Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 841: White thorns (fifth more outbreak)

After inquiring, the coward told them that in the small village in front, only the head of the village had extra horses, so Guan Heng and others went to the head of the village to discuss buying horses, and the village head was hospitable. Late, then continue on the road.

Saying goodbye to the widower, Guan Heng said to Prang and Hordley: "Our luck seems to be good, the horse and the accommodation are all settled, go ahead!"

When Guan Heng and his party rushed to the unknown village, it was already dusk, so they inquired about the path, and soon found the village chief's house, and were warmly received by the other party.

However, at dinner, the village chief told them some bad news.

"You want to go to Digun ?! I'm afraid it's a bit difficult now," said the old village chief at the dining table. "Because the road there is now blocked by some strange plants."

Meilu asked, puzzled, "What a weird plant?"

"Alas." The village chief sighed. "It is a tall and weird cactus, which has blocked the roads between them."

All the people present were surprised, and they inadvertently thought: "What kind of cactus will seal the roads of humans?"

"Well, old man." Guan Heng groaned and asked the village chief casually: "Have you ever seen those plants like this?"

"Er, the people in the village haven't passed by there in the past few weeks, but I ran there a few days ago and looked at it." The village chief recalled: "Those cacti are 30 meters high, Strangely, they are not green, they are off-white! "

Hearing here, there was no reaction among the people present, only Heng and Prang looked at each other and whispered a name: "White thorns ..."

This plant, white thorns, is one of the seven spirit trees blessed by the goddess of nature in the Elven Forest. It has tenacious vitality and high survival rate due to artificial cultivation. Therefore, this plant is not famous for its preciousness, but is said to be Yes-synonymous with death.

If only a small amount of white thorns survive, it is also a precious enchanting material in the Elven Forest. Use it to make long shafts and arrow shafts with arrows, which are solid and durable, and their strength is not much weaker than steel.

In addition, white thorns are things that wind magicians like to use, and they can be used to make various enchantment items related to wind magic.

However, the elven clan is extremely strict in the cultivation and care of this white thorn, and it is never dare to allow this white thorn to be grown in large quantities outside the elven clan. This is why the white thorn is known as the death synonym, because I do not know when Since then, this kind of plant once blessed by the goddess of nature has been used by some caring people to do evil.

Hundreds of years ago, some magicians invented a method that can promote the growth of white thorns, which allows the plant to spread infinitely, thereby covering a large area of ​​land, and greedy people harvest white thorns to make huge profits.

However, there will be extremely serious consequences-the more places where white thorns spawned by magic appear, the water there will dry up quickly, and the area will become a lot of sand.

When people noticed these things, one-fifth of the Ashton continent has become a desert. This disaster has directly caused countless civilians to lose their homes and land, and people are constantly falling to death. This disaster, In the later historical data records, he was given the title of "white disaster".

"If it is white thorns, then it will be difficult. These things will dry up the water source and cause the land to lose its vitality." Prang whispered to Guan Heng. "It is strange that plants like this have always rarely appeared in Outside of the Elven Forest, somehow it appeared in this backcountry, and still near the capital of Kauru. "

At this time, Guan Henggang explained to White Hyde, Hyde and Hodley, and he turned to Hodley and said, "Isn't there a way to curb the white thorn's crazy growth? Haven't you heard of it?"

"I know." Prang replied, "It is to use large-area fire magic to completely burn these white thorns, because they will wither from the roots when they come into contact with the magic flame. People used to deal with it in the past. "

"That's right." Guan Heng pointed to his nose and smiled easily: "Melu and I will both use flame magic, I believe those white thorns can't stop our way!"

"That's it, Brother Fuxing ..." Mei Lu said just now, and saw Guan Heng glaring at himself, so he changed his words in a hurry: "Guan Heng is right, my fire wave is indeed a large area of ​​fire magic, There should be no problem with these white thorns. "

The old village chief, who was making tea for everyone, heard the words, and said happily, "This is great. Don't hide a few from saying that these weird and huge plants are giving us a headache."

"Our place is remote and there are a lot of necessities. Everyone needs to buy them far away, or wait for merchants to sell in the village," said the village chief. "But after the road is blocked by huge plants, everyone You have to go a long way to get out of the village. If a few people can help dispose of the plants, thank God! "

"It's also good. It helped us clear the obstacles and did a good thing." Guan Heng smiled and said to Meilu, "It's a lot of joy."

After dinner, everyone was speechless all night. In the early morning of the next day, Guan Heng and the others led by the village head to the avenue covered with huge plants.

Looking up, Guan Heng held his shoulders for a long time, and then said to Prang: "I haven't seen anything in kind, but these things are exactly the same as the white thorns recorded in the book. What do you think?"

"I think it's white thorns." Prang squatted next to a plant at this time, carefully inspected and said, "The gray-white appearance is very similar, and the ground here is completely dehydrated and a large area appears. The cracked and dry state should be sure! "

"Oh!" Hodley next to him looked a little frizzy. He reached out and pulled out his sword, and chopped it on the off-white plant. As a result, there was only a light white mark on the sword's position in the plant.

"Hard thorns!" Hodley exclaimed. "This thing is harder than a stone."

"Let's try it." Meilu said, taking out her short-handled staff, gathering a few elements of fire for a moment, a fireball quickly formed, and then thrown into the thorns.

"Boom!" The fireball burst into a split position, and a few white thorns were crackled instantly, but the flames extinguished quickly.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.2.21, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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