Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 815: The magic of plaster

"Now the old thing is repaired, but my mask." Guan Heng swaggered and said, "I have to supervise him, what if Heinz cut corners or did not repair it seriously?"

Having said that, Guan Heng ran upstairs and then pushed Heinz's door open: "Old man, how is my avatar mask repaired?"

Heinz, who was working hard, turned back to see Guan Heng. He put down his tools and said angrily, "Where have you been for most of the day? I have always wanted to tell you that I am now trying to repair this avatar mask. It can be said that I'm racking my brains to find a way, hateful, it made me have a headache. "

"What's wrong? I thought the old man was exaggerating. It turned out that you were really in trouble ..." Guan Heng said with some confusion at this time: "Old Heinz, you are the leading repairer and forgemaker of the thieves' association today. , It would be difficult to repair an avatar mask. "

"Well, it ’s easy to repair in other places, but your avatar mask is a refined fake of the gods' active age. The process of repairing it is very complicated. For example, there are too many cracks on it. It's strenuous to make them as good as ever. "

Heinz scratched his head and said, "Well, now I'm thinking about finding some adhesive to fill these cracks, and you come in."

"That's it." Suddenly a flash of light flashed through Guan Heng's brain. "It just so happens that I have some plaster here. It has a magical effect on the gap between the glued and connected metal appliances. I might as well give you a try."

"What? You actually have such a good thing? Why don't you take it out earlier?" Hearing this, Heinz suddenly beamed his eyes and said, "Hurry up and show me."

"Uh, this old man has a bad eye, wouldn't he be trying to grab me?"

With a slight sigh, Guan Heng took out the metallic luster plaster from the space ring and said, "I haven't used this plaster before. For your insurance, you'd better find a cracked metal first. Appliances, let's try how effective this piece of plaster is. "

"Well, you're right." Upon hearing this, Heinz picked up a worn metal helmet from the table and handed it to Guan Heng: "Well, there are many cracks on this, use you Try that weird plaster! "

Guan Heng gently rubbed some gypsum powder and evenly applied it to the cracks of the metal helmet, and within a few seconds, those cracks had disappeared.

"Ah, this is it?" Heinz was stunned, and murmured in his mouth: "Oh my god, this plaster is such a treasure, if only it was mine ..."

"Don't even think about your greedy old thing." Guan Heng quickly put away a large piece of plaster, leaving only a small piece in his palm: "These plasters are hard to come by, and the quantity is limited. My own I do n’t have many hands. It ’s impossible to give them all. I ’ll give you a mask to repair me. ”

"Hey hey, kid Hengheng, don't be so stingy." Heinz said hippiely, "Give me more, just do research for my elderly."

"Wait until you fix my avatar mask." Guan Heng shrugged his shoulders and said, "As long as my stuff is repaired, everything will be discussed."

"That's what you said. The old man is ready to show his skills." Heinz said, "when I work, others can't watch around, get out, get out."

"Smelly old man, you're afraid that others will not steal the teacher." Guan Heng muttered in a low voice, helplessly stepping out of the door: "It's just some banging work, even if you ask me to watch, I'm not happy to see it!"

"Well!" After Guan Heng came out, he closed the door fiercely, scaring Xia Ni next to him: "Boss, what are you doing?"

"After listening to the old man's nonsense, I was so angry." Guan rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Now we are ready to deal with those who are going to tie the old man."

"To be honest, I always feel that the old Heinz has concealed something and didn't tell me." Guan Heng said to Shani, holding his shoulders, "I don't even know why Fudo the ghost-faced samurai and his comrades have to deal with it. Heinz. "

"How can we all guess the bad tricks of the bad guys?" Shani said with a pout. "Now I just want to quickly protect my grandpa, and then send away those bad guys. After all, Grandpa Heinz has always treated me well, Although he often snatched my belongings and was stingy, he did not take less care of me and Tangier. "

"Well, this old man is weird. If it wasn't for repairing the avatar mask, I really wanted to grab his collar and make things clear." Guan Heng glanced at Heinz's room and said, "Now the guild No problem here, rest early in the evening! "

"Everything will wait until the mask is repaired tomorrow," said Guan Heng. "I can only disguise myself as a ghost warrior Fado and go to a designated place to meet them."

"Boss, I always think you do this ... it seems a bit risky." Shani frowned and said, "Otherwise, you should consider other safe measures."

"Otherwise, how can we know the ins and outs of things." Guan Heng said with a bitter smile: "Heinz would not tell the truth."

"Okay, you go to rest first!" She waved at Shani, and Guan Heng said immediately, "Go to the face of Samurai Warrior's associates, I will think about it tonight."

"Well, good night, boss!" Shaking her head slightly, Shani said and turned back to her room to rest.

Guan Heng looked at the moonlight outside the window at this moment, and thought to himself, "Heinz, the dead old man, what secret is hidden in my heart? Huh, after I go to meet with Fado's associates tomorrow, I must make sure of their details Pull it all out. "

There was nothing overnight. When Guan Heng walked out of his room the next morning, it happened that Shani ran over and said to him, "Boss, Mr. Berman urged us to have breakfast in the living room."

The two came to the living room. Mr. Berman had already filled the table with various foods. The old man saw them and hurriedly called them to sit down.

Guan Heng asked casually, "Where is Mr. Heinz? Why didn't he see him come down for breakfast."

"When I went to Heinz's room to see him just now, he said to me, your avatar mask can be repaired in the last step." Berman said while placing the plate on the table, " That's how he is. He won't stop until he finishes the work in front of him. OK, let's eat first! "

—— [Fourth more in 2016.2.16, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to pray for Tibetan mastiff | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~】 ——

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