Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 842: Clear obstacles (first)

Guan Heng looked at him, frowning, and said, "The attack effect of the primary fire department is not very good. It seems that these white thorns have been mutated under the magical birth. Meilu, immediately try it with the intermediate fire wave technique!"

"Okay." Mei Lu's jaw promised, and immediately gathered her fire element again with her staff. At this time, Guan Heng noticed that the hair ends of her braid were slightly red, and Guan Heng thought to herself: "It seems Mei Lu It has been able to gradually control the elements of fire that are easy to run away in the body, and progress has been made. "

"Drink! The art of fire waves—" Mei Lu suddenly vibrated the short-handed staff in her hands, and a rolled wave of flames slammed into the large white thorns in front of her.

The sound of "Boom! Click, crackle" was endless. These flames turned into crimson beasts, biting and eating thorn plants.

At this moment, Guan Heng narrowed his eyes and observed carefully, he secretly said: "It seems that the intermediate flame magic is really much better. I just don't know which **** guy. He has used magic to spawn so many white thorns. What the **** do you want to do? "

"Guan Heng, my fire waves have burned a lot of thorns!" Mei Lu turned around at this time and said, "It seems to work."

"Well, don't stop, I'll do it together." Guan Heng said, taking out the metal cylinder, letting out the gold-eyed finch, shouting to it: "Big bird, immediately make a flame swirl of thorns in front!"

The golden-eyeed bird hissed in the air, the bird's beak spread out, and it suddenly sprayed a large stream of red flames. It swept across the white thorns within dozens of meters. Its spiritual flame was very fiery and endless. The smoke rose, the thorns were crackled, and the coils shrank one by one, and in the blink of an eye, it was burned into black coal.

Taking advantage of this, Guan Heng was not idle. He suddenly gathered a large number of fire elements in his hands. A flaming undead bird quickly condensed to form, Guan Heng's arm flicked, and he threw it toward the white thorns that were still burning. !!

The fiery fire power of the flaming undead bird must surpass the golden vortex's flame vortex and the beautiful dew of the fire waves. After it flutters, those white thorns blocking the road have opened a wide road.

In this scene, the old village chief, Hyde, Prang, and Hodley were all stunned, their chins were almost astonished!

"My obedience ... Is Guan Heng so powerful?" Hodley grinned as he felt the beard on his chin. "I thought he was just a swordsman with a fighting spirit. I didn't expect that even magic was so proficient. Guan Heng's It's too scary. "

"Well, I feel the same, I always think that Guan Heng is hectic, and he won't be very powerful." After wiping the sweat on his head, Prang nodded and said, "I didn't expect him to be so powerful.

Under the fire attack of Guan Heng, Meilu and the golden-eye finch, white thorns were continuously burned to the ground, and instantly turned into coke. The old village chief saw this scene and kept praying in a low voice: "The gods are here Thank God, these **** spiny plants are finally wiped out. "

This three-to-four-meter-high white thorn also stretches for a few kilometers. Although the three types of fire magic attacks are powerful, they burned for more than ten minutes before they burned most of the plants.

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly noticed a flash of red light in the burned thorn bushes, his body moved, and he disappeared in a moment, and then fell to the place where the red light appeared.

"This is ... the red crystal used to promote plants ?!" Guan Heng looked at what had been half-buried in the ground before groaning and concluded: "It seems that the guy who put this thing here still means It ’s really vicious that this Crimson Devil Crystal not only can give birth to white thorns, but also absorbs the vitality of other animals and plants to increase its power. "

A glance around the crystal of red crimson demon is full of dead animals and dead bones of Warcraft. Guan Heng knows that if this evil door thing is still left here, it will continue to absorb vitality and transform energy, allowing white thorns to breed from the soil again.

"You have to find a way to destroy it or remove it." Staring at the Crimson Devil Crystal, Guan Heng secretly said, "This is the way to do it once and for all, otherwise the thorns will be burned, but the symptoms will not be eliminated."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng reached out to grab the red crystal and pulled it out of the soil with force. "Bang!" The magic crystal, which was so tall, was loosely placed on the ground by Guan Heng. Then he carefully Looking around, I found that the bottom of this crystal is surrounded by countless thick thorns rhizomes.

"Well, it seems that all the white thorns extend from the bottom rhizome of this crystal." Guan Heng smiled slightly: "If you infer that, all the rhizomes of these thorns will be destroyed, and the white thorns blocking the road can no longer be Reborn. "

"Hoo!" A fireball was suddenly condensed in the palm of Guan Heng. For the sake of insurance, Guan Heng even mixed a trace of black fire in the fireball, and he muttered to himself: "This will burn you down!" End, farewell, harmful plants! "

"Oops! Oops! Oops ..." The thorny rhizomes at the bottom of the red crystal burned out as soon as the fireball turned. At this time, a series of sounds were heard, "Oops, click, click", this red crystal couldn't bear it The burning of the flames caused numerous cracks on his own and burst open!

"Dang ..." Turned into fragments of red crystal scattered on the ground, suddenly rolled out a few gray-white things, driven by curiosity, Guan Heng reached out and checked: "What is this?"

They are marble-shaped ball-shaped objects, grayish-white, with a strange light, and Guan Heng carefully recognized that this was the seed of a plant, and he mumbled to himself: "This, is it white thorns? Seed?"

"Hey, Guan Heng, what are you doing over there?" Prang's voice suddenly came from behind him: "These thorns have been burned clean, so let's get on our way."

A moment later, the grateful old village chief and some villagers welcomed Guan Heng and his party at the entrance of the village, thanking them for helping everyone clear the thorns that blocked the road. The village chief not only gave a horse to the fat man Hyde, but also took it A lot of food was given out for everyone to eat on the way. In this way, Guan Heng continued to start on the road.

"Prang, look, it doesn't look like a seed of white thorns?" Guan Heng took out a piece of what he had just picked up and handed it to the baron: "Have you seen any plant illustrations?"

"Uh, let me see ..." Prang picked up a seed and observed it carefully before hesitantly said, "The color is grayish, but it is a bit similar to white thorns, but I'm not sure. Otherwise, after returning to Wangdu, how about we try to plant it? "

—— [2016.2.22 The first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for a push ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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