Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 822: Difficult to distinguish between friends and foes (first)

"It turned out that this guy is a ghost warrior Fado, who can be like a ghost, easily come to us without being noticed, and it really is a little skill." The three people glanced at each other, and already had their own thoughts in their hearts.

"I was the first one to invite Fudo, the warrior with ghost face armor." Qi An secretly said, "I already knew that the brothers Joe and Xun were cunning and dissatisfied. Sooner or later, they would approach me, so I proposed to find them Fado, become my new helper. "

"But I heard that Fudo, a warrior with a face mask, is greedy, and all of them are shot based on the amount of money paid to him. If I don't give him enough benefits, Fado will always go to the two brothers at any time." Thought here Qi'an's eyes flickered, and her face was cloudy.

The brothers Qiao and Xun considered that, on the basis of fighting alone, Qi'an was a woman above them. Only when the two brothers joined forces could they draw a tie with this woman.

In order to be able to win the game and kill Qi An Yong in one fell swoop, the twin brothers made up their minds as soon as possible to bring the newly arrived ghost face warrior Fador into his own camp and kill Qi An, this abominable woman. .

Joe, the Xun brothers, and Qi'an all have the heart and the ghost-faced warrior Fado to join forces to kill each other, but they are not familiar with Fado. In previous contacts, they only talked with the ghost-faced warrior several times through the communication crystal. Guan Heng's avatar mask can imitate Fado's voice, and there is no flaw in this.

But the twins and Qi An are both cunning, and they haven't relaxed their vigilance against Guan Heng because of this.

"I just eavesdropped aside just now, it seems that the three people have diverged because of the forced invasion of Heinz." Guan Hengxin said secretly: "It is a good opportunity at this time, it is better to stir up their hands, I'd better take advantage of the fisherman. "

"Unfortunately, according to Ilmas's information, there are no magic disk fragments on these three people." Guan Heng thought to himself: "So, their use value has been greatly reduced. Now I only need to investigate them clearly Why should Heinz be robbed, and then these three people have little use value. "

"Fado, now we are going to fall out with this sly woman. It is better that you cooperate with us to find the sleeping place of the five main gods." Qiao took the lead and said, "As long as you are willing to join us, the benefits will be indispensable. your."

At this moment, Qi An suddenly shouted: "Don't listen to them, Fado, these two brothers have always been cruel and hot, and they like to betray their companions, you might as well kill them with me."

As soon as her eyes turned, Qi An immediately threw out a seductive condition: "I saw a piece of magic star disk in your armor. If you would kill the brothers with me, I can tell you The whereabouts of other debris. "

"It's so nice." Guan Heng laughed and said, "Qi An, about your personal word of mouth, among the allies in the Demon Circus, it's not very good. I heard that you have not deceived others to do things for you. Now He said he wanted to join me, so how could I easily believe you? "

"Fado, you're right, this woman is a liar who lied countlessly." The twins shouted at this time: "Ki'an will be killed with us. You need other magic disk fragments, we can Let us help you find it. "

Qi'an saw that she had no result in lobbying Guan Heng. Her sense of crisis suddenly soared. The next moment Qi'an turned her wrists and drew out her own weapons. They were a pair of iron rings with thorns. It is obviously toxic.

"Well, it's not so easy to want my life."

I saw Qi An holding his weapon in front of him, and said to Guan Heng, Qiao and Xun brothers, "I tell you the truth, Heinz in the town of Garcia does control one third of the place where the goddess of darkness sleeps. Roadmap, but it ’s not yet when you start to Heinz and do n’t listen to my advice, you will sooner or later regret it. ”

Guan Heng heard here, and realized that the woman was talking about Heinz. He held his fists slightly, and suddenly had his own intention in his heart.

"Now it is important to understand why they robbed Mr. Heinze. This is my main purpose here." Wanting to be here, Guan Heng whispered suddenly: "I think now, standing at this moment Qi An is more suitable for her side, after all, she invited me. "

Having said that, Guan Heng turned to face the twin brothers: "I'm really sorry, even if I only come for remuneration, but the employer comes first, I choose to help Qi'an."

"Abomination, Fado you ..." The twin brothers heard that Guan Heng decided that the woman would form an alliance, and the two men's faces suddenly changed. They and Qi An could only barely tie, but now with Guan Heng already, There was no odds. Thinking of this, the brothers Joe and Xun weighed the pros and cons, and immediately resigned.

"Kill them." Qi An roared, the first pair of zigzag wheels encircling the black gas of Demon Realm, fluttered at Joe, Guan Heng chuckled, and then launched an attack on Xun.

Seeing a powerful enemy attacking, the twin brothers had no choice but to fight to meet.

Suddenly gathered in the blackness of the demon realm of his whole body, Qiao Chan picked up the barb mace in his hand and swept across Qi An's waist fiercely.

And Xun, he was biting his head and turned to Guan Heng. This guy had a chain meteor hammer in his hand, and it was covered with misty magic. He suddenly changed a few incomparable black skulls. The power was scary. .

"Eh!" Four or five black skeletons flew in the air, mixed in the middle of the meteor hammer's offensive, and flung towards Guan across.

Guan Heng sneered, **** down like a knife, the two black skulls oncoming instantly disintegrated and dissipated, at the same time the other hand clenched his fist, exhaled, and the remaining three skulls smashed but broke. The hammer of the chain flying hammer suddenly tangled in Guan Heng's wrist.

When the two started to compete with each other, Guan Heng whispered something suddenly, and Xuan's brow frowned suddenly, then stretched out, and then Guan Hengsong threw his hammer back.

At this time, Xun suddenly turned around and attacked Qi An. The woman was shocked and hurried to Guan Heng: "Fado, come and help me!"

"Okay!" Guan Heng smiled slightly, "Well!" His body disappeared in place, and in a moment, Guan Heng had already flung to the woman, throwing a fist and falling! However, Guan Heng did not attack the twin brothers, but was punched on the woman's back.

—— [2016.2.18 The first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for a push ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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