Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 810: Night Strike Mansion

"Originally the goal was the house of Lord Mithus ?!" At this moment, the immediate knights started talking, and some of them shouted, "Is this mission not to leave any liveliness?"

"Yes, since you know the rules, don't ask any more." The black armor warrior Senran said: "You just need to perform the task as usual, and everyone should have received it before. The rules of our trident are paid first. Remuneration, and then perform the task, which is to prevent you from asking too much. "

"Now it's dusk. After I announced that I'm going into the night, I galloped for fifty miles, and quickly attacked and occupied the main mansion when I reached my destination." Say it, one word, kill. "

"Oh, now that's clear, it turns out they were looking for Lord Mithus's obscurity."

After Guanheng overheard the Dark Knight's words in the distance, he secretly whispered: "Originally, the Lord Mithius was so greedy that I was too lazy to care about his family's gossip. Trident, then I have to follow up. "

"And they said what letters to look for, and they didn't know if they would be of any use to me. All of this would have to wait until the killers arrived at the lord's palace in Mithus."

Guan Heng thought of this, and only heard the killer leader, the Black Knight, saying, "You should have a simple map in your hand going to the Lord's Mansion. According to the red line marked on the map, we have to divide into several roads to the Lord's Mansion. Convergence, now ready to start! "

"Oh!" A group of killer horsemen agreed, and then they spurred the horses out of the woods, galloping towards the distant lord's house, and ran in front, of course, the leader. Dark armor knight.

At this moment, there were two knights holding the reins, and they quietly rolled over and got off the horse. They walked under a tree and started a little solution.

One of the knights said, "The kid in the black armor just now is so arrogant. Let us so many people listen to his deployment alone, and the look of the villain looks humorous, hum, it makes people feel angry. "

Another killer replied: "Do n’t stop talking there, anyway, we have received the full payment, just like the previous few times, rushing into the mansion, seeing people is a knife, clean shot, you control him arrogantly Is n’t it arrogant? Let ’s go straight after we finish our work. Will we ever meet him again?

"What you said makes sense, anyway, what we do is a killer's business. To get paid, we have to convince others." The person who spoke first said: "According to the previous rules, except for the special admonitions above, don't let the people move." In addition to things, we can take away any other floating wealth, which is another extra income. "

"Hahaha! This time it's safe again." The two said here and laughed at each other: "It can really be a good thing to be a peripheral killer of the trident of the God of God!"

Just when the two killers were about to be proud of their fortune, a dark shadow suddenly appeared behind the two, who acted like lightning, with their palms wrapped in strong wind, like a knife, impartial Cut on the necks of the two killers.

"Uh-huh ..." After the surprise attack, the two bodies just trembled slightly, and they suddenly collapsed to the ground.

"Well, as you ordinary killers, you can sleep here obediently!" Guan Heng sneered at the fainting duo: "In my opinion, it is the Lord Mansion's mansion. You two are probably also lame to be killed. "

Said to himself, Guan Heng flipped through their bodies, and soon found a map to the residence of Lord Mithius.

"That's the thing. With it, I can take a short route and ride the Flying Winged Dragon to the Lord's Mansion of Mithus." Guan Heng murmured secretly: "I can ambush there in advance, waiting for the trident of God to die The killers came and hit them by surprise. "

Looking up at the present day, it was already dusk, and Guan Heng thought secretly that it was not too late, and hurried to the residence of Lord Mithius, thinking about the next plan, and Guan Heng ran into his arms to take out the metal cylinder. The winged poison dragon was released with a snap.

"Man, listen to me." Guan Heng unfolded the map in front of the poison dragon, and he pointed to the location marked with the red circle: "We are going to this place now, you should speed up the flight as much as possible, I want to be in front of some people reach there."

The flying wing poison dragon nodded, slamming Guan Guan across the air, and saw the wings "snap, patter," and they disappeared there in a blink of an eye.

A moment later, near the residence of Lord Mithus, a large dark shadow suddenly appeared in the air, and then landed silently.

"Wow, what a luxurious mansion!" Guan Heng looked back at the lord's luxurious mansion, muttering to himself: "It seems that this guy, Mithius, is not scraping money on his own site, no wonder The killer of the Trident of God will stare at him as a fat sheep. "

"But the leader of the black knight said, but also to find some letters in the lord's mansion." Guan Heng said to his chin and said to himself, "What the **** are these things?"

Just then, Heng Heng's ears flickered. He heard the back door of the Lord's Mansion and opened quietly. Under the moonlight, a long and narrow shadow dangled, and then moved outward from the door.

"Someone came out to see who it was." Guan Heng wanted to be here and walked quickly to the back door.

I saw a middle-aged man dressed as a servant sneaking out of the back door of the lord's mansion silently and lazily, he hurried forward, and blinked into a nearby dark alley.

The middle-aged servant looked at no one left and right, and quickly shoved a paper roll into a wall crack in the alley, covered a surface with a wet mud on the surface of the wall crack, and turned away.

"Well, wouldn't that scroll be ..." Guan Heng, who was hiding in the dark, saw that the middle-aged servant had gone far, slipped away a few steps before himself, and reached out and pulled out the scroll.

"It really is an inner ghost." Guan Heng unrolled the scroll and took a look. The content written above is the whereabouts of Lord Misius in the mansion tonight, and when will the quietly open the back door of the mansion's mansion to meet these killer doors. There are even detailed floor plans inside the Lord's Mansion.

"Nothing is terrible, only the inner ghost is the most terrible." Guan Heng slowly shook his head and said, "This lord is really unlucky. The family keeps things that are eaten and eaten."

—— [Fourth more in 2016.2.15, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for Tibetan mastiff | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~】 ——

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