Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 816: Creditor (fifth more outbreak)

"Grand Berman is right." Shani pushed the breakfast plate in front of Guan Heng, and then said, "Anyway, Grandpa Heinz will go downstairs to eat by himself anyway."

At this time, Dingchun, who had been lying at the door, suddenly stood up and yelled suddenly.

"What's the matter? Chuner." Guan Hengwen Sheng got up from the chair and ran to the door a few steps earlier.

At this time, Dingchun was unable to hold back at the door. He hurled out the door of the thief guild branch and ran straight towards the street.

"Chun'er, come back!" Guan Heng called and ran out, he secretly murmured: "Dingchun may have discovered something unusual, and I will follow up to see."

"Boss, shall I go too?" Shani cried behind him.

"No need." Guan Heng casually said, "You stay here, I'll go back as soon as I go." Then, Guan Heng followed Dingchun's figure and kept running towards the street.

Before running a few steps, Guan Heng found that Dingchun was chasing a red figure. The man ran extremely fast. It seemed like a stream of fish among the ever-crowding crowd.

"It seems to be a woman." Guan Heng whispered in his heart while chasing: "Why does Dingchun chase her? Is there anything weird on this woman?"

I saw the woman in red in front of me turning left and right, walking among pedestrians on the street, and disappeared for a while. Fortunately, Dingchun knew the breath on her body and went away.

Guan Heng also followed Dingchun, and within a few minutes, they came to a remote alley. At this time, Ding Chun flew to the alley, hugged an object, opened his mouth, and stunned, Guan Heng fixed his eyes. See, it was so angry that it fell down: It turned out that Dingchun was chasing after the woman was holding a chicken with a fragrant spray, no wonder this guy chased so hard!

"It's so ridiculous!" Guan Heng was so angry that he kicked Dingchun and said, "You are so hopeless that you can't eat anything. You look like a lion, and you're a dog with a puppet!"

"But the woman's whereabouts are weird. There must be another purpose for bringing us here. This alley is a dead end. I'd like to see where she can hide!" Guan Heng's face turned, and he stepped into the alley, but he Found that the woman was really missing.

"Chun'er, don't patronize and eat, and block the alley for me." Guan Heng commanded, and the little white lion heard the words and threw down the chicken legs in his mouth reluctantly, then squatted at the entrance of the alley.

At this point Guan Heng had walked into this alley with a depth of several tens of meters, but he looked around, but there was no hidden corner where people could hide.

When Guan Hengxin was doubtful and confused, an unusual noise suddenly sounded in his ear. It was the faint sound of wind blowing from his clothes. Suddenly a warning signal appeared in his heart. Guan Heng was suddenly shocked. I saw a weird red shadow, and suddenly fell into the sky, straight towards Guan Heng.

"Oh!" This weird woman in red waving a scarlet ribbon tied with a small hammer and swept over without hesitation. Between the lights and the flint, Guan Heng escaped the attack of the other side.

Huh! In the back alley, the figures quickly staggered. Guan Heng and the woman in red fought swiftly and ruthlessly. The woman was cunning and abnormal, and she couldn't cope with Guan Heng in a hurry. She was even more struggling, and she suddenly shook her hand. Out, two red projectiles were thrown out.

"Oh!" For a short time, the projectile burst out into a weird blue mist, and Guan Heng growled and waved his palms to disperse the blue mist in front of him. However, the woman was covered by the mist and disappeared without a trace.

"It's not right, isn't it a trick to get away from the mountain?" Guan Heng sank with a sudden heart. "Here, something may happen to the thieves guild branch."

"Chuner, come back with me." Guan Heng suddenly screamed. The little white lion heard the words and Guan Heng rushed back and forth, and when they hurried back to the thieves guild branch, At the door, a slamming window on the second floor was smashed.

"Sure enough, something happened to Heinz." Guan Heng hurriedly looked up and saw two black shadows hugging the old Heinz, jumping straight down the second floor, and he ran away.

"Stupid thing, you stand by me!" Guan Heng sighed and chased after her leg. At this moment, Shani ran out of the gate, she cried to Guan Heng: "Boss, wait, they Not ... "However, Guan Heng had run away without hearing Shani's words.

The two black shadows in the front, one tall and one short, are not slow, but how can they run through the level? People in the downtown area come and go. Although crowded, Guan Heng still shuttles between them like electricity, and the effort in the blink of an eye will catch up with the two people in front.

"Bang, bang!" Guan Hengfei kicked his feet and turned the two men in front, pulling Heinz with a dizzy turn.

"Your two **** are so brave, they turned out to be ridiculous in the daytime." Guan Henghuo screamed and asked, "Say! Who sent you?"

At this time, the old Heinz suddenly turned blushing and red, and seemed a little embarrassed. He quietly walked over and dragged Guan Heng's clothing corner and said, "Forget it, let's go!

"Why? It's these two guys who want to steal you ..." Guan Heng asked inexplicably: "Don't let them go like this?"

"This, this ..." Heinz's face suddenly turned from red to white, and he was stuttered and speechless.

At this moment, panting Shani chased after him: "Boss, I and I are calling you in the back, why don't you hear me?"

Shanie sighed, and quietly reached into Guan Heng's ears and said, "These guys don't seem to be bad guys. They came to ask Grandpa Heinz for accounts."

"Eh ?!" Guan Heng almost didn't fall to the ground after listening to this sentence. He stared at Heinz fiercely, and then asked, "Old man, is Shanni being true?"

"This ... I, I seem to owe them a few little money." The old man of Heinz's face turned red at the moment, and he said, "Who knows that things will be so big ..."

"Oops, oops, you dead old man." Two men, one tall and one short, were walking around with their pained waists around, stumbling over, they pointed at Heinz's nose and said, "You owe Are we a little bit of money? There are 15,000 gold coins, and you have been in arrears for five years. Are we right? "

"I, I didn't say no," Heinz whispered at this time. "It's just that there is no delay."

"Smelly old man, you shut up for me." Guan Heng shouted angrily: "Don't pour oil on the fire anymore, is there such a thing that made me confused, what's going on?"

—— [Fifth more in 2016.2.16, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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