Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 814: Insert the extension (third)

"It's very simple. You eat this thing first." Guan Heng took out a dark ball, pinched the magician's chin with five fingers and forced him to swallow it.

"Ah ?! What did you give me?" The round ball rolled straight into his stomach, the magician asked in panic, because he felt that the thing just swallowed had an abnormal sour smell The taste is really disgusting.

"You're nervous, that's just a chronic poison." He calmly sneered, "don't worry, this poison will not happen in a short time."

"What ?! The poison you gave me?" The magician burst into cold sweat and almost fainted.

"Yes, this is a good thing." Guan Heng continued, "I have learned that you mercenary killers under the trident God Trident have gathered around, and are planning to go to the three great powers to hold the magic martial arts this year. The venue of the conference, I need you to do something secretly for me. "

Reaching out with a sleeve to wipe a stream of cold sweat, the magician asked nervously, "What do you want me to do?"

"At that time, let me tell you, I now order you to lurk inside the trident of the **** of gods and collect for me about this plot against the contest." Guan Heng glanced at the magician and said, "You should know if you have anything Act lightly, or tell others what we talked about today, and do n’t want to get an antidote anymore. ”

The magician smiled bitterly: "Well, I will do as you say, anyway, now the meat is on the chopping board, I have no right to refuse at all." The magician is now facing Guan Heng, and he is totally unable to resist the idea of ​​resistance, he It has always been extremely afraid of death, so even if there is a chance to survive, the magician will not easily let go.

In the subsequent conversation, the magician reported his name to Guan Heng. His name was Saia, and he belonged to a mercenary group secretly recruited by the trident of the gods.

The Great Axe Warrior is the head of this mercenary regiment, and Saia is the deputy commander. They were recruited by a mysterious outsider of the trident of the gods five or six years ago. These years they have engaged in some assassination And tasks related to the slave trade.

"How much do you know about the inside of the trident of the God of Triumph?" Guan Heng's eyes flashed an unnoticeable coldness, then stared at Saya and asked.

"I may not know as much about this organization as you do!" Saya said with a bitter smile: "Since five or six years ago, the giant axe of the head of our mercenary regiment has led us to the Trident of the Gods. Everyone has been buying and selling people, selling slaves, and assassinations of nobles from various countries.

"But the release of these tasks is arranged by some mysterious people. We usually just receive the task list and then follow the command of the other party to perform the task like a line puppet. To put it plainly, we have no The core of the trident's internal tribe is just their killing knife. "

"Once our blades are blunt, they will abandon us without hesitation, and may even kill people." Speaking of this, Saia's face also felt a little sad: "Originally, after this execution After the task of occupying the main government, I also want to wash my hands and return to my hometown for a few days to settle down. Whoever knows will meet you. "

"The killer's business is a long-term strategy. Everyone sticks his head on his belt." Guan Heng sneered: "It's in my hands, maybe it's your luck, in the next days. You have to be honest and lurk down and use it at any time. I will consider saving your life. "

"Well, I have no room to refuse anyway." Saiya rubbed his broken leg and said, "The antidote ... when do you plan to give me?"

At this time, Guan Heng took out another white pill, and gently opened it half and threw it to Saya: "Take this half of the antidote, the chronic poison in your body will not occur within three months, but three After half a month, be sure to eat the other half, otherwise you will bleed and die. "

Holding his hands, Saya shuddered and held up half a white pill. He closed his eyes in fear and put the thing into his mouth and swallowed it.

Take a piece of communication magic crystal, throw it to Saia, Guan Heng said: "I will use this thing to keep in touch with you at any time, remember not to play tricks!"

Glancing at the downcast magician, Guan Heng snapped his fingers at the Flying Winged Dragon: "Let's go!"

Guan Heng, who was flying in the air with a flying poisonous dragon, laughed, "Man, today we have won a great victory. I believe you have benefited a lot."

"Woohoo—" The Flying Wyrm Dragon roared proudly, and today it feels the power of the ice elements outside the world, and it already has a lot of enlightenment.

At this moment, Guan Heng thought to himself: "It seems that the three great power magic contests that will be held soon will have a chance to fight with the tridents of the God of Trials, even if they cannot be uprooted, I will Let the trident of the God of God hurt the muscles and hurt the soldiers! "

As for the poison that was fed to Saia, it was really Guan Heng's elaborate process. After diluting the compound venom left by the six-eyed magic scorpion, he added some other things to make this chronic. Poison was fun for a while, but I didn't expect it to come in handy today.


A moment later, Guan Heng had returned to the town of Jiaxia. At this moment, midnight had passed. Shani of the guild was anxiously waiting for him to return. As soon as Guan Heng entered the door, Shani hurried to pass: "Oh, boss Why did you go so long? It made me worry about death. "

"Oh, I encountered some minor changes in the middle." Guan Heng smiled slightly. "But it's all resolved now. What about the old Heinz?"

"He ... Grandpa Heinz is studying your broken avatar mask." Shani continued: "According to him, it seems a bit tricky to repair this thing, because the mask is buried in the earth and time is real. It ’s been too long, so there are a lot of cracks. "

"It's tricky to say. In my opinion, Heinz, the dead old man, was so greedy, he had already figured it out, and he wanted to blackmail me for a repair fee." Guan Heng sneered slightly. The old guy just doesn't know how to stop. Where is he? I'll go and talk to him. "

"Grandpa Heinz is in his own room at this time." Shani pointed to the direction upstairs: "But I advise you better not to alarm him, because Grandpa is very temperamental at work He is irritable. He hates others to disrupt his work. "

—— [The third change of 2016.2.16, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continued to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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