Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1680: Dryad tree fruit

As soon as this sentence came out, Mo Jinzhi bent down, picked up a small stone, and shouted into the distant grass, only listening to the sound of "嗖 —— 当 啷" as a crisp sound, and a black object that was hit rushed out. , Even madly rushed to Mo Jinzhi in front of him.

"唰-噗嗤!" Mo Jinzhi raised his hand with the bronze short-blade at this moment, and chopped the other side into two.

Pointing at the monster that the red sap had flowed to the ground, Mo Jinzhi proudly said to the two of them: "See? This little thing is called 'Danmu Demon'. They turned out to be ordinary Danmu branches, but from more than ten It started to become a little monster that can run and move, and actively attacked living people everywhere, but the Danmu demon was too weak, and it was totally vulnerable in front of us. "

"Wow, it really is strange that there are trees that turn into monsters and monsters." Dou Wanxin shook her head at this time and said, "Many people say that this happened more than ten years ago, and I do n’t know how to do it. of."

At this moment, Guan Hengsu remembered that the founder Lao Wu of Yucheng City told himself that the days when the monsters were raging in this world began from the destruction of the scorching sun family more than ten years ago. He thought to himself at this moment : "It seems that although the scorching sun is destroyed, the poison is not shallow."

At this moment, the crowd had reached the mid-mountain position, and Mo Jinzhi, who led the way, suddenly stopped.

"Hey, the little monster that I told you just now, that looks like a rooster, has mouse fur and lives here."

After Mo Jinzhi said this, she glanced around for a few moments, and then she said with a little confusion: "It's strange, I clearly remember that the little monster usually finds food here. It ’s the right thing to catch grass bugs everywhere, why aren't they visible now? "

"Really? I'll look for it too."

Dou Wanxin was very curious and suddenly stepped forward. Who knew that her foot happened to be stepping on a soft thing in the grass? Dou Wanxin looked down and suddenly "Wow" shouted and pulled back, "Bang!" Her own forehead collided with Guan Heng behind him, and the two of them suddenly covered Venus with pain in their heads and jumped straight in place.

At this moment, Guan Heng asked angrily: "Sister Wanxin, what's wrong with you?"

"Kuan Heng, you see you see--"

Dou Wan didn't dare to point back to the grass, she cried nervously: "I seem to have stepped on something." At this time, Guan Heng and Mo Jinzhi made a look around, and it turned out that the grass was lying in the grass. More than a dozen suffocated beasts were all in general: the rooster's head had a red crown, but it had long hair like a mouse.

"Ah, this is the kind of little monster I said." Mo Jinzhi yelled, "Why did you die here?"

"Eh ?!" For a while, a faint breeze fluttered, and the spirits gathered after the death of a few small beasts floated in front of Guan Heng. He sucked it in his palm and caught it in the soul. After recording the book, Guan Heng quickly opened his eyes and saw that it reads: "Ground mole, chicken head, rat body, gray badger like animal hair, soul power evaluation as second weak soul, etc ..."

"There seems to be an unusual atmosphere around here, and the ground mole's heart seems to have been taken away."

Guan Heng whispered in his mouth, and then he said to the second daughter around him: "It seems that these little beasts were eaten as part of food, and then the remains were abandoned here. Let's be careful, the 'hunter 'Obviously extremely unusual.'

Just then, Dou Wanxin cried suddenly: "Look, there seems to be something shaking behind the bush on the left!"

All three were extremely agile, and the words of Wanxin just fell, and they only heard the sound of "噌 噌 噌" and 袂 breaking through the air. All of them rushed forward and stopped the guy's way.

"Well, this is it ?!"

The three of Guanheng looked up at the moment, and found that what was intercepted immediately was about a few feet tall. It looked like a dwarf tree, the leaves grew very round, and the branches were covered with papaya-like red fruits, and they kept shaking. Messing around, there are two hollow, weird eyes on the trunk, and a big mouth full of fangs and teeth.

What's even more creepy is that there was a ground mole that had just died and was bleeding in the branches of the monster. The tree demon was chewing its heart and eating.

After seeing this scene, Dou Wanxin suddenly felt disgusted. She asked loudly: "Uh, sister Jin Zhi, what is this?"

"This ... I haven't seen it, it is probably a new species of tree demon in the mountains." Mo Jinzhi said at this time: "Since I saw it, I would just destroy it, so as not to let this thing go around in trouble."

"It makes sense, let's do it." Guan Heng said, pulling from his waist, pulling out the soft leaves of Qingye, slowly moving to the left position.

The bronze short blade of the hand engine was blocked by Mo Jinzhi's shaking body, while Dou Wanxin showed her own golden hook and flew straight from the front: "Yeah, the tree demon is coming!"

"Eh-hhhhh!" The golden hook slashed to the ground, chopping off a branch of the weird tree demon, and the pain made the guy squeak. Then, the bright red sap spurted from the fracture. Out: "嗤 ——"

"Let's go together!" Guan Heng and Mo Jinzhi made a pair of eyes in an instant. Then, the two men flew into a blazing shape, and the bronze short-edged sword and soft green sword drew into the trunk of the tree demon almost at the same time, and then Severing it, breaking the tree demon into several pieces in the cold flash of light!

Seeing this situation, Dou Wanxin smiled and praised: "Ha ha, you are really clean!"

At this time, a shadow of the spirit floated out from the strange tree demon's body that had just fallen down. Guan Heng's eyes were swift and fast. An orange aura appeared in his palm and he sucked it in. Then, Guan Heng took this thing. Soul fragments were thrown into the soul book.

"Huh? The information came out." Guan Heng opened the pages of the book at this time, and saw that he wrote, "The Tochigi little tree demon, evaluated as a third-order weak soul, loves flesh and blood, and grows on the branches of Yin Hongmu fruit. After taking it, you can grow a lot of energy. If you can eat the fruit of the Tochigi giant tree demon, you will have a lot of divine power since then. "

"That's it, it's a cypress little tree demon ..." Guan Heng then smashed a fist-shaped sassafras fruit from the broken branch in front of him, stabbed it in his hands, only to smell the fruit's sweet smell, Guanheng Can't help but bite a bitterly, "click."

"Oh, Guan Heng, why do you eat it when you pick it up?" Mo Jinzhi cried out at this time: "Spit it out, beware of poison."

"Well, it doesn't matter, this fruit is sour and sweet and delicious." Guan Heng said at the same time as he whispered, "You guys also try it, I just remembered it. I heard it before, this thing is called '櫰"Wood demon's, if they eat the fruits of the branches on their branches, they can grow a lot of energy."

—— [2016.8.31 Second update, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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