Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1693: Rong Zheng is missing (fifth more outbreak)

In this way, everyone set up a bonfire and cooked the white python, and the yellow sheep in the belly of the python. The two guys who ate the most are the two guys, A Gou and Ghost Tiger, who almost swallowed their tongues. After a while A lot of clean bones were thrown on the ground, everyone felt tired after rushing for a day, so they rested around the campfire all night.

In the early morning of the next day, the crowd went out dozens of miles after returning to the road. At this time, the Qinyuan giant bee stinger, who was scattered by Guan Heng, suddenly returned, and it seemed that he had discovered some unusual circumstances.

When Guan Heng and the others hurried over the carriage holding the long right prison cage, they heard the sound of turbulent water. It turned out that the mountain road here was blocked by the flood washed down by the oblique stab, everyone was worried about how to get over.

At this moment, several strange fish suddenly came out of the water. They looked like catfish, but did not have a tail fin. A slender tail was left behind, and their mouths were full of fangs and teeth. When they slowly surrounded them, There was also a screeching squeak in his mouth.

"Yeah ah--"

At this time, Ma Zhong yelled, and the demonstrative light flew up. He waved the copper stick in his hand and slammed on a strange fish, and immediately beat the other's fish head to pieces, and the corpse was on the spot, then, Guan Heng and the others also passed, and each of the soldiers smashed and smashed all these strange fishes!

This time, Guan Heng had good luck. After the death of the three strange fishes, the spirits condensed out. Two of them turned into soul stones, and the other was included in the soul book by Guan Heng.

Guan Heng learned the information of the strange fish from the inside. It was a guy named "Fish". His soul power was evaluated as the fifth-order spirit. Guan Heng then sent the soul stone to the mountains and seas using the transmission map of the soul book. street.

This wreck's wreck has another use, that is, it will gradually swell after being soaked in water. If connected together, it is like a pontoon. In this way, Guan Heng asks everyone to bundle the carcasses into a string and throw it in front. The rapids, sure enough, did not take long for the corpse to swell, so we helped everyone and the carriage to the other side immediately.

After the flood rapids, Guan Heng and the Ma Brothers were still on the road, and eventually came to the outer area of ​​Huanglu Ridge in the evening of the day.

"Huh, it's finally time to get home." At this moment, Ma Peng said with a painful smile while holding the cage of the car: "Our brother is really hard to run this way. Now we are about to return to the Tiandai tribe, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief. Now. "

Having said that, Ma Peng turned his head and said to Guan Heng, "Brother Guan, thanks to you to follow, otherwise, our brother may have an accident halfway through."

Guan Heng smiled at this moment: "Hehehe, don't say that, Brother Ma, I'm glad to help you."

Just as everyone put down the big rock in their hearts and moved forward jokingly, a few strong men with copper sticks in their hands suddenly appeared on the opposite side, and they looked like the people of the Tiandai tribe.

"Is the three brothers of the Ma family opposite?" The head shouted, "We are here to welcome you."

"That's right, it's our brother and sister, and two other guests coming from the Zhu Dai people." At this moment, Ma Zhong shouted, "Is the patriarch okay?"

At this time, the opposite person had already run over, and the head-headed man said angrily: "Three Majia brothers, in fact, after you left, the patriarch has been missing for almost four days. We are very anxious in our hearts, so the family The elders let us stay here, waiting for your return day and night. "

"What ?! Why did the patriarch disappear?" Ma Pengwen said in a panic when he heard this: "When he left the Huangluling Ridge that day, the patriarch said he was going to take someone to look for the" white-headed-chu-chu "... "

"Brother Ma Peng didn't know." Another Tianmao person next to him said, "On the third day after the patriarch left, we were ordered by the elders, and we took a few people along the direction of his departure. I found the bodies of all the clan members halfway, but I didn't see the patriarch's trace. Everyone suspected that the patriarch Rong Zheng might have been ... "

When this tribe said here, it was already sad, but Ma Peng shouted, "Impossible, the patriarch Rong Zheng is the strongest fighter in the tribe, but also has the orange strong spirit. Under the protection of God, the patriarch cannot die! "

In Ma Peng's tone, he clearly respected Rong Zheng even to the point where he was blind. At this time, other people of the ethnic group bowed their heads and said nothing, apparently they did not agree with this statement. They felt that the patriarch of Rong Zheng had also suffered misfortune .

At this moment, Guan Heng patted Ma Peng's shoulder, and he whispered: "Brother, let's send the four ears to the right to Huangluoling first. You must complete your task first, and then look for Rongzheng. How is the patriarch? "

"Um, Brother Guan was right, I was confused." After reminding Guan Heng, Ma Peng's mind was awake now, and he quickly said to the rest of the people: "Chang You has been captured by us, everyone Let ’s discuss things among the Hui people first. ”

In this way, under the guidance of the Tiandai people, Guan Heng and others entered the tribe of Luhuang Sao Ling, and later met the elders of the Tiandai people.

The elder was nearly 80 years old, with gray hair and wrinkles, but his eyes flashed with wisdom from time to time, and he looked old and strong. The elder was grateful for Guan Heng's help to capture the four ears and the right. As far as possible, treat him and Ago as guests.

After drinking a cup of tea, Guan Heng rested at the table and asked, "Elder, can I help you with the disappearance of Rong Zheng's patriarch?"

"This ... the little brother is a guest of our Tiandai people, how can I trouble you again and again."

At this time, the elder wanted to ask Guan Heng for a favor, but Guan Heng first raised it, calling the old man a bit embarrassed, but Guan Heng waved his hand and said, "Since I came here, it is impossible to ignore everything. , Just rest assured. "

"So, the little brother is really a friend of the Tian Dai people." The elder patted his thigh and said, "Then I will not be polite to you. The thing is like this. After Rong Zheng disappeared, our Tian Dai people were in The people who took medicine in the mountains nearby suddenly discovered something unusual ... "

It turns out that the people of the Tianshao tribe are used to cultivating demon apes to pick fruits and herbs for themselves. The people have activities in the wide range of dozens of miles around the Huanglu Ridge. A few days ago, Rong Zheng led several people to hunt down the scared demon ape— —Baito Zhuzhu is tired, but as a result, it is gone forever, which makes the people of Tianli triumph.

The day before yesterday, several people found the remains of Rongzheng's followers, and the elder was secretly shocked. At this moment, the young people who had collected medicine ran to the elder to report, saying that it appeared that an unknown person appeared in the nearby forest. Trail.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.9.2, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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