Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 808: Greedy lord

"However, it's strange," said one of the cave dwellers. "Although our matriarch refused to hand over the metal fragments, we still refused to let us continue to worship it."

"The patriarch said it was cruel to use the living tribe as a tribute." Another orc said, "But our tradition over the centuries is like this. It will be abolished. "

At this moment, Guan Heng, who was eavesdropping in the dark, was a little impatient, and he staggered out.

"Slap, pop!" Guan Heng's palms have grabbed the necks of the two cave dwellers: "You two boys, let me be honest, otherwise I will click and twist your necks."

"Dare, we dare not, the most noble human race strong, please forgive our lives, we are willing to be cows and horses." Guan Heng shot like ghosts, can be described as swift and unethical, and immediately scared the two cave orcs They were shaking, they seemed to be very afraid of Guan Heng.

"I don't want you to be a cow or a horse. You just need to answer a few questions." Guan Heng smiled. "Is the piece of metal disc you said is hexagonal?"

"Ah, Master of Human Race, how do you know the shape of our enshrined totem." The two cavemen orcs were scared and their tongues rolled, and they yelled, "Yes, like you said, that thing is indeed a Hexagon. "

"Sure enough, it's a shard of the magic disk!" Guan Heng secretly murmured: "It seems that thing, this time is destined to fall into my hands."

"Take me to the place where you live. If you dare to hesitate, be careful I take care of you two guys!" Guan Heng snorted.

Forced by helplessness, the two cave dwelling orcs had to take Guan Heng forward, the destination was the cave where they inhabited.

Along the way, Guan Heng asked the situation of many cave dwellers, and learned about the situation here. It turned out that the large area of ​​land nearby belonged to a human lord. His name was Mithus, and the cave dweller orc fell on him. Survival of the site requires high taxes. If the orcs can't afford the money, they have to pay it with cheap labor.

Even so, the greedy and miserable Misius sent his domestic slaves apart, and after looting their orphans, they sold them to other places for profit.

In addition, cave dwellers are good at digging mineral deposits. Mithius uses them to dig for himself and obtain a lot of precious ore, which is also one of the lord's financial resources.

The two orcs told Guan Heng: Lord Mithus was greedy and brutal. If he knew what treasure the caveman had hidden, he would have seized it by hand. Everyone who resisted would be destroyed by the lord's slaves and soldiers.

"So you are living a bad life." Guan Heng heard the two cavemen orcs narrate here, and said with emotion.

"Well, this human race master, our home is not far away, you see ..." As soon as the orc who talked had spoken here, he heard the rapid horseshoe sound of "DaDaDa" sounding not far away, In addition, many people were panicking and begging.

The voices of the two orcs were all face-to-face, and they said to Guan Heng, "Master, it must be that the lord sent his domestic slaves and soldiers to grab things from our residence."

"What are you panicking about? You hide here first, and I'll take a look." Guan Heng said here, regardless of how the two orcs hid. He tipped to his feet and ran a few ups and downs.

I saw several horses running back and forth in front of the cave where the cave dwellers lived. The knights on horses were all dressed up as personal soldiers with helmets and armors. They pulled a long rope behind their mounts and tied the orcs behind.

The galloping horse dragged the orcs screaming, but all the knights were all laughing and proudly: "Look, this is the end of your rebellion against Lord Mithius. Your **** patriarch actually hid. Since we are not willing to surrender your treasures, we have ordered the Lord to destroy you now. "

"Ahhhhhh ..." A caveman orc dragged by a galloping horse couldn't bear it anymore, and his head turned fainted.

The knight immediately sneered: "The orcs are really rubbish. I haven't played enough? You are so dragged to death."

At this moment, there were several strong cave dwelling orcs who ran out of the hole with their simple farm tools. They shouted to their fellow citizens: "Fight with the soldiers of these races, otherwise, we will not live. Go on. "

"Kill, rush! Fight with the personal soldiers of Lord Mithus!" A dozen orcs yelled at the private soldiers on horses. Who knew that these guys sneered and reached out from the saddle After taking off the long bow, Zhang Xian took an arrow, and saw a brave heart, and the sound of a broken sound of "嗤嗤嗤" wrapped around him, turning all the orcs who ran over to the ground.

"Huh, stupid guys." The knight who took the lead in archery said immediately: "If you are honestly tossed by us and sold to the outside world to be slaves, maybe you can save a life, now you think Defend Lord Lord, deserve it. "

At this moment, the troglodyte orc, lying horizontally, had already stained the ground, and the scene was horrible.

"Stop it!" At this moment, a female orc ran out of the burrow. She shouted holding a piece of metal in her hand, "Give them up, I am willing to hand over this piece of metal . "

"Isn't this the orc's patriarch? It's too late for you to surrender your things now." The knight immediately sneered: "Your tribe all die now because of their stupid behavior. Let the arrows go." The sound of the arrows breaking through the air rang again, and the remaining old and weak orcs fell to the ground like wooden stakes.

The matriarch wanted to cry without tears, she knelt on her knees, stretched out her hand to touch those tragic fellows: "Woohoo ... I hurt you, I'm sorry everyone ..."

"Well, take you to the patriarch!" The knight immediately pulled out the long blade, and swiped his wrist to the patriarch's neck: "Suffer!"

"Stop!" At this moment, there was a sudden dark shadow in the distance. The man had already rushed to the horse in a few ups and downs, and he hit the horse's forelimb with a punch.

"Hmm--" The horse screamed and rolled over and fell, and the horseman immediately fell a big heel.

"Who? The private soldier who attacked Lord Mithus?" The other knights were furious when they saw this, and took out their own weapons and rushed to the sudden appearance of Guan Heng.

—— [Second more in 2016.2.15, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide O (∩_∩) O] ——

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