Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 809: Encountering strange things again (third more)

"Well, just killing innocents casually, today I'll come to you and wait for the lesson to let you know the words 'after-regret-late'! ''

"Hey!" Revealed a sneer sneer, Guan Huan turned on wearing the body of evil bones!

"Oh!" The shard of the magical disk in front of the bones of the Bone Evil armor spun swiftly, suddenly emitting a strange dark light, and a dozen spooky arrays of six-pointed stars appearing suddenly, and suddenly bombarded the soldiers of the Lord's House on horseback.

I saw that the six-horse starry array suddenly expanded under their feet. The soldiers and horses quickly shrank at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. All the vitality was exhausted. The six-horse starry array transformed those vitality into black gas and fineness in a blink of an eye. The power of pure faith.

Like last time, Guan Heng sucked the power of faith with the token of the bright priest, and the black gas was forcibly taken away by the evil bone armor. Only a dozen pale and withered bones were left in place.

The seven or eight cave dwellers who were lucky enough to survive saw these weird scenes, one after another scaring their heads in horror. They shouted, "Oh my god, this must be a messenger sent by God to rescue us."

"Well, really a group of ignorant cave dwelling orcs, no wonder they will be oppressed by slavery." Guan Heng sighed, and then the bones were put away. He strode to the orc patriarch and said to her: Give me that piece of metal. It's also a scourge to keep this thing anyway, so let me take it away. "

"This thing has caused the tragic death of many of my people. Even if God doesn't want to take it back, I will find some place to throw it away." The matriarch said sadly, "Since God made him want to take it back, that's another It's better. "Then, the matriarch passed the piece of metal to Guan Heng.

Guan Heng took something and turned around and wanted to leave, but he thought for a while, then turned to the matriarch and said, "Since you are being squeezed and exploited by the human lord here, you must find a place to move, otherwise you will definitely be met. No intelligence. "

"Yes, Lord made the Lord right. We think so too, but ..." The Patriarch hesitated, then said, "We have been here for generations, and where do you want us to be?"

"You can cross the Duron Canyon to the plains north of Kauru, where there is a large and uninhabited area with endless dense forests and rich land and water sources." Guan Heng said, "When you get there, you Instead of digging into the cave to live, you can build your own house and make a living by farming and hunting. "

"But there is Terran territory, and we are afraid of persecution." A few orcs said boldly, "God has made you, can you go with us to protect our safety!"

"Well, since you want to survive, you must be strong." Guan Heng said to them with a stern face: "Can't keep improving, rely on others forever, ask for help from others, sooner or later will perish."

"Only the race that can persist in adversity can continue to thrive." Guan Heng said to the orcs in front of him: "Do you understand the truth? Depending on the strong, it is not a long-term solution."

Said, Guan Heng waved to them: "Go, as long as you can continue to survive in the Kalulu Plain, we will have another day to meet sooner or later. At that time, if you have any difficulties, I Will still help. "

"Thank God for your guidance." These orcs were stunned one by one, worshipping the omnipotent "God made him" in their hearts, Guan Heng only smiled slightly and turned away.

At this moment, Guan Heng thought to himself: "I hope my warning words can give them some inspirations, so that the cave dwellers can survive this strong, rather than being decadent to the end, let them be slaughtered."

Guan Heng looked at the shards of the magic star disk with the strange dark light in his hand, and he mumbled to himself: "I have collected another piece, and I don't know how many more to collect, in order to put the magic star disk together. Perhaps the power of the magic chart is even higher! "

Although this time shot against the soldiers of Terran Lord Mithus, Guan Heng didn't hesitate at all, because these guys are just villains who depend on human life. Therefore, Guan Heng did not hesitate to use the evil bone armor and The shards of the magic astrolabe transform their lives into the power of pure faith.

"Well, it's time to return to the town of Garcia." Guan Heng thought of this and was about to summon the Flying Wyrm Dragon, but suddenly heard the end of the woods in front of him, and some strange sounds rang.

"Woohoo--" It was a sound of low horns, and there seemed to be a large number of people, riding on horses to gather nearby.

Guan Heng's brow frowned suddenly, and he thought to himself, "What is going to happen nearby? Take a look at it." At this moment, the sound of the horses' hoofs kept ringing, and the knights in groups swarmed. Galloping, all assembled at the foot of the mountain outside the woods.

At this time, the clarion call came to an abrupt end. A knight in black armor walked back and forth in front of everyone two times. He said, "Okay, now everyone is assembled. Let me distribute it. This mission ... "

"Wait a minute." At this moment, a knight who finally arrived suddenly said, "Why are you assigning tasks? I don't think your level is higher than mine!"

"I was instructed by Feng's order to conduct this operation. If anyone else had any questions, they returned to the stronghold and asked the two principals. This is my proof of level." The knight in black armor suddenly took it from his arms. He pulled out a badge and lit it up in front of everyone.

Guan Hengning, who was hiding in the woods not far away, took a closer look, and was shocked, because the flashing badge turned out to be a trident.

Guan Heng's heart sank suddenly: "Is it the trident of the gods ?! Bacheng is a group of guys of this evil organization. They gather here and don't know what bad things to do."

"Since it is related to the Trident organization, I can't pretend to be invisible." Thinking of this, Guan Hong decided not to return to the town of Jiaxia for the time being, but to hide her whereabouts and quietly observe the movement of these guys and see if they have What a conspiracy.

"Quiet everyone, listen to me."

At this moment, the black armored warrior straddling the forefront said: "You all know that this is located in the northwest of the Inzekate Plateau and is the domain of Lord Mithus. Our task this time is to bring Mith Sri Lanka ’s lord ’s house was washed in blood, taking away all the lord ’s private wealth, and the two principals also explained that they wanted to find some stationery. ”

—— [The third change of 2016.2.15, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continued to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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