Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 821: Wicked Infighting (fifth more outbreak)

"Ooo, ooo -" Guihao mournful sound, withered pile of bones, steep suddenly sprang Il Maas ghost, cross off a slight sneer, immediately conjured ghost beast swallow, absorb the souls of these ghosts After entering the singular space, after searching for the memory of Ilmas, Guan Heng found that this is another guy controlled by the Demon Lord.

"However, although this guy Ilmas is not very strong in combat, he is a good intelligence-gatherer. After so many years of exploration, as a result of his explorations, the debris of the magic disk on the Ashton continent has a total of Thirteen. "

At this moment, Guan Heng thought to himself: "It seems that I have got almost half, but Ilmas claims that he knows who else owns the shard of the magic disk. This is a lie. So far, he No clue was found for anyone. "

"Illmas tried to take the fragments from me, but he died in my hands without thinking. It was self-sustaining." At this time, Guan Heng looked up at the direction of the mountain: "It took a while to delay, It's almost time, but hurried to meet the two men and one woman. "

Seeing the dead bones of Ilmas, he was also covered with the strange green robe with the wind-like magic array, Guan Heng picked it up and whispered: "This thing is a good thing, it is best to take advantage of I use it when I get out, and there are two metal cylinders, plus them, I already have four in my hand. "

"Emmathius, these are the things ..." But when Guan Heng was about to put away the green robe, when the cymbal sounded softly, there was a wooden sign landing, Guan Heng picked it up and looked at it carefully. Elliptical, turquoise and gray, unremarkable, but engraved with a black crow spreading its wings.

"Ah, yes, I just missed something when I searched the memory of Imathius just now." Guan Heng recalled at this time: "It turned out that this Imathius was famous for his excellent information gathering ability. The Shiton mainland intelligence organization, Black Feather Raven, is hired as a visiting elder. "

"Large intelligence organizations like the Black Feather Raven have a relatively loose internal structure. There are many guest elders specially hired by Ilmas. Usually the Black Feather Raven identifies them with a token. "I don't recognize people," Guan Heng thought to himself, "this guest elder token may be of great use to me in the future, put it away first."

At the same time, on the top of the mountain, the two men and one female demon domain ally who had arrived earlier had an inexplicable quarrel.

Joe among the twin brothers suddenly shouted to Qi'an: "I didn't agree with the plan of forcing Heinz at first. Now you start to hesitate again. What do you mean by turning us around?"

The woman on the opposite side, Qi An, had a somber face at the moment, her eyes kept blinking, and her mouth glared, "Heinz, did he know the sleeping place of the main god? I am not sure of this information, now we have more importance Things to do, you listen to me, Heinz has a map ... "

"Who said it at the beginning? The relationship between Ruta, the first chairman of the Thieves' Guild, and the goddess of darkness was very shallow." Another one of the twins, Xun, said, "Did you not say these things? We just want to know Is there any clue in the old man's hand about where the dark goddess sleeps! "

"The information I received at the time was the chairman of the Thieves' Guild and the other two elders, who mastered the road map of the sleeping place of the dark goddess. For three separate custody. "

Qi An glanced at the twins and continued: "But I think the news is mixed and cannot be fully confirmed."

"If you start with Heinz now, it will definitely cause the chairman of the Thieves Guild and another elder to be vigilant, so they will surely hide in the other two roadmaps."

Qi An now wants to convince the twin brothers, so he said: "In my opinion, we should first look for the whereabouts of the other four main gods. The line of the goddess of darkness should be temporarily suspended."

"Left and right are justified by you. Until now, you have been calling our brothers around. It took several months and we didn't see any results. The sleeping place of the five main gods, you No one was found. "

Joe in the twins snorted and looked at Qi'an's gaze. "So our brother decided to break up with you and act alone."

"How? You want to break up with me?" Upon hearing this, Qi An sneered, and then said to the twin brothers, "When you decided to act together and form an alliance, you got a lot of benefits from me. Is it a bit out of order to say go? "

"Qian, you promised to take us to find the sleeping place of the five main gods, but now isn't it in vain?" Qiao said with a sneer: "We want to leave now, of course."

"That line, your brother returned the things and equipment you took away from me, and I promised you to leave and do everything from one another without default." Qi An said politely: "Since you want to lift me In the alliance relationship, everyone will be a competitor in the future.

"Those things were what you were willing to give to our brothers. Now it's impossible for us to spit them out!" Joe's answer was full of gunpowder. He said to his brother Xun: "This woman gave up her life, it seems I'm a little bit ignorant, so let her be buried here. "

"Well, Qi'an, did you hear me?" Xun also stepped forward gently: "Now we are going to send you on the road!"

"Qiao, Xun, are you two brothers trying to do something with me?" Seeing each other's aggressiveness, Qi An flashed a wink in his eyes: "Seeing things that are forgotten and righteous, you are just like a wolf heart!"

At this moment, the three pairs of eyes suddenly collided together, splashing the crackling Mars, the two sides have become a pair of potentials, a fierce battle, will soon erupt!

"Hey hey, what's the matter with you?" Guan Heng, wearing a dreadlocked armor, appeared silently in front of the three of them: "Everyone is a confederate of magic domain, and there is no deep hatred. What about a raging fire here? "

Because Guan Heng wore a pair of black bones, and a veil covering his mouth and nose, the two men and one woman, Joe, Brother Xun and Qi An, could not see him clearly. Face, at this moment, the three were in shock, asking in unison: "Who are you?"

"What's the matter with the three of you? It's your invitation to let me Fado come here to meet with you, have you forgotten so quickly?" Guan Heng smiled suddenly: "I didn't expect to see you just now when I arrived here Turning your hands and making a real smile. "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.2.17, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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