Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1692: To the Tiandai

"No, Changyou is going to escape ..."

It took a lot of effort for everyone, but didn't realize that the four ears were too tangled, and just as they were about to hit, two swift figures rushed out from the oblique stabs, "Pop!" The eagle owl with two claws hurled across the long right hind leg, and the blood soared in time, and the monster ape screamed and slammed on the ground.

At this moment, Agou's fists fell in the wind and hit the back of the right ear with a long ear. The guy's eyes collapsed when he rolled his eyes.

"Everyone entangle it." As Guan Heng shouted, Shen Biao, Ma Peng, and others wrapped around the long right limbs with a broken net, tying it firmly.

Ma Peng wiped the sweat on her head and said, "Hoo—good and good, almost let it escape. When these four ears were right in our clan before, they were very docile. Who knows it is now It ’s exactly two looks, it ’s really incomprehensible. "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng shook his head slightly and said, "Brother, you don't need to think about these things first. Let's return to Wen Leigu and lock up Chang You and talk about it."

"Okay." Ma Peng and his two brothers promised, and then together they picked up the big four-eared long right, and Shen Biao, Guan Heng and Agou quickly returned to the Qiang tribe of Wenlei Valley.

It happened that there was a huge bamboo cage of several meters high in Shen Biao's home made of old bamboo in the mountain, which was very solid. Everyone tied the four ears to the right and closed it. This time it was foolproof.

Next, the Guan brothers of the horizontal family explained that they were about to go north, and they would pass through Huangluling on the way. Ma Peng was very happy to hear that, because the three of them wanted to **** Changyou to return to the Tiandai tribe.

There are many dangerous mountains and rapids along the way, and there must be a lot of vicious monsters blocking the road along the way. Therefore, about Henghe Agou and Ghost Tiger, they felt that they had added a lot of safety, so Ma Peng was full Promise and invite Guan Heng to visit Huangluling.

In this way, after Guan Heng and A Gou packed up, the three brothers of the Mars also found a carriage that could be loaded with a prison cage. A few people bid farewell to Shen Biao, and began to go to the hundred-odd lilies around noon that day. The journey of the monkey hill.

On this road, Ma Peng told Guan Heng that the Huanglu Ridge where the Tiandai tribe lives is surrounded by countless mountains, and most of them are inhabited by ferocious beasts who are not good at humans. If they are traveling alone, they must Be careful.

Guan Heng listened to Ma Peng's allegations and was deeply convinced, so he asked the ghost-stealing tiger to send six ghouls to make a secret inspection within a few miles to ensure everyone's safety on the road.

However, when Guan Heng looked at the dog next to him, he found that the silly brawny man was scratching his head. Guan Heng secretly said, "Isn't it the same time when I was working with Chang Changyou? The slender black shadow penetrated into Agu's nostrils, what caused him an adverse reaction? "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng couldn't help but be a little worried, but at this moment, the four-eared long right in the carriage cage suddenly woke up. This giant ape, which had been furious and slaying monsters everywhere, now looks faint, Still a little overwhelmed.

Seeing this situation, Ma Peng also felt a little strange, but everyone accompanying him was scratching his head. Had to continue to hurry, hoping to return to Huangluling as soon as possible.

Because Ma Peng had told Guan Heng before, when his three brothers left the Tiandai tribe, the patriarch Rongzheng had personally led another group of tribe to go west to the tribe, and arrested another demon ape, "Baito Zhuren".

However, the more you want to get on the road calmly, the more trouble you will come to the door automatically. When you cross them to the night, they have already walked into the deep mountains and stayed at a water source. , Was suddenly attacked by unknown monsters.

Unexpectedly, Ma Hong was wet with trousers, and he crawled with belts while crying out for help, while desperately dodging the other's surprise attack.

"Well, what is this?" Guan Heng and Ghost Tiger, who first heard the sound, saw a strange bird and monster in front of them, and became a little curious, and saw that the object was about six or seven feet tall. There are two duck-like heads, and the web feet are extremely sharp, and they are chasing Ma Hong continuously and pecking, scaring him again and again.

"Don't be afraid, there is me!" Guan Heng whispered and slammed forward, and the eagle eagle's claws "dang" caught the flat beak pecking at him, and then kicked the other's body with a kick: "Roll —— "

"Oh!" The monster duck was hit hard and suddenly flew out, but the thing that surprised Guan Heng suddenly happened at the next moment!

The body of the two-headed duck was separated in an instant, and it even clicked on one half of its wings and one foot jumped around. Guan Heng saw it clearly. It turns out that this guy is not a two-headed duck at all, but two only have half-winged wings. A one-legged freak.

"No matter what monster it is, kill it first." In the next moment, Guan Heng and the swallowing tiger had rushed to each other. The eagle eagle claws tore one of them in half, and the swallowing tiger has a big mouth. The sharp teeth bit the throat of another weird duck.

"Hoo--" It was late, and then fast, the shadows of the two spirits condensed after the death of the two monsters came out of the wreckage, Guan Hengxin grasped one of them, and the other was turned into a ghost. The Soul of the Soul.

After tearing a shard of spirits and throwing it into the soul book, Guan Heng turned it around before he knew the origin of the two single-winged ducks: wild birds, single-winged, one-eyed, one foot, two wild The wild birds hugged together before they could fly. After being affected by the evil spirit of the world, the bird turned into a monster and its soul power was evaluated as a fifth-order spirit ...

"Another fifth-order soul, well, send this soul stone back to the shop on Shanhai Street." At this moment, Guan Heng closed the soul book and asked Ma Hong, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, just startled by these two strange birds." Ma Hong turned his face flushed at this moment. He just booed that he was attacked halfway through, and the remaining half of his urine was not bad at all. , Spread all over to the pants.

Then Ma Hong asked, "Where are Ma Peng and Ma Zhong?"

"The two of them? Going to find game with Agou." Guan Heng looked at the moon in the air and frowned. "It's been a while, strange, why haven't you come back?"

Just then, Ma Zhong's shout came from the distance: "Guan Heng, Ma Hong, we are back and see what this is!"

Guan Heng and Ma Hong quickly walked over to see it, and then laughed out loud. It turned out that Agou and the Ma brothers jointly ran back with a white python. After inquiring, they knew that Agou was chasing after A yellow sheep ran into the mountain stream, and the passing white python opened his mouth to swallow the yellow sheep, but was beaten to death by a dog, so everyone took back both prey.

—— [Fourth more in 2016.9.2, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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