Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 811: Secret letter (fifth more outbreak)

"Now that the killers and the inner ghosts have negotiated and want to enter through the back door of the Lord's Mansion, I might as well be here to guard the rabbit." Thinking of this, holding the note closed, a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye it is after night.

The inner ghost, who was about to open the door to welcome the killer, had long been knocked out by Guan Heng and tossed aside. At this time, a soft knock sound came from outside the Lord's Mansion.

"Huh, it seems that the killer has arrived." Guan Heng smiled, walked to the door, reached out, and opened the back door.

"Hey!" The two shadows rushed in first, Guan Heng greeted it without hesitation, two silent punches, suddenly hit each other as the chest, this fist was smashed, and suddenly the two A killer's thoracic spine was shattered, and they fell like a mud of mud on the spot.

Holding up two dead killers, Guan Heng threw them aside.

Immediately afterwards, "Oh!" Another four or five people rushed in, and Guan Heng made a flash of electricity, knocking them down swiftly.

At this time, the killer outside suddenly felt something wrong.

They quickly took off the bows, and 嗖 嗖 嗖 —the cold arrows wrapped in strong winds burst into the air, and shot one after another toward Guan Heng, who was standing in the door.

"Huh, pediatrics." Guan Heng sneered slightly, and immediately pulled out the evil pupil sword and black iron wooden staff. "Papapa!" He instantly flew the mandala arrows and flew out of the back door of the mansion.

Outside the mansion, there are more than a dozen black-killer killers waiting to be seen, but Guan Xuanshen method is like a ghost, and the wooden staff and the evil sword are turned into two swift and unscrupulous water dragons, and these killers are suddenly turned to the west!

"Be careful, this guy is amazing!" Shouted the killer leader, the armored samurai.

After hearing this, the remaining killers knew that fighting alone would be fierce, so they quickly gathered into a round formation and surrounded Guan Hengtuan.

At the same time, on the second floor of the Lord ’s Mansion, Lord Mithus was in his study, and he was already in a hurry to get around.

"Hell, originally I worked well with those guys of the Trident of God. The work of selling slaves and introducing the killer business made us a lot of money. Who knew that in the end, these guys became more and more greedy and wanted to Share more than half of my profits. "

Mithus thought of clenching his fists here and involuntarily gritted his teeth: "In order to remove these nails that are gradually threatening me, I sent several people to the king to send a letter and report the wrongful act of the trident of God ..."

"Oh!" Mithus muttered to himself, and suddenly punched at the table: "I didn't expect to be noticed by these guys, **** it!"

"Well, now I feel worse and worse in my heart." With a look of anxiety, Misius's hands were shaking slightly: "The trident of the God of Triumph is a demon who kills without blinking. If I can't bring them down, I may be in danger for my life. "

"The lord's mansion is becoming increasingly unsafe here. No, I have to find a way to run away quickly." Thinking of the cruel methods of the other party, Mithus couldn't help but be frightened. He stole some things and grabbed some stationery on the table. The rushing fire ran out the door.

At this moment, only a loud noise was heard, and the door of the room was suddenly opened.

"Oh, dear Lord, where are you going?" Guan Heng hugged his shoulder and smiled. "If you don't explain something clearly, I'm afraid you can't go."

"Who the **** are you?" Douda's sweat rolled down from his forehead, and Mithus showed anxiety. He stepped back involuntarily, and shouted, "Where have the soldiers and soldiers gone?" Come and protect me! "

"Sorry, you soldiers and servants, I have let them sleep for the time being." Guan Heng's tone gradually revealed a hint of eerie: "You dare to oppose the trident of God, you should think that there will be End for today. "

"Don't kill me." Lord Mithus fluttered to his knees, and he begged again and again: "I'm wrong to try to tell the king that you are, but I didn't send those reports, so you can spare me Kill yourself! "

When closing the door, he didn't say that he was a trident who stabbed God. However, he deliberately caused this illusion to Mithus, because he could inquire the information from the mouth of the feared Lord Lord.

Now Mithius didn't try to tell the matter about reporting the letter, which surprised Guan Heng a little, and he felt a kind of crookedness.

"What about the report letter? Take it for me to see." Then, Guan Heng reached out and grabbed the papers that Misses held in his hand. After reading the report letter that was going to be sent to the king, Guan Heng learned from it Some important information.

It turns out that Lord Lord Mithus secretly colluded with Trident's peripheral killer mercenary organization. He used Trident killers to eliminate aliens and eliminate those who opposed him. And secretly received assassination missions for the killer mercenaries, from which he made huge profits.

In addition, Misius and the Killer Organization cooperate each year to sell orcs in a large number of territories to all parts of Ashton, serving as slaves and mining labor. This is another thing that can earn a lot of votes. Good business.

The two sides have been working together for several years, but Mithus is still satisfied. But recently, the tridents of God have become more and more greedy. They attribute more than 70% of their profits to themselves. The greedy Mithus felt that he had eaten. Suffering from shame, he decided to report the evil killer organization to the king.

But this news, the inner ghost of the lord's mansion arranged by the Trident knew in advance, so that today the killers assembled to prepare to wash the lord's house.

As evidence of reporting the other party, Mithus also prepared several letters to and from the leader of the killer organization. These caught Guan Heng's attention. He found that one of the letters contained the content, which said that the Trident of God had recently been requested. Some action was taken at the college contest held by the three major powers, ordering Mithus to prepare a large number of supplies for backup.

"It turned out that the tridents wanted to take action at the contest." Guan Heng thought to himself: "It was just a while ago, I would also participate in this college contest, and it seems that it is time to give the trident of the **** of retaliation a counterattack. Now. "

"The letter didn't say too much about what they were going to do. However, the above revealed a killer stronghold where Trident was stationed nearby. In the past, when they cooperated, they often sent people daily supplies."

"Oh, this temporary base of the killers gave me a new decision." Guan Heng, who was looking for more clues, suddenly had an idea in his head.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.2.15, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continued to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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