Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1691: Life capture long right (third more)

"Haha, it worked."

Guan Heng whispered with a smile at this time: "This turquoise pearl is indeed a good thing. If the people of Wenleigu were not afraid of another misfortune, I do n’t think the patriarch Shen Biao would give it to me, but just give up Beads can be exchanged for a peaceful life, and they will not suffer. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng looked at the black coffin girl who was still absorbing the aura. He said in his heart that he hoped that the other party would wake up one day earlier, and then gently closed the coffin lid, and lay down on the bed and clothes and fell asleep.


Early the next morning, in the same room, the devouring tiger and Ago came knocking on the door to find Guan Heng, and then he got up and stretched himself. After meeting with the three brothers of the family and Shen Biao, Guan Heng knew Ma Peng, they have already told everyone that the demon ape, a place with four ears and long right, appeared nearby.

Ma Peng said at this time: "The long right child has four ears and can hear the slight movements in all directions. In case it knows that someone is approaching to capture itself, it will definitely flee quickly, so we have to find a way. With your ears right, you have to find your way, and his retreat is sealed. "

"Well, this statement makes perfect sense." Shen Biao said at this time: "This time I bring a few people, plus the three of your brothers and Guan Heng and the Ago brothers. The number should be enough. We have a big net here that can also come in handy. "

The kind of big net that Shen Biao said was woven by the Qiang people in order to deal with the four-cornered earthen claws. Now think about it. If you want to catch the long right, you can do amazing things in ten or nine.

So Shen Biao and the three brothers of Ma and Guan Heng and A Gou brought a few strong nets and went straight to the mountains to the left of Wenlei Valley under the guidance of Ma Peng. Where it appeared.

After a while, a beautiful place of plants and plants in the valley of the deep valley, at this time has become a **** smelling Shura field, a four-eared, large-sized monster ape, staring at the red eyes and chasing each A visible being.

"Pop!" The demon ape's two claws suddenly caught a huge hissing eagle, which suddenly burst into two halves in an instant.

Killing the giant vulture, the demon ape's ferocious heart persisted, and suddenly roared at the unicorn strong cow not far away. This unicorn strong cow is the strongest monster in the nearby forest, but it can't help it in front of the demon ape. Fight chills, say it is late, then fast, Zhuang Niu dare not fall in love, so he turned away and fled.

However, the action of the demon ape was extremely fast, and only listening to the sound of "噌 噌 噌" bursting into the air, it had fallen on the back of the strong cattle, and the demon ape's claws were sharp like a blade, in the sound of "噗噗 噗" Constantly struggling against the strong cattle, I saw the flesh fluttering and chaotic, and the strong cattle screamed and wept suddenly on the spot!

"嗷嗷-叽叽 叽!" The four-eared right-handed right-handed roar of the strong cattle suddenly struck and killed, the fierce roar rang through the clouds and the sound of the wild, echoed in the valley of the mountain forest, listening to the sound hidden With endless pain and anger, but I don't know why.

At this moment, Shen Biao, Brother Ma and Guan Heng and A Gou came to the valley with a sound. A Gou heard four-eared roar, and he gradually became irritated, and even his forehead was stingy. With a few blue tendons, it looked extremely embarrassing.

"Well, Ago ’s madness won't happen suddenly?"

Guan Heng looked at each other's situation, and immediately became worried. He looked left and right, suddenly plucked a few unusually soft flowers on a low bush, and then stuffed it into Ago ’s left and right ears. Guan Heng said, "If you can't hear the four-eared right roar, you may be able to relieve some pain."

Sure enough, Guan Heng expected. After his ears were blocked by stuff, Ago's mood suddenly stabilized a lot. At this moment he was holding the big net honestly, and slowly followed Guan Heng.

"You guys, find the right." At this time, Ma Peng looked at the wormwood that was blocking the road in front of him and whispered to the people behind him. "It's a few dozen feet ahead, but it can't be closer. Otherwise, it will be heard by the long right ears. "

So everyone quickly hurriedly touched the big net in accordance with the directions they had agreed in advance. They only related to the fact that Heng and Ago didn't move. Their task was to attract the attention of the four ears from the front. Others fight for the opportunity to capture it.

Between the electric light and the flint, A Gou slammed in the past, and he rushed for more than ten feet in a rage, suddenly came to the front of the four ears, and punched his opponent with a punch: "Bang!"

"Yeah!" He took a heavy blow on his face, Chang Right suddenly "Teng Teng Teng" took a few steps back, but A Gou remembered Guan Heng's instructions to himself, he never used full force for his shot, and if he used black aura, he would be There will be headaches, so this punch is not too heavy. Chang You's ability to fight is not weak, he shook his head in a short time to dispel the pain, and even roared back.

"Oh!" The four-eared demon ape flickered in an instant, and disappeared in front of Agou. The next moment he struck his claws into a fist and hit Agou's head with a severe blow.

"Oh!" Chang You's fist hit the opponent's head, and A Gou didn't show any pain. On the contrary, Chang You's demon ape's claws were broken, and it suddenly screamed in pain. At this moment, Guan Heng had been flying quietly for a long time, and he was tiptoeing, and he leaped to midair. He banged on the right face for more than a dozen feet!

"叽叽 ——" Suddenly struck with a heavy foot, Chang You suddenly screamed back, at this moment A dog took advantage of the gap, punched with a punch, hit the left ear of the right long middle, and only listened to He With an inaudible soft noise, a dark shadow of paint rushed out of the long right ear by fist, and suddenly got into Agu's nostril.

"A dog ?!" Guan Heng looked at the scene, and suddenly sweated his forehead: "Oh, what's got into his nostril? Is it dangerous for A dog ..."

However, at this moment, he could not tolerate the cross attack. Chang You fell to the ground when he was hit by a heavy punch, listening only to the sound of "噌 噌 噌". Each Zhu Dai tribe opened a big net and rushed over, "Oh!" The big net was covered in four-eared right body in an instant.

"Successful, seize it ..." Before Shen Biao was happy, the long right suddenly covered his huge net with two claws, "Oh!" The net broke on the spot, with four ears on the right He rushed out of the siege, and then rushed towards the bushes in the dense forest.

"Can't let it run anymore."

At this time, Ma Peng hit his eyes with red eyes, and the "snap" gripped the long right waist. The strong man and the demon ape rolled over on the spot. At this time, everyone surrounded them, desperately holding down the long right and struggling. All four limbs, but even so, the amazingly powerful four ears and right are still shaken, freeing them all in the roar!

—— [The third change of 2016.9.2, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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