Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 812: Repeated fierce battles (first)

"The Trident is in the nearby killer stronghold ... not far from the Lord's Mansion." Guan Heng thought to himself: "Go there now, I should be able to find more information, and maybe even encounter the Trident of Fortune God. The more senior organizational cadres seized them, maybe they could get useful information. "

"All the killers who are preparing to attack the Lord's Mansion tonight have been killed by me." At this moment Guan Hengxin turned to electricity: "As for **** this Lord, I have no idea in my heart."

Guan Heng glanced at Lord Mithus. The other side saw Guan Heng looking at him coldly, but felt his hair fluttering. Mithus hurriedly begged: "Master, now all the letters are given to you, you Give me a life! "

"Your life will be taken by others, but I'm not interested." Guan Heng said, raising his leg and turning the bloated lord to the ground: "Within three days, divide all your property into the territory Ordinary people, if you dare to hide a child, the trident killer will take your head off! "

"I just want to say a word to you, and I will confess my injustices. Remember my words, keep my money safe, otherwise, die!" Just listening to the breeze blowing, the figure of Guan Heng has disappeared in the corridor. on.

At the gate of the Lord ’s Mansion, Guan Heng looked at the letter he had just found and the map found from the killer leader wearing the black armor. At this moment he knew the exact location of the killer organization in the nearby stronghold. "

Now that no one is bringing the news back, I must hurry up to find the killer's stronghold, and then gather more information about the trident. "Thinking of this, Guan Heng released the flying winged poison dragon, riding it straight into the mountains southwest of the Lord's Mansion.

After a while, the ancient house in the mountains, the killer's stronghold.

This is a four-story building with an old and dilapidated appearance. The walls seem to be crumbling, and it looks extraordinarily spooky. When Guan Heng sneaks in, he finds that there are no guards, so he hides in the darkness and starts searching ... ...

At this moment, in the second-floor room, the leaders of two killer positions are talking.

"Weird, no one came back for a long time to send our subordinates." One of the killer in a checkered robe said: "I always feel that something is wrong. Private soldiers, don't need to spend too much time, shouldn't they be in trouble? "

Another killer leader with a huge axe on his back said: "Let ’s go, there are still a few people in our stronghold. I will take them to check the situation and see what the manpower we sent to the lord's mansion was doing now. ? "

"Okay, then you follow along." The magician said to the warrior with a huge axe: "I'll take care of the things here, it seems that this temporary stronghold is also ready to give up at any time, we must rush down immediately A destination for pre-arranged work for the recent Big Three college competition contest. "

"Well, let's do it!" Said the great axe warrior, turned and opened the door, he called the few men in the stronghold, took them to the stables to take a mount, ready to go to the lord's residence.

But at this moment, Guan Heng, who had been lying in the ambush side, suddenly burst out like a ghost without shadow.

"Oh!" Guan Heng made a flash of electricity, and a few swords stabbed his soldiers who followed the giant axe to the ground, making these people lose their resistance instantly.

"Who ?!" Seeing a sneak attack, the giant axe fighter quickly responded. He pulled out his weapon with a backhand, suddenly took an axe, wrapped the wind and thunder, and sneered at the opposite door. Guan Heng sneered, and the backhand waved a pupil Sword, when blocking the opponent's great axe: "I am your killer, the killer of the trident of God."

"Duck! You guy is so blunt, it's arrogant, I killed you!" The axe warrior was furious when he heard this, and moved the weapons in his hands to attack Guan Heng.

Guan Heng's eyes were not weak, and the sword in his palm was also the key to the opponent. "Dangdang, oh!" The giant axe and the evil pupil sword broke several gaps in repeated confrontations, and they turned Instantly intertwined, and burst out countless fierce Mars!

The warrior holding the axe in both hands, his arms trembled slightly, apparently beyond the power of Guan Heng. In the sneer, Guan Hengfei kicked his feet in the other's belly. "Bang!" Chong, flew upside down immediately!

"Boom!" The guy crashed into the stables' pillars when he fell, burying himself under a pile of rotten grass.

Guan Heng didn't care if the giant axe fighter had lost his breath, he turned and walked up to the second floor of the building, the killer's stronghold.

At this moment, the magician wearing a checkered robe was in a hurry and was packing up the things around him urgently. He felt that something was bad and he was about to withdraw.

This magician has always been cunning and deceitful. He has faintly felt that today's things have gone wrong, so he intends to figure out a way out for himself in advance.

At this moment, the magician muttered to himself: "Those men who sent out to attack Lord Mithus's house have not returned yet. It must be something wrong. I must rush away. As for the safety of the giant axe and others , I can't take care of that much ... "

Suddenly, the magician felt a creepy feeling, like a thorn in his back, and he yanked out his magic wand: "I seem to hear someone coming up here."

At this moment, the magician's expression was so dignified that he slowly shook the staff in his hand, while the other hand carried something on the table into his arms.

"Who's outside?" The magician asked with a stare at his eyes. At this moment, the magic wand in his hand slowly gathered the faint blue light, and in a flash, a dark blue ice of four or five feet long Arrows formed quickly on the top of the staff.

"Boom-bang!" This ice arrow hit the door in front of the magician fiercely, smashing all the door panels in a moment.

"Hey! Click, click ..." The ice arrows that flew out wrapped in the cold, and the dark blue ice had frozen.

However, the magician looked up, and there was no moving object at all outside the door. His fierce attack was completely missed.

"Hey hey, are you looking for me?" With a slam, Kwan Heng broke through the window and turned in, and he slammed to the ground. He said without any hesitation, "You magician is kind of fortunate, but I didn't leave The main entrance, but come in through the window, or you'll be caught by surprise. "

Seeing this ice magician's eyes flickering, with a bit of surprise, Guan Heng smiled and said, "Don't expect any other associates to help you, tell you, the giant axe soldier and his men are all Lying downstairs, I have already been killed.

—— [2016.2.16 The first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for push to hide ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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