Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1682: Tetragonum

In this way, Mo Jinzhi and Dou Wanxin and the Mozu people carried the fruit to the open space in front of the village, but at this moment, Guan Heng found that Liu Lang was absent-minded and stood still, so he asked. : "What's wrong? Brother Liu, don't you have a mind?"

"Uh?" Liu Lang was awake from contemplation after hearing Guan Heng's words. He said awkwardly, "I'm sorry Brother Guan Heng. I was really thinking about things just now and neglecting you for a while."

"I didn't mean to pick where Brother Liu said." Guan Heng smiled easily at this moment: "I just want to ask you why you are worried, if you need help from your brother, just speak up."

"This ... Brother Guan." At this moment, Liu Lang said impassively: "You have risked saving my daughter's life, how can I bother you again?"

Guan Heng said indifferently: "Brother Liu, don't take me as an outsider, you tell me what the **** is going on."

"Well, that's what happened ..." Liu Lang finally couldn't hold back the anxiety in his heart, so he took out the things he knew.

It turned out that the messengers of the Qiang people came to Yanhe Village to meet the Monu patriarch Monu because of an important matter to discuss. The Zhu people are known for their special ability to support various leopard monsters. The Wenlei Valley where they live is also a place full of various monsters.

But not long ago, unexpected guests suddenly appeared in the mountains near Wenlei Valley. They are a group of monsters that prey on leopard monsters. Any monsters they look at will be hunted and killed by exhausting their brains. .

The various Qiang tribes in Wenleigu live in large numbers of piebald leopards, black panthers, and other leopards. They are all good helpers when hunting in the mountains, but within a few days, nearly 30% of the leopards were all those Suddenly, the "monster" suddenly poached. When the corpse was found, the brain and blood were completely missing.

Some elders of the Dai nationality racked their brains to release search information. Only then did they find the names of the monsters that sucked on the brains of monsters. They are called "quadhorns", they look like goats, but they like the brains of raw monsters and Blood, it is extremely difficult for the people of the Zhu people to deal with the four-cornered crickets that have disappeared without trace.

However, some people also made an idea to set traps on the halfway of the mountain roads that the soil turtles like to pass. Sure enough, they let them fall into the traps. But when all the people of the Dai nationality wanted to kill the four-horned soil turtle, they suddenly came over and got a figure. The huge, four-cornered earthen owl with strong face and horror, killed dozens of Zhu people with sharp pointed corners in an instant, and then brought his own earthen owl group to grow.

Some people speculate that it is a four-cornered earthen king, and its strength is very tricky. In short, since the emergence of the earthen king, the Zhus' clan can be considered a heavy loss. In desperation, the Shen clan chief Shen Biao had to send an ambassador to the nearest The Confederate tribes, the Moyu tribe, issued a willingness to ask for help.

The personal friendship between Monu and Shen Biao is not bad, and the Moyu and Zhulang are allies. In a sense, Monu should personally lead the elite to help each other.

But the only unexpected situation is that Monu is just now producing and still in confinement, so you ca n’t travel long and tired, and now it is the fish news period on the river, and all the people of the Motu people will fish around the clock at this time. , For the whole family to store essential food for winter.

In a word, all the people of the Mozu tribe can't pull themselves out to help the Zhuhai tribe deal with the four-cornered urns.

"And I have heard from the messengers of the Dai people that the King of the Turks has a special ability. When he is injured, a flash of foreign light will soon heal him."

At this moment, Liu Lang's face appeared very dignified, and when Guan Heng heard this sentence, he suddenly hesitated in his heart, and he seemed to think of something.

Liu Lang paused for a moment, then went on to say, "After just arranging the messenger to rest, Monu wanted to lead some more capable people to Wenlei Valley. She said that she could not abandon the allies' justice, she must Go and help the Dai people to deal with the King of Turks. "

"Sister Monu is really too risky to do this." At this moment, Guan Heng talked: "It goes without saying that you are very opposed to her decision, right?"

"As long as he is a man, his wife will not be allowed to trek after she has just given birth." Liu Lang said with a fist at the moment, decisively: "I must not let Manu take this risk unless I die. !!! "

"Brother Liu Lang ... I'll ask you something." At this moment, Guan Heng asked suddenly: "Is the tribe of the Qiang tribe in Wenlei Valley north from here?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Lang immediately nodded and said, "Yes, it has been traveling north more along the banks of the river for more than a hundred miles, which is the Wenlei Valley where the Dais live."

"That's all right. I have an idea that makes both parties feel appropriate. I want to discuss it with Monu first." At this moment, Guan Heng's mouth turned up, and a smile slowly appeared: "I believe that even she would not opposing."

After a while, Guan Heng and Liu Lang came to Monu's room, and he told each other his thoughts.

It turned out that Guan Heng's own journey was to go north, searching for the whereabouts of Qinghuang Residual Soul along the way. In this case, the next journey would pass through Wenlei Valley. In this case, Guan Heng decided to go on behalf of the Mozu tribe. Help the Zhu Dai people to deal with the four-cornered turf king.

There is actually a hidden reason for Guan Heng to do this. He heard that after the soil king was injured, he could rely on the strange light to heal the wound quickly, which is very similar to the Golden Eagle and Ran Yiyu that Guan Heng met before. It is most likely that Qing Huang's residual soul was attached to the King of Tuxi.

After learning from the mouth of Liu Lang that the King of the Four Corners had such a strange ability, Guan Heng had made up his mind to go to Wenlei Valley. He said his idea and added some appropriate explanations. Manu also passed After a lot of thought, he finally decided to let Guan Heng go to the tribe of Zhu Dai on his own behalf.

In the end, Monu found another messenger of the Dai people, and said that Guan Heng had full power to represent himself. The messenger initially looked down on Guan Heng, thinking that Monu was trying to hide himself, and his face looked a little displeased.

However, Guan Heng showed his orange strength slightly, and evoked a swallowing tiger in front of each other. Suddenly, the envoys of the Dai nationality were shocked. When he heard tremblingly that Guan Heng was still the winner of the Yucheng Competition this year, he was involuntarily full of praise.

Therefore, this messenger strongly encouraged Guan Heng to go to Wen Leigu to help the Dai people to deal with the four corners of the soil. He said that he is a master like Guan Heng. Please do not invite him on weekdays. The courtesy is added.

In this way, Guan Heng took a dog, a swallowing tiger, and his envoys to bid farewell to the Molang people, and Dou Wanxin, who decided to stay there, and then embarked on a journey to Wenlei Valley. Heng also asked the messenger "Meng Si" of the Dais and heard a lot of inside information about the four major aliens.

—— [2016.8.31 Fourth more, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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