"Woohoo ... the gods are up, my god!" The fat man Hyde then reacted, and immediately cried and dried up, "I want my life, I've been robbed of my property. , Those robbers and horse thieves who killed a thousand swords even pulled out my only golden tooth, these flocks of beasts! "

"Stop!" Guan Heng snarled innocently: "Fat, don't rush into grief first, I ask you, what the **** is going on? Make things clear and you won't cry anymore."

"Oh, there's nothing more to say." The fat man drew together and wiped his tears with his sleeve. He said, "I was going to take all my possessions and go to Diagon City to buy some top treasures, and then Hoard it in your own hands, and make a lot of money at the right time, but now, there is nothing ... "

"Just now, twenty or thirty robbers didn't know where they came from." Hyde continued: "They beheaded the servant three or two times. Before I fell off the carriage and passed out, I saw this group of **** things moving me. Box! "

Meilu asked, "What then?"

"Then, I woke up here." Fat Hyde yelled, "Well, this time I packed all my belongings on the carriage, which is good, all cheap cheap bandits who killed thousands of knives. "

"Hodley, do you know about the robbers here?" Guan Heng asked this because the only one of them was Hodley who was out on a regular basis. He should be familiar with the situation.

"Uh, I think it's probably a horse thief entangled in the nearby hilly area." Hodley frowned. "This group of assaults has been around the capital of Kalulu. It has been around for several years. Once the king sends troops to besiege, They immediately abandoned the nest and got into the disappearance of the old forest in the mountains. It was really a headache! "

Having said that, Hodley avoided the sight of the fat man Hyde, and lowered his voice to Guan Heng and Prang. "We used to suspect that within the capital of the King Capital, some people ventilated the horse thieves, and there was a link between them."

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng and Prang looked at each other, and his face suddenly added a little dignity.

"Fat, what are you going to do now?" Guan Heng glanced at Hyde sitting on the side of the road, and then asked: "Aren't you going to return to the capital?"

"Well, I would never dare to return to Wangdu." Fat Hyde said with a bitter smile. "Recently, my business turnover has been sluggish, and my normal heart is too soft, which has led many regular customers to credit in the store ..."

Having said that, Hyde gave a glare to Prang, who whispered in guilty conscience and turned away from looking at him. Hyde went on to say: "The money on the carriage is all I have, and I have borrowed a lot of money. , I intend to use this magic weapon trade fair to earn an emergency fund, otherwise my store will be closed and I will go bankrupt! "

"He seems to be serious." Guan Heng glanced at Prang, Meilu, and Hordley: "How do we place this fat man? Prang said with a smile: There are three ways to do it, let me do it, and let it be The fat man will die on his own. Maybe he will be crushed into a stuffing cake by his creditor. "

"Well, let's give him a few dollars to let this fat man run away from debts, how far ..."

"Uh ?!" Fat man Hyde turned pale when he heard this. He has been a solid businessman for decades, and is used to it. If he is allowed to die in the hands of creditors or drift away to hide debts, it is really worth living!

Guan Heng glanced at Hyde and said to Prang with a smile: "There is only one way left."

"Hyde, anyway, you are now carrying a debt, you might as well go ahead with us and go to the trade fair of Digon."

Guan Heng smiled and said to the fat man: "You must know a lot about the black-and-white and magic martial arts fairs of Digun City for many years in business. I, Prang, and Meilu just need a guide and assistant. Hey, let me first Paying you back in advance gives you peace of mind. "

Guan Heng said, taking out a bag from the space ring and throwing it to Fat Hyde: "There are fifty Warcraft nuclei in it. After the sale, you have the capital to turn around. In addition, when I left Digon City, I I can give you the same number of nuclei. "

"Ah ?! I'm not dreaming?" Hyde pulled open the bag in his hand, pulled out a crystal nucleus from the inside and watched it in the sun, and murmured in his mouth: "Oh my god, it's really Warcraft Crystal Nuclei, although the quality is slightly worse, after all, it is very valuable. "

Hyde raised his head and asked blankly, "Isn't I dreaming? Who will slap me and tell me if this is true or false ..."

"Slap!" Before Hyde finished, Baron Prang's slap in the face was unceremoniously: "This is me!"

"Woohoo--" The fat man slaps and immediately turns three and a half laps in place. The next moment, Hyde clenches his hands tightly in his pockets, and covers his face with a cry: "It hurts, it hurts! Hahaha-all this Not dreaming, it's true! "

"Would you like to slap another one?" Said Pang, who was very insidious. "I remember you bought me some inferior products ..."

"No no no, no need!"

"Oh!" Don't look at Hyde's fat body, but he was moving like a rabbit, and he hid behind Guan Heng in a blink of an eye. He said, "From now on, you are my boss. Fate is from. "

"Oh, here is an additional person who is familiar with Digon City, and it will be easier to find those who have detained Melo's dad." With this in his mouth, Guan Heng turned his head and asked Meilu: "The creditor sent them What did the letter say? "

"Well, I think ..." Meilu nodded on her forehead and said, "At that time, because of the tight time, I was a little panicked, so I left the letter aside, and I didn't take it with me. On the letter It seems to just write, let me wait at the east gate of Digun City, and someone will come to me naturally. "

"Well, that's it. For other things, let's ask Hyde carefully on the road." Guan Heng asked at this time: "Who knows where there are villages and towns that sell horses and animals. Now Hyde has one more person, so he can't let him delay his time what."

"I know that there are often more than twenty miles away. There is a small village." Hodley said, touching his chin. "There are few people there, but there are still a few residents. Buying a bad horse should not be a problem."

"Well, let's go to that small village." Guan Heng said a basket of horse reins. "It's noon now. When we get to that village, I'm afraid we'll stay there for the night and hurry up on the road."

The others agreed, and began to move in the direction of the small village. Before they came out of Qilu or Bali Road, they met two woodcutters on the roadside.

—— [Fourth more in 2016.2.21, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to pray for Tibetan mastiff | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~】 ——

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