Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 823: Beginning and end

"Uh-huh!" Qi An screamed, spraying the red mist of the sky, the body drive flew out, and then slid out a dozen meters against the ground.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that Qi An barely supported her body with her elbow. The woman pointed at Guan Heng and screamed: "You, you even attacked me ..."

"Hahahahaha, Qi'an." Guan Heng sneered, holding his shoulders, "You are a woman who is famous and unbelievable. Instead of betting on you, I might as well join this twin brother to destroy you first. So that we are safer instead. "

"This guy is capricious, he's so fierce!"

Cursing inwardly, Qi An couldn't stop vomiting blood. She knew she wouldn't escape if she didn't show anything, so Qi An struggled and shouted, "Wait a minute, I still have the Dark Goddess sleeping here. Important clues to the ground, as long as you let me go, I will tell you about the other two-thirds of the map. "

"Your nonsense is too much." At this time, Guan Heng pretended that he didn't believe Qi An at all, and suddenly he pulled out the evil pupil's strange sword. With this sword, he pointed at Qi An obliquely, and Guan Heng issued a Yin恻 Voice: "Let me take you directly to the road!"

"Wait a minute, our brothers hate this woman, let's do it!" Said the brothers Joe and Xun, and wielded their weapons and rushed to the ground, Qi An: "Your death is here, ready to bear the anger. !!! "

Who knows that at this time, Guan Heng behind them suddenly shot, and the evil pupil strange sword drew into the back of Joe's heart, and Guan Heng's arm armor suddenly grew countless thorns to tear the air. Hit the Xun Tianling fiercely.

The twin brothers had no idea that they were standing on the front line with themselves just now, and they would suddenly attack and kill themselves. Unexpectedly, Qiao Hexun fell to the ground at the same time.

I'm afraid the two didn't die. At this time, Guan Heng walked over and added a few swords. The two brothers had a lot of black energy in the demon field, and they were all sucked by the evil pupil strange sword.

At this time, Chian, who was down on the ground, looked at Guan Heng with a doubt on her face, and she whispered, "Fado, what do you mean?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Fado ?! I have been killed by the ghost-faced samurai." Guan Heng sneered, and strode to Qi An: "Why do you want to catch Heinz, and the goddess of darkness? What's going on with the road map to Sleep? "

Upon hearing this, Khan's forehead was suddenly covered with dense cold sweat, and Qi An looked at Guan Heng's eyes with suspicion. When she hesitated slightly, Guan Heng's eyes flickered with a wave of a sword, and she directly cut off this. Woman with one arm.

"Ehhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhe she was screaming loudly, Chian covered the wound of the broken arm, she was so distressed that when the broken arm fell to the ground, there was still one in her hand. Ripped magic scroll.

"Huh!" Guan Heng sneered, "Do you want to take the opportunity to sneak in on me? Don't dream about it! Is there such a move? It's not your arm that was chipped, but the skull on your neck."

After all, Guan Heng yelled with a little impatience: "Answer the questions just now, my patience is limited!"

"I said I said ..." Qi An was so pained at this moment that she couldn't give up any tricks, because Guan Heng's thunder means had scared her thief.

At this time, Qi An struggled and said in a low voice: "Where is the sleeping place of the Dark Goddess? In fact, no one knows. I only heard that there is a piece of Luta, a demi-god thief who has a close relationship with Dalavier. Topographic map. "

"Before the disappearance of the thief Ruta, the map was divided into three and left to the second generation of the thief guild president and the other two elders, each holding a third."

The blood from the wound of the arm kept flowing, Qi An gasped and looked at him horizontally, and found that the other side intentionally or unintentionally pointed at himself with the evil pupil strange sword in the palm.

Qi An shuddered, and hurriedly continued: "Each generation of the Thieves Guild President will pass the map to the next one after heir is appointed, and the two elders will also pass the map to their successors. Conventions have been around for hundreds of years. "

"I tried my best to gather information and learned about these things through the leaked information inside the Thieves' Guild. I originally planned to join forces with Joe and the Xun brothers to grab Heinz and grab a third of his map."

Speaking of this, there was a bit of remorse on Qi'an's face: "But I only got the news yesterday, knowing that another elder and the current chairman of the thieves' guild are now at the headquarters, and they have sent to Heinz He was notified to let him hurry to the headquarters to meet and hand over some road maps where the Goddess of Darkness sleeps, which is convenient for unified storage. "

"Huh, this is the beginning and the end ..." Guan Heng frowned when he heard this. He asked casually, "What's next?"

Qi An gasped and said, "I want to persuade the brothers Joe and Xun to put the matter of the Dark Goddess first. Let's go find the whereabouts of the other **** gods, and then gather the power of other allies to attack the headquarters of the Rogue Guild. But you did n’t believe me, we were about to tear our face and start, and then you appeared ... "

"One more question." Guan Heng asked Qi An coldly: "Apart from the sleeping place of the Dark Goddess, do you know the whereabouts of other main gods?"

"I don't know." After hearing Guan Hengfa's question, Qi An's face was full of anxiety, and she thought to herself: "I don't know where such a terrible star came out, and I was seriously injured by the shot. We took the opportunity to kill the twin brothers Joe and Xun, and we were really lucky to get home.

"If you don't want a solution today, it seems difficult to get out."

Qi An, this sly woman, suddenly turned to her heart, then she stunned and said, "However, I know that the Missourian king ’s house in the northern part of Ashton mainland was once the most famous sage family of the Holy See. They He even holds more precise information about the place where the goddess Dalavier sleeps than the Holy See. "

"If someone can get three road maps at the same time and go to the royal family of Missouri to inquire about the news, it will be possible to finally determine the sleeping place of the dark goddess Dallaval."

When Qi An said here, she secretly glanced at Guan Heng and found that the other person was thinking with a crooked head, and a sudden flash of light flashed in her eyes: "Good opportunity, get out of here at this time!"

Thinking of this, Qi An suddenly reached into her arms and pulled out a black scroll, and with a bang, she bit the edge of the scroll with her mouth, and threw it to Guan Heng fiercely: "Go and die."

—— [Second more in 2016.2.18, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some suggestions to hide O (∩_∩) O] ——

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