Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1683: Ferocious Giant Bee (fifth outbreak)

The territorial territories of the four major alien races are scattered around Guangxi, with Mingyu City as the center. There are Molong ethnic villages along the banks of the river, and from there to the northeast, it is the Wenlei Valley in the mountains and the Zhuhai ethnic groups. Settlements.

Bordering the Zhu people's territories are the Lehus, who are the least sought-after and troubled everywhere. They live in a "ghost marsh forest" where poisonous insects linger and gather. Finally, the four major aliens have the most The Tianli tribe with strong power and the largest number of people, they dominate the "Huanglu Ridge" and have few contacts with the other three ethnic groups.

Meng Si also told Guan Heng on the road that in the past seven or eight years, under the mediation of Dou Tianwei, the lord of the city of Yu, the tribe of Moyu, Zhuyu and Tianyu gradually formed an alliance, excluding the Hu people. There is a great need to join forces to eliminate the Linghu tribe.

Only the territories of the three ethnic groups are not too close, so this plan has not been implemented, but the people of the Hu ethnic group knew that they were not flattering, so they huddled in their own ghost forest, and refused to come out all day long. Seeing this, the clan members no longer took the initiative to fight.

"Huh, the leaders of the Hu tribe don't look like good people anyway. In the long run, the three ethnic groups may be conspired by them." At this moment, Guan Heng thought to himself: "But this has nothing to do with me either. Now, the most important thing now is to hurry up and search for the remnant soul of Qing Huang as soon as possible. "

In this way, everyone went all the way. After a long day of hard work, they saw that it was too late, so Meng Si and Guan Heng decided to stay overnight in the nearby mountains and forests. The next morning, they will definitely catch the news. Thunder Valley.

Among several people, Meng Si was riding a piebald leopard and Guan Heng's mount was a devouring tiger. Only the strong man Ago has been running on foot, but this guy has always been walking on the flat road of the mountain. His forward speed is second only Swallowing the ghost tiger is much faster than Meng Si's spotted leopard, which makes Meng Si secretly wonder, and admires that Guan Heng is all around him.

At this moment, A Gou made a circle in the nearby mountains and forests, and he had already returned a few hares and wild owls, and then handed them to Guan Heng, sitting side by side with his eyes waiting for Guan Heng to cook them. And Meng Si also picked a lot of wild mushrooms in the grasshoppers and stone cracks, set up the bonfire and the pot to start the soup.

After a while, dinner was ready, everyone sat cross-legged, surrounded by the bonfire, eating and drinking, talking and laughing.

At this time, the swallowing ghost tiger ate three roasted rabbits that Guan Heng threw to him, and felt a little bit interested, so the swallowing tiger quietly stood up, squeaked into the bushes, and planned to search for a few more The game of beating the teeth, because the devouring tigers often do this, even if Guan Heng saw it, he laughed at him and never stopped it.

But after a while, the Ghost Tiger slipped back in a panic, Guan Guan saw his expression, and secretly wondered: "I haven't seen the Ghost Tiger meet anything that is scared. This is the end what's going on?"

At this time Guan Heng glanced at the people around him, Meng Si had finished eating, and fell asleep at the campfire, while Agou was fighting with his eyelids straight and yawning.

Seeing this scenario, Guan Heng knew that both of them were a little tired, so he decided not to affect them, and he and the devourer went to investigate the situation nearby, at least to ensure everyone's safety.


After a while, Guan Heng and the Ghost Tiger rushed into the nearby low mountain forest. They had run three or four miles away from the camp. Under the guidance of the Ghost Tiger, Guan Heng arrived. A secluded mountain stream.

Just stepping in here, Guan Heng suddenly heard a savage beast roar: "Woo ---"

The voice is not loud, but it is very frightening, as if it was just fine, and suddenly the vitality was cut off. At this time, Guan Heng and Ghost Tiger were all shocked.

So they both lowered their bodies quietly, quickly crawled across the grass to observe the scene there, and at the moment when they saw everything by the light of the moon, Guan Heng suddenly felt a creepy feeling on his body!

Several wild beasts in the mountain stream, such as the wild deer, were being attacked by a group of buzzing flying monsters.

There are about a dozen of these flying monsters, all of which are emerald green orange yellow stripes, which are extremely colorful and colorful, and look similar to waterfowls such as cormorants.

However, the appearance of these guys is very similar to that of a beetle. The most notable feature is that there are two huge jaws near the mouth, and the end of the body is a sharp tail cricket!

At this moment, Guan Heng pressed the surprise in his heart, and then looked closely, the dozen monster bees flapping their wings and buzzing, and surrounded the mule deer in the mountain stream.

Listening only to the sound of "嗤", the two biggest monster giant bees landed on the head of a deer at the same time. "噗, 噗!" Two long and sharp tail crickets drew into the neck of the deer at the same time. With a terrible sound, the body fell to the ground, and then it became a very thin deer skin.

"The two weird bees have completely exhausted the flesh and essence of the sika deer." Seeing this scene, Guan Heng's heart throbbed, and he secretly exclaimed: "What kind of alien are these weird bees? ? "

But at this moment, there were a few weird little bees obviously flying tired, and suddenly flew to a tree to rest, listening only to the sound of "slap", the two bees nailed their own tail pin Tree trunk, just the next moment, something weird happened!

I saw the original lush towering giant tree. When the strange bee's tail pin was nailed into the tree's body, all the leaves wandered and fell to the ground. In a moment, this big tree had only the decaying tree body and dead branches left. Most of the vitality.

"What ?! After being struck by the bee's tail needle, not only will the animals die, but even the trees and plants will wither?"

After Guan Heng took a look at all of this, his eyebrows frowned suddenly. At this moment, he thought to himself, "These colorful monster bees are definitely not a tricky guy to mess with. I better hide Go further, lest you ask for trouble. "

But when Guan Henggang made his decision, the dark crystal coffin bound by the swallowing ghost tiger suddenly reacted, and at this moment began to slowly bloom out of the gray light.

"Hey, this is ..." Guan Heng saw the abnormal shape of the dark crystal coffin, and her heart became clear. The black coffin girl in the crystal coffin would only shine in two situations. When she discovered the soul of Qinghuang, the girl's body The remnant soul inside will show the colorful and different colors, if it is the special constitution of the flesh skin itself ...

That is, when the "spiritual body" was surrounding the aura during storage, other creatures, ghosts and ghosts that were inadvertently attracted came over!

At this moment, Guan Heng was secretly crying: "Well, the spirit-carrying body is shining at this time, and it will lead those bees ..."

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.31, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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