would you like to see them? "

"Strange things?" Dou Wanxin asked at this moment: "What do they look like?"

"Um ... it's about three feet tall, and it's all gray-haired like a mouse." Mo Jinzhi gestured with his hand and said, "But these guys look like roosters. Are you weird?"

Upon hearing this, Dou Wan was surprised and surprised, but Guan Heng thought, "Bacheng is a monster that has been mutated by the evil spirit of the world, let's check it out."

At this time Guan Heng went to the room where Swallowing Tiger and A Gou looked again, and found that both were falling asleep. After several days of hurrying up, they were obviously a little tired. The pitch-black crystal coffin didn't ask to open its mouth to wake it up, but took away the five ghosts directly, leaving them to hide around themselves and stand by at any time.

In this way, Mo Jinzhi led the way in the front, took Guan Heng and Dou Wanxin out of the Yanzhai together, and went straight to the mountain nest inhabited by the strange bird with long mouse hairs.

The three talked and laughed along the way. It didn't take long for them to reach the foot of the mountain. At this time, Mo Jinzhi said, "Here is a strange herb. They have square stems and yellow flowers. Our tribe. The people in it use it to detoxify if they are bitten by poisonous snakes. "

"You see, there is one here." Mo Jinzhi smiled at this time and pulled out a small grass from the roadside, and shook it in front of Guan Heng and Dou Wanxin. Detoxification. "

Dou Wanxin listened and sighed: "Wow, this is a great grass that can detoxify. You may want to write down the physical characteristics, maybe you can use it later." Sister Jinzhi came out and really learned a lot. "

"However, we are about to go to the mountain, everyone must be alert." Mo Jinzhi said seriously at this time: "Tell you two, in the past few years, not only have there been strange birds and monsters in the mountain, but even Some trees have become weird. "

"Well, sister Jin Zhi, what are you talking about?" At this moment, Dou Wanxin smiled and said, "What weirdness can trees have? Are you scaring me?"

Mo Jinzhi widened his eyes at this time and said, "My young lady, of course you can't see anything in Yuyucheng. There are many trees that can run and move among the mountains near Hezhai. "

—— [2016.8.31 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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