Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 839: Road encounter (third)

Guan Heng asked casually: "Old Huo, see you in a hurry, what is this going to do?"

"I'm going to a magic weapon fair in Digun City." Hodley said with a smile. "This is just out of the house, ready to go to the North City Gate."

Hodley said to Guan Heng without secret: "Mrs. Cindia's birthday is coming. The guards and servants in our house are taken care of by her a lot on weekdays, so everyone gathered some money and planned to give Cindia Madam picks a suitable birthday gift. "

"My wife's birthday is almost coming ..." Guan Heng tilted her head for a moment and murmured, "I heard Yu Lijia said before, it seems that her mother is in these days."

"So, I deliberately asked for leave to buy gifts at the Digon Fair." Hodley blinked and said, "But I'm a little bit embarrassed now."

Prang next to him asked, "Well? It will be difficult to buy a gift? What's going on?"

"Well, we are a big old man, and don't quite understand his wife's preferences." Hodley scratched his head and said, "It's really difficult to pick a gift."

"That's it ..." Guan Heng thought about his chin for a moment, and suddenly he had a clever idea. "Do you know Mrs. Cindia has a four-foot-long white staff?"

"I know, because the lady often wipes the staff, everyone in the house has seen it." Hodley asked inexplicably: "What does this have to do with the gift?"

"At the top of Mrs. Cindia's staff, there was originally a 'stone of intellect' inlay, but it was shattered to save Yu Lijia." Guan Heng said with a smile: "I guess the lady must want a new inlay Philosopher's Stone, you might as well buy this gift. "

"Also, we also plan to go to the trade fair in Digun City, Hodley, let's go together on the road together." Prang said, and looked at Hodley carefully, he thought to himself: "This big man must have great strength, It was just right for him to carry the lifting work along the way, and I can also have multiple free bodyguards. "

"That's not bad." Hodley heard Prang and nodded again and again: "Well, let's go together."

So the three men first bought some items on the street, then returned to Baron Mansion, and also called Meilu. Everyone prepared a mount, and a group of four hurriedly moved towards Digun, the king of Kalulu, east of Barry. The small town set off.

Since time was still relatively generous, everyone believed that Ma Yu was moving forward slowly. At this time, Baron Prang began to ask Mei Lu questions because of some flame magic problems, and the two began an eager discussion.

"Huh?" Guan Heng suddenly noticed that Hood in front of him covered his forehead with his hand and looked forward, so he asked, "Lao Huo, what are you looking at?"

"Not too far ahead ... there seems to be a dark plume of smoke," Hodley muttered. "I don't know what it is."

"Really?" Guan Heng had been thinking about the problem immediately. He heard Hodley's reminder before he noticed the situation on the opposite side. He frowned and said, "It's not right, I'll check it first."

As he said, Guan Heng pulled the horse's reins and shouted, "Please wait here, I will go back when I go."

"I'll go too." Drived by curiosity, Meilu couldn't help but say, and immediately followed Guan Wangheng, galloping away, leaving only Hodley and Prang.

The next moment, Guan Heng and Meilu had already arrived at the scene of the fire. It turned out that a carriage was burned by the fire. Four people were lying on the ground. They were lying on their backs, and the blood was flowing around them. The head, face and limbs were all sword weapons. Traces of injuries.

"Yeah!" Guan Heng first jumped off the horse and walked to a gorgeously dressed middle-aged fat man. The man was out of sync. Guan Heng looked at his breath and whispered, "This is not dead."

"Guan Heng, me, me ..." Meilu stepped back, stuttering, "I can't see the blood, or I'll run away."

"You're really troublesome." Guan Heng muttered, "I didn't tell you to come after I knew it."

Guan Heng said, first picked up the unconscious fat man, then threw it on Mei Lu's horse, and then said to her, "There is no blood on this fat man. You should take him to Hodley first and let the fat man be sober. wide awake."

"Well, what about you?" Meilu asked, holding Ma's reins. "What are you doing here?"

Guan Heng said, "I have to see what's going on here, and take the fat back home."

After Meilu left, Guan Heng waved his hand completely to dissipate the fire on the carriage into the element of fire, and then put it into his body. After examining the carriage, he found that this was an ordinary businessman's car, but the horse and the car on the car were driving. All the luggage is gone.

"It seems that the businessman encountered a bandit robber." Guan Heng secretly murmured: "These thieves and bandits are quite fierce, killing more goods and not keeping alive."

Glancing at the ground, Guan Heng found that there were messy horseshoe marks around the car. Finally, these horses went straight northwest. Shaking his head, "Hey, this is not a good thing at the moment. When I go back and ask Ask the fat guy to talk. "

He dug a deep hole and buried the bodies of the three servants. Guan turned over his horse and went to look for Meilu and Prang. After he got there, Prang came up and said, "You're back, you know? You saved me as an acquaintance! "

"An acquaintance?" Guan Heng asked curiously. "Who is this fat man?"

"Well, that's the shop we went to just now, Mr. Hyde, the owner of Wangdu's largest magic weapon store." With a dark look on his face, Prang's mouth twitched, and then continued: "You Any idea what happened? Is it vendetta? "

"No, Bacheng is a group of Mr. Hyde and was robbed by a horse thief on the way to Digun." Guan Heng frowned and said, "What is going on with him now?"

At this moment, Mei Lu and Hodley, who looked after the fat man Hyde, shouted not far away: "Guan Heng, Prang, Mr. Fat is awake!"

Prang first ran to the fat man lying on the side of the road, and he leaned down and asked, "Boss Hyde, can you recognize me?"

"Uh ... are you ... Baron Prang ?!" Fat Hyde frowned, and squinted a pair of small green bean-like eyes for a long while, then said: "Of course I recognize you, you are in my shop Li has been credited several times ... "

"Hmm! Hahahaha--" Upon hearing this, Meilu, Guan Heng, and Howard all smiled and turned.

"You guys, what smile!" Prang looked awkward, anxious to find a place to drill into it, but he saw the ugly fat man, and his heart softened again, so he asked: "What the **** is this? Anymore? "

—— [The third change of 2016.2.21, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continued to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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